Pisces 2025

Feb 19, 2025 | Monthly Astrology, Monthly Astrology|Stargazing

Newsletter – PISCES 2025


Knowledge is found within as I meditate and pray for my personal life answers.



Now withdraw into the rose center of your heart. Meditate on the perfect rose. The rose of twelve petals lies at the temple of your heart. It’s petals are opening to the Sun – every petal gleaming and glowing with the light. There is an ineffable Light in the heart of the rose.

Become enfolded within these petals, in a soft pearly light. You are within the temple of the rose, the Sun pours down into the heart with its glowing Amber Light—opening up the doorway to all empowering, unconditional Love. You are a part of this radiance and one with all of humanity, within the heart of the ROSE.

Allow the Light from the Masters show you how to live divinely and to rise above the dualities of this world and find peace within. Become a giver of peace and love to others. By dwelling on these higher energies and striving to emulate the qualities expressed, you will open your heart to absorb more deeply the Spirit manifested in all God-united souls. Let the strength that upholds the Universe fill your being with Light, joy, and everlasting love. Smell the fragrance emitting from the center of the rose and allow yourself to become Light with the radiance of the Universe.

May God grant me Health, Protection, and Guidance.

The Sun has entered PISCES

The sign of PISCES in March, 2025, reminds us of the entwined Fish, two spiritual energies becoming paramount, faith and compassion. Faith is the magical elixir that can vanquish hesitation, paralyzing anxiety and qualms. It can transfigure your life, offering increased psychic sensitivity, universal love and divine enlightenment. Compassion is essential now that you are in the final phase of the zodiac journey. Altruism must take precedence over egotism as empathy for all of humanity replaces individual pride and competitive tendencies. Understanding, as a broad comprehension of life’s mysteries, is the special gift of every Pisces. No matter what sign of the twelve you may be, this month can make you an imaginative visionary with the mastery to benefit others in a variety of ways.

In March most of the planets are in water, Pisces and Cancer. Venus retrogrades on March 1st through April 12th, making March a less-than-ideal time for romance and new relationships. It’s a good idea to avoid having a make-over or painting the bedroom.  Negotiations of all kinds, business, personal, or legal are likely to be difficult or non-productive with Mercury retrograde. (From March 14th through April 7th.) Try to postpone any important meetings until after that time.

As the Full Moon Eclipse shines in the alternate sign of Virgo on the 14th, the major focus will be walking a new path while balancing self-involvement with selflessness.

Once the Sun and Mercury move into Aries respectfully, dreaminess gives way to action and all that you’ve worked on and learned over the previous Era can be put to the test. The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 27th, opens up new doorways to new places or relationships.

(This information goes for PISCES Sun Sign – Moon Sign
as well as the Rising Sign.)


From: Medicine Cards by Sams & Carson, published by Bear & Co.


BADGER — Aggressiveness

Until you reach your goal
Know the inner power
That lives within your Soul.

The Badger is vicious and attacks with powerful aggression. Badger is quick to anger and quicker to pounce. The power of Badger’s medicine is aggressiveness and the willingness to fight for what it wants. The very thought of facing Badger makes other animals run for cover. Like Skunk, Badger’s reputation precedes it. It’s hissing fangs will tear less aggressive opponents to shreds.

Badger is the medicine of many powerful Shaman medicine women. Badger is the keeper of medicine roots. Badger sees all the roots of Mother Earth’s healing herbs, hanging herbs in its burrow home. These roots are key to aggressive healing.

Roots can ground negative energy into the Earth by allowing illness to pass through a body into the ground as neutral energy. Badger medicine people are quick to act in a crisis, and they do not panic.

If Badger is a part of your medicine you are quick to express your feelings and you do not care what the consequences are. Badger people oftentimes insist on carrying the ball for the touchdown. This attitude, however, does not endear them to their teammates.

Badger medicine may also point to the aggressive healer who will have the courage to use unconventional means to exact a cure. Like the mother who sits for days nursing a child with high fever, Badger is willing to persist.

Badger people can be vicious gossips, or may exhibit a “chip on the shoulder” syndrome if they are out of balance. You can be sure that people with Badger medicine will be aggressive enough to make it to the top of their chosen field, because they do not give up. They are also the finest healers, because they will use any and all methods to ensure healing, and will never give up on the critically ill.

A Badger person is often the “boss” and the one that everyone fears. That same boss will definitely keep any company afloat. Badger always gets the job accomplished. Badger certainly is a source of strength.

Badger is with us, the collective, for the Pisces season. It may be telling you that you have been too meek in trying to reach some goal. Badger is asking you how long are you willing to wait for the world to deliver your silver spoon? In this season the key is to do something about your present state of affairs. Badger is teaching you to get angry in a creative way and say, “I just won’t take it anymore.” You must follow up by keeping your eye on the goal. Honor your healing process as you express your deep inner feelings.

Be aggressive, but don’t cut others to ribbons on the way — that’s being too much aggressive. Use your anger to stop your zigzagging around so that your depression and apathy are a thing of the past. Badger is a powerful, healing medicine when properly used for self-improvement.

Remember, Badger may be signaling a time when you can use your healing abilities to push ahead in life. Heal yourself by aggressively removing the barriers that don’t grow any fruit. Cut away the dead wood and use Badger’s aggression to seek a higher consciousness and a new level of expression. Use Badger medicine and roots to keep yourself grounded in the process.

I consider this moment to be so profound that I would love to hear some of your personal experiences. Email me at 

You can also use Comments on You Tube to reach me.


AQUAMARINE —  A variety of beryl. Calms the nerves, reduces fluid retentions, strengthens kidneys, liver, spleen, thyroid. Purifies the body. Enhances calmness of mind, aids creative self-expression. Brings physical/mental/emotional balance. Helps to banish fears and phobias. Excellent for meditation, inspiration