Newsletter—SAGITTARIUS 2024
Change and new experiences feed my Soul!
Photo changes signs every 240 years, and has just moved into Aquarius through 2044. Prepare for many drastic changes and unforeseen surprises to come.
Prepare for a warmer winter – high winds, along with rain and snow
We may never be remembered for doing great, great things in life, but if we do all little things with Love, we will never be forgotten by a few, and will be remembered with warmth and a smile.
The Holidays remind us that nothing is more important than the Spiritual Life Fire dwelling within YOU.
There comes a time when you seek to comprehend the true meaning of PEACE, and how you as an individual may find that peace, a peace which the world can neither give you nor take from you.
This is one way. Visualize the blazing Star, still, and yet full of life and light. Identify yourself with the Star, with the center of that Star. Allow your energies to go into the still center of that Star. Within that center you will find that all the anxieties of material life, all the struggles that you encounter in daily life, will fall away from you. In the heart of the Star is deep, eternal peace, and within this peace you are united with those whom you love.
On a daily basis give yourself time to enter this Star Temple, this calming scene. Go into it, away from the noise and turmoil and tumult, the fears and anxieties of the material plane. There, within the center of this Star, find divine, holy peace. Hear within your Soul the music of the heavenly spheres, the music of the Holy Word, the audible life-stream which flows from the heart of the Creator.
Be still now, within your mind and body. Listen inwardly. Beneath all sound, beneath all thought, in the deep silence at the heart canter — the place of creation, you will hear the harmony of God.
—Elizabeth Joyce 12/2002
The Sun has entered Sagittarius
The sign of SAGITTARIUS is signified by the Archer or mythological Centaur and gives you cosmic relief after the ordeals of the intense Scorpio energies. An optimistic and enthusiastic demeanor sustains your one-pointed efforts and sparks a renewed sense of daring and adventure in the outside world. While your path can include sports, long-distance journeys, and philosophical inquiries, steer clear of the temptation to be a dilettante – an amateur in many fields but master of none. As you strive towards truth and wisdom, it is easy to see the universal picture but ignore practical details and then complain about hard work. The fires of this sagacious sign can entice you with illusions of greatness or turn your gaze towards clear, long-range aspirations. It is up to you to see each goal with precision, reach it, and be willing to go on to the next one.
You Sag’s will be unleashing lots of creative energy. There is a very special energy flowing through your life this month. Alignments show that you may be representing or receiving the influence of a compadre, co-father or co-parent to help you through the residue of recent tough times, and support you in your current efforts. This mentor is an authority in his field and can be a guru, or guide you on some level. This will affect your interactions with others on a local level.
Someone had freed your heart from restraint and allowed it to become open and flowing again. You can feel the love come forth like a waterfall in a mountain stream. The heaviness of Earth Signs leaves bringing a breath of fresh air and the energy of Aquarius. Take this opportunity to share, smile, and heal yourself through your interactions with those around you. If you have damages any relationships of late, apologize, ask forgiveness, and it will be yours.
Based on the Rune (Movement) and Animal (Squirrel), December 2024 brings a time of forgiveness and new beginnings. On December 6th Mars retrogrades in Leo, and moves into the water sign of Cancer, and we reunite with loved ones who may have gone astray – or with whom we had some great misunderstandings, with the sole purpose to release, let go, and reunite on clear, new loving energies. December brings a focus on your personal vibration/frequency and physical well being as well as your desire for future endeavors. It is time for the truth to come out, to build up or renew relationships, and finally let go of any negative situations or painful memories from the past. We begin a new chapter and cycle on New Year’s Eve! With the New Year’s Moon in the sign of Virgo: Your feeling of safety is now related to order and clarity, even in emotions. expect significant changes in 2025 — a year of adjustment, setting new goals and truth. All the snakes in the grass are finally exposed. (It’s the Chinese Year of the Snake — allow yourself to shed your old skin and walk away to begin anew.)
From: Medicine Cards by Sams & Carson, published by Bear & Co.
Squirrel, you have gathered
Nuts by the score,
Exactly predicting
When you’ll need more.
Teach me to take
No more than I need.
Trusting God’s mystery
To harvest the seeds.
Squirrel teaches us to plan ahead for the winter when the trees are bare and the nuts have long since disappeared. Squirrel medicine can come in many forms, as this furry creature is very diverse in nature. The erratic behavior of Squirrel has bested many a forlorn hunter, and it thus stands to reason that there are benefits to being able to circle a branch at lightening speed. This erratic behavior of Squirrel can also get nerve-wracking if you are dealing with anyone who has Squirrel medicine. Trying to calm them down enough to accomplish something may drive you nuts.
