Nov 21, 2020 | Monthly Astrology


Newsletter—SAGITTARIUS 2020


Change and new experiences feed my Soul! 

Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter move into Aquarius in December, along with Jupiter. Photo changes signs every 240 years, Saturn every 2 1/2 years, and Jupiter every year. Prepare for many drastic changes and unforeseen surprises to come.


Prepare for a warmer winter – high winds, along with rain and snow

We may never be remembered for doing great, great things in life, but if we do all little things with Love, we will never be forgotten by a few, and will be remembered with warmth and a smile.

The Holidays remind us that nothing is more important than the Spiritual Life Fire dwelling within YOU.


christmas-snowcrystalballThere comes a time when you seek to comprehend the true meaning of PEACE, and how you as an individual may find that peace, a peace which the world can neither give you nor take from you. 

This is one way. Visualize the blazing Star, still, and yet full of life and light. Identify yourself with the Star, with the center of that Star. Allow your energies to go into the still center of that Star. Within that center you will find that all the anxieties of material life, all the struggles that you encounter in daily life, will fall away from you. In the heart of the Star is deep, eternal peace, and within this peace you are united with those whom you love.

On a daily basis give yourself time to enter this Star Temple, this calming scene. Go into it, away from the noise and turmoil and tumult, the fears and anxieties of the material plane. There, within the center of this Star, find divine, holy peace. Hear within your Soul the music of the heavenly spheres, the music of the Holy Word, the audible life-stream which flows from the heart of the Creator.

Be still now, within your mind and body. Listen inwardly. Beneath all sound, beneath all thought, in the deep silence at the heart canter — the place of creation, you will hear the harmony of God.

—Elizabeth Joyce 12/2002



The Sun has entered Sagittarius

The sign of SAGITTARIUS is signified by the Archer or mythological Centaur and gives you cosmic relief after the ordeals of the intense Scorpio energies. An optimistic and enthusiastic demeanor sustains your one-pointed efforts and sparks a renewed sense of daring and adventure in the outside world. While your path can include sports, long-distance journeys, and philosophical inquiries, steer clear of the temptation to be a dilettante – an amateur in many fields but master of none. As you strive towards truth and wisdom, it is easy to see the universal picture but ignore practical details and then complain about hard work. The fires of this sagacious sign can entice you with illusions of greatness or turn your gaze towards clear, long-range aspirations. It is up to you to see each goal with precision, reach it, and be willing to go on to the next one.

You Sag’s will be unleashing lots of creative energy. There is a very special energy flowing through your life this month. Alignments show that you may be representing or receiving the influence of a compadre, co-father or co-parent to help you through the residue of recent tough times, and support you in your current efforts. This mentor is an authority in his field and can be a guru, or guide you on some level. This will affect your interactions with others on a local level.

Someone had freed your heart from restraint and allowed it to become open and flowing again. You can feel the love come forth like a waterfall in a mountain stream. The heaviness of Earth Signs leaves bringing a breath of fresh air. Take this opportunity to share, smile, and heal yourself through your interactions with those around you. If you have damages any relationships of late, apologize, ask forgiveness, and it will be yours.

Based on the Rune (Opening) and Animal (Squirrel), December 2020 brings a time of forgiveness and new beginnings. On December 18th Saturn changes signs, and moves into the air sign of Aquarius, and we reunite with loved ones who may have gone astray – or with whom we had some great misunderstandings, with the sole purpose to release, let go, and reunite on clear, new loving energies. December brings a focus on your well being, your energy levels as well as future endeavors. It is time for the truth to come out, build up or renew relationships, and finally let go of any negative situations or painful memories from the past. We begin a new chapter and cycle on New Year’s Eve! With the New Year’s Moon in the sign of Leo, freedom, strength, and stamina are available for you to finally make some important and significant changes in 2021 — a year of Critical Decisions.


From: Medicine Cards by Sams & Carson, published by Bear & Co.



Squirrel, you have gathered
Nuts by the score,
Exactly predicting
When you’ll need more.

Teach me to take
No more than I need.
Trusting God’s mystery
To harvest the seeds.

Squirrel teaches us to plan ahead for the winter when the trees are bare and the nuts have long since disappeared. Squirrel medicine can come in many forms, as this furry creature is very diverse in nature. The erratic behavior of Squirrel has bested many a forlorn hunter, and it thus stands to reason that there are benefits to being able to circle a branch at lightening speed. This erratic behavior of Squirrel can also get nerve-wracking if you are dealing with anyone who has Squirrel medicine. Trying to calm them down enough to accomplish something may drive you nuts.