The driving power of Squirrel medicine – similar to Sagittarius energies in high gear – is a great gift. It teaches you how to gather and store your energy for times of need. It teaches you to reserve something for future use, whether it be a judgment, opinion, savings account, candles, or extra food and water. To put it into a nutshell, Squirrel is the Boy Scout or Girl Scout of the animal kingdom. They are always prepared.
At this unstable time in our world of changing times and fortunes, it is the wise person who prepares for the future. Our prophesies have all spoken of this new millennium and the changes to come. Squirrel is a friendly medicine to have, in the light of a possible future of rainy days. The next few years could be most difficult for many of us. The message at the time of Sagittarian energies of 2024, is to be prepared, but don’t go nuts with it. Love yourself enough to gather the goods that will meet your needs in a time of scarcity, even if that time never comes. Especially energy needs for the winter months ahead.
Squirrel has come into our lives at this time of Sagittarian energy – the time of continual gathering for the winter freeze. We are all being told to honor our futures by readying ourselves for change. The message is to lighten your load if you have gathered too much of the things in life that do not serve you. These things can include thoughts, worries, pressures, stresses, jobs, worn-out relationships, or gadgets that have been broken for years. In understanding the balance involved in gathering, you need to look at the idea of circulating the stock of that which you have gathered over the years. Call the nearest thrift store and give the gadgets or unwanted clothes to someone who can benefit from them. If something no longer works for you, or it has been discarded for more than two years, it is time to let it go.
Squirrel has another lesson to give to you which can aid you if you observe what is obvious, and which can prepare you for anything. It has to do with the safe place in which to put your gatherings. This safe place is an untroubled heart and mind, and that which is gathered, is put into this place to gain wisdom and caring. These energies gathered, through quiet time and reflective meditation, will set your heart and mind free, so you will know that all will be taken care of in its own time. Apply this energy to your fears about our coming future, and the fears will vanish. Replaced will be guidance and wisdom.
TURQUOISE – was considered by ancients to be a sacred stone, protective against all manners of evil and ill health. This beautiful gemstone is mined in Iran and the southwestern United States. A gift of Turquoise represents friendship and luck. Enhances psychic perception. Helps with communication with your Blessed Higher Self and Spirit Guides.
Progress—A Horse
Ehwaz represents the Rune of Movement, of physical shifts, new dwelling places, new attitudes, new life; movement also in the sense of improving or bettering any situation.
Ehwaz is the Rune of transit and transformation. There is about this Rune a sense of gradual development and steady progress, with the accompanying awareness of slow growth through numerous shifts and changes. This could apply to the growth of a business or the development of an idea. A relationship also needs to undergo changes and transformations if it is to maintain growth and life. Personal moral effort and persevering steadfastness are called for during the month of December.
Let it be said this way, “As I cultivate my nature and character, all else follows.” A horse is this Rune’s symbol because it progresses gradually. From Bronze Age artifacts we find the Sun linked to the horse. The Horse symbolized the Sun and was thought to be pulling it across the sky. In December of 2024, the Rune Ehwaz is saying you have progressed far enough to feel a measure of safety, of surety in your position. Now it is time to turn again and face the future reassured and be prepared to share the good fortune that comes. This last comment, the sharing, is significant, as it relates to the power of the Sun to foster life and illuminate all things in its Light. Be that!
You are put on notice during the time of SAGITTARIUS energies that an opportunity is at hand and should not be lost or ignored. Be certain that what you are doing, or not doing, is timely. There are no missed opportunities but we simply must recognize that all opportunities are not for us. If you are feeling blocked or clouded and unclear about what action to take, meditate on it. Consider what is timely and appropriate to your nature. The opportunity at hand may be not to act with childish or outdated responses and to grow in new strength and focus. Always remember that what is yours will always come to you.
Don’t be afraid to make the leap or take the chance.

This has always been the section for Healing Requests. Through the power of group prayers, healing take place spontaneously. You can be of help to many others, as well as your loved ones, with one minute of silence at 7:30 pm EST every Sunday evening we all gather into the energy of the Oneness, anywhere in the world. With a prayer for the recovery of health, universal energy is sent out to any and all who send in their prayer request. What is needed is the name and birth date of the ill person, along with a diagnosis, if possible. What are you asking to be lifted? When you place your request in the Healing Circle of Light—located in our Prayer Room; know that as soon as you make your Prayer request and Healing request, you will begin to see positive results!
(We have had thousands of responses. Keep the Prayers going for all concerned!)
Discover the secrets of your Astrological Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Rising Sign
and read them all together, for monthly guidance and direction.
Mercury comes out of retrograde on December 15th —
Mars opposite Pluto leads us to change – through 2025. It’s always Karmic. Get Ready!
The December 15th Full Moon in Gemini brings a renewal of energy as Mercury goes direct just in time for the Holidays. The on-line shopping returns to normal with no more delays. Potential travel for New Years arrives.