The driving power of Squirrel medicine – similar to Sagittarius energies in high gear – is a great gift. It teaches you how to gather and store your energy for times of need. It teaches you to reserve something for future use, whether it be a judgment, opinion, savings account, candles, or extra food and water. To put it into a nutshell, Squirrel is the Boy Scout or Girl Scout of the animal kingdom. They are always prepared.

At this unstable time in our world of changing times and fortunes, it is the wise person who prepares for the future. Our prophesies have all spoken of this new millennium and the changes to come. Squirrel is a friendly medicine to have, in the light of a possible future of rainy days. The next few years could be most difficult for many of us. The message at the time of Sagittarian energies of 2020, is to be prepared, but don’t go nuts with it. Love yourself enough to gather the goods that will meet your needs in a time of scarcity, even if that time never comes. Especially energy needs for the winter months ahead.

Squirrel has come into our lives at this time of Sagattarian energy – the time of continual gathering for the winter freeze. We are all being told to honor our futures by readying ourselves for change. The message is to lighten your load if you have gathered too much of the things in life that do not serve you. These things can include thoughts, worries, pressures, stresses, jobs, worn-out relationships, or gadgets that have been broken for years. In understanding the balance involved in gathering, you need to look at the idea of circulating the stock of that which you have gathered over the years. Call the nearest thrift store and give the gadgets or unwanted clothes to someone who can benefit from them. If something no longer works for you, or it has been discarded for more than two years, it is time to let it go.

Squirrel has another lesson to give to you which can aid you if you observe what is obvious, and which can prepare you for anything. It has to do with the safe place in which to put your gatherings. This safe place is an untroubled heart and mind, and that which is gathered, is put into this place to gain wisdom and caring. These energies gathered, through quiet time and reflective meditation, will set your heart and mind free, so you will know that all will be taken care of in its own time. Apply this energy to your fears about our coming future, and the fears will vanish. Replaced will be guidance and wisdom.


 turquoise TURQUOISE – was considered by ancients to be a sacred stone, protective against all manners of evil and ill health. This beautiful gemstone is mined in Iran and the southwestern United States. A gift of Turquoise represents friendship and luck. Enhances psychic perception. Helps with communication with your Blessed Higher Self and Spirit Guides.


Initiation — Something Hidden, A Secret Matter

The heretic of the mystery Rune Initiation points to that which is beyond our frail manipulative powers. This Rune is on the side of Heaven, the Unknowable, and has associations with the Phoenix, that mystical bird that consumes itself in the fire and then rises from its own ashes. Its ways are secret and hidden.

Deep inner transformation forces are at work here. Yet what is achieved is not easily or readily shared. An integrity is involved that may be masked, disguised or secret. After all, becoming whole, the means of how to achieve this, is a profound and mystic secret.

On the side of the earthly or mundane, there may well be surprises; unexpected gains are quite possible. On the side of human nature, this Rune is symbolized by the flight of the eagle. Soaring flight, free from entanglement, lifting yourself above the endless ebb and flow of ordinary life to acquire a broader vision – all this is indicated for the time of bright and lively Sagittarius in 2020. This is the Rune of question.

Another in the Cycle Runes, Perth signifies an intense aspect of initiation. Nothing external matters here, except as it shows you its inner reflection. This Rune is connected with the deepest stratum of nature and being, which is the bedrock on which your fate is founded. If need be, let go of everything, no exceptions, no exclusions. Nothing less than renewal of the Spirit is at stake.

There is a warning here of expecting to much, or expecting things to continue on in the ordinary way. For the old way has come to an end, and you cannot repeat the patterns of the past and not expect to suffer. This Rune puts you on notice to call in your scattered energies and concentrate on your own life in this moment, your own requirements for growth. More important, Initiation teaches you not to focus on the outcome of your actions and desires. Do not bind yourself to the memory of past achievements which will rob you of a true present. Staying in the moment and acting out of the now is the only time when self-change can be realized.


This has always been the section for Healing Requests. Through the power of group prayers, healing take place spontaneously. You can be of help to many others, as well as your loved ones, with one minute of silence at 7:30 pm EST every Sunday evening anywhere in the world. With a prayer for the recovery of health, universal energy is sent out to any and all who send in their prayer request. What is needed is the name and birth date of the ill person, along with a diagnosis, if possible. What are you asking to be lifted? When you place your request in the Healing Circle of Light—located in our Prayer Room; know that as soon as you make your Prayer request and Healing request, you will begin to see positive results!

(We have had thousands of responses. Keep the Prayers going for all concerned!)



Discover the secrets of your Astrological Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Rising Sign
and read them all together, for monthly guidance and direction.




Saturn changing signs, moving into Aquarius on December 18th —
leads us to change – through 2022. It’s always Karmic. Get Ready!