The December 30th New Moon in Capricorn brings releasing of any resentments left over from the Holidays. Your family and loved one mean well. A surprise invite arrives for New Years Eve.
Aries (3/21 – 4/20)
December holds two New Moons, the second one is a Blue Moon. If you have a desire to travel, book your plans after the15th for New Years, when Mercury turns direct. The Holidays are all about nurturing family, close friends., and your significant other. The 11th is a day to keep cool and avoid any upsets or spats. On the 15th the Full Moon in Gemini is a time to lay low. Send you cards or on-line greetings after the 15th.
Taurus (4/21-5/21)
December, the last month of 2024 is jam packed with activities and new beginnings. You are aware of some elder relatives who are ill, living at a distance. Plan a Zoom day and send love and caring gestures. There could be some delayed travel plans at New Years. Remain calm and flexible.
Gemini (5/21-6/20)
In December party season starts early for you Gemini’s. You visit family and friends at a distance who can’t be with you on Christmas Day. Children melt your heart with their kind words and thoughtful homemade gifts. Plan dinner at a festive restaurant with close friends at the Gemini Full Moon on the 15th. New Years Eve you say good-bye to 2024 with a feeling of stability through experiencing personal growth and prosperity in many ways.
Cancer (6/21-7/22)
Allow for the energy to change in December. December will not be an ordinary, traditional month for you, Cancer. As you go through the energetic twists and turns, try to remain flexible. Work higher-ups are pleased with your performance over the year and give you an unexpected, generous bonus. The week of the 15th it’s best to avoid a crowd. Try to do your shopping on-line. You prefer to stay in on New Years Eve, striving to save your strength for the busy year ahead.
Leo (7/23-8/22)
You are busy, busy, busy the entire Holiday month, Leo. Wrap up any business travel early in the month. Children are center stage, as you plan some special events for them during Christmas week. The family enjoys some indoor ice skating and dinner out at a festive restaurant. You purchase fun hats, masks. And noise makers for New Years Eve.
Virgo (8/23-9/22)
As December opens, you bring in the Holiday Spirit by wrapping up loose ends at work so you can have time for shopping, wrapping, and planning the Holiday meal. Party season begins with invitations from friends and neighbors. You purchase tickets to a fun event as a Holiday gift. You enjoy a quiet family dinner on New Years Day.
Libra (9/23-10/22)
December is a rare month, celebrating two New Moons; one on the first (Sagittarius) and one on the thirtieth. (Capricorn) You help a neighbor with their outdoor decorations early in the month. Family confirm dates for their Holiday visit on the 15th. You purchase New Years Eve tickets for a desired concert as a gift for your significant other. You’re exited about your plans.
Scorpio (10/ 23-11/22)
What a way to end the year, with two New Moons and a Full Moon in the middle. Holiday shopping may get your attention early, as you are always shopping for bargains, Scorpio. Be carful with impulse spending, A festive dinner invitation from friends during Christmas week inspires and pleases you. You invite some guests in on New Years Eve to watch the Times Square ball drop and welcome in 2025.
Sagittarius (11/23-12/21)
Beliefs are a major source of your spiritual life and an essential part of the Holiday Season. Don’t let post-election political discussions spoil the peaceful spirit of the season. Why not make it about children by focusing on their feelings and the activities they enjoy? What makes them happy? Party season begins and you share with family, partners, neighbors, friends, and new acquaintances. Christmas Day is warm and loving with lots of comforts. Leave 2024 with gratitude for achieving personal growth and begin on New Years Eve to spread cheer and optimism into 2025.
Capricorn (12/22-1/19)
December is a special time for you Capricorns. There are two New moons and a Full Moon mid-month. The state of your finances help you really feel the Holiday Spirit. You use some of those extra funds to donate to several charities who are serving meals on Christmas Day. Steer clear of travel at the Full Moon in Gemini mid-month, but a New Years get away with your sweetheart will be fun, safe, and very fulfilling.
Aquarius (1/20-2/18)
You finalize family Holiday plans as December opens. You send out your Holiday cards and e-mails after Mercury turns direct on the 15th. You plan to spend Christmas Day with a relative or friend and search the bakery for the right desert to bring. Your party, lunches, and special gathering invites fill your calendar all month. You breathe a comforting on New Years Eve that the rush and hustle is over as you spend some quiet time at home with your sweetheart.
Pisces (2/19-3/20)
Can you remember the last time we has a Blue Moon? December has two New Moons with a Full Moon in the middle of the month. On the1st, the Sagittarius New Moon is in your 10th House of career and fame and fortune. . You have a good feeling about what 2025 will bring and are anxious to bring in the Holidays. Relatives call with their arrival dates to bond and share with you. Christmas Day is busy, warm, and loving. You celebrate the New Year with anticipation for future growth and career satisfaction in 2025.
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