The Dec. 14th New Moon in Sagittarius brings a Solar Eclipse and a bit of Luck. If you are a Sag. Or Gemini, 2021 promises to be a surprising, lucky, and memorable year for you. If you’re planning to begin a new project, sign an important document ,or set an important date, best to put it off until next week.

The Dec 29th Full Moon in Cancer brings its focus on women. 2020 opened with a Full Moon in Cancer, and the two are known as bookends. They shine a bright Light on all the things we love best; gentleness, kindness, softness, along with women and feminine power.


ram Aries (3/21 – 4/20)

December brings in a strong wave of confidence and enthusiasm. Finally, you get to prepare for a change of venue next year. In 2021 life is going to give you lots of opportunities to move forward with your new awareness.  

bullTaurus (4/21-5/21)

December brings the feeling that there are not enough hours in the day to get all you have started done. This is just the beginning of finding a deeper satisfaction about who you are. The prospect of changing and embracing your new life make you want to put on the brakes. You know, the feeling that stagnation is good and safe. That just won’t fly in 2021. Embrace change from within, and you will be flying high!

twinsGemini (5/21-6/20)

December brings the awareness that the healthiest way to deal with others is to let go of any thoughts that it’s your job to meet the expectations of others. In the midst of realizing that 2020 ended much better for you than it began, you are ready to move on to bigger and better things. You have survived well from one of the most demanding years all of us have ever faced. That is a major victory; Applause, applause!

crabCancer (6/21-7/22)

Allow for the energy to change in December. In the last month of 2020, start to visualize that which you want to bring into reality. Allow the foundation of you life to leave focusing on money and security and begin to depend on your inner guidance system to bring you joy, happiness and fulfillment.

lionLeo (7/23-8/22)

In December you feel a big shift coming; one that will end the year with your hard-won optimism intact. What you have created goes from a hope to a certainty. Allow the enthusiasm and trust your heart. That way you can enter the New Year clear minded, while showing the best of who you are!

virginVirgo (8/23-9/22)

In December, life is busy from sunup to sundown and you are worried that you may run out of gas. Although the year was shy of social engagements, you are on everyone’s list this month. Spend some time with the people who matter to you. The year ends with a level of confidence you didn’t think was possible when it began. Happy New Year Virgo.

scalesLibra (9/23-10/22)

December, as 2020 comes to a close, you feel as if you’ve climbed Mt. Everest in high heels. It’s been a year where you feel you’ve been stretched beyond your ability to adapt. One where you felt like the foundation of your life might shatter, dissolve, and disappear. However, here you are on New Year’s Eve full 0f optimism and hope, ready not to “just cope” but to flourish and prevail. The gift of 2020 for you was finding what you are truly made of: courage, strength, tenacity, and love.

eagleScorpio (10/ 23-11/22)

In December, all systems are go, and you couldn’t be happier. You are truly grateful for all of the kindness and support you received and you navigated yourself through what you now see was a major crisis. You took a lot for granted and were too engrossed in your process and may not have noticed this gift. The main thing now is to say “thank you”. Accept that there is always going to be something to transform in your life.

archerSagittarius (11/23-12/21)

 In December it’s time to plan a party; a very special party. It’s titled, “I made it through 2020 and made it out alive!” After all, you deserve to celebrate what you accomplished in facing up to challenges to your identity, and whatever it is that makes your life meaningful. At New Years you feel that there isn’t anything you’re not ready to tackle. You sense there is a big change of direction in your life coming, and it’s just around the corner. You can’t see, touch, or feel it yet, but you know it’s there.  So — just bring it on!

goatCapricorn (12/22-1/19)

 December brings a feeling that there is a crowd of people stomping around your brain, stirring up a bunch of uncomfortable and unwanted feelings. Just know that this is a part of your new growing process. Your sensitivity to everything in your life overwhelms you, and you feel like running away and becoming a hermit.  2020 ends with the feeling that you are on the verge of more change; you are not sure of how you feel about that.  Remain flexible, as this shift is stepping outside of the tried and true and creating that which you desire. It’s not about pulling the rug out from under you. Press forward and enjoy


Aquarius (1/20-2/18)

December brings a sense of anticipation because you are on the verge of a kind of shift that only happens once in a lifetime. A test comes as someone from the past shows up to push your buttons. The game is “Who’s Fault Is It Anyway?” You don’t have to play; just listen and move on. At New Year’s you wonder, “What’s it like being a leader?” In 2021 you will find out.


Pisces (2/19-3/20)

As December opens you celebrate your emergence from the trials and tribulations of 2020 with a new appreciation of who you are. After shifting so much between 2019 and 2020, you sense that your path is about to shift again in 2021. You know it’s the next step to create that which you have prepared for over many years. You are filled with anticipation and excitement because you are always energized by the unknown. You feel the power of Grace, are in awe of your life as you see your dreams coming true, and you are very grateful for it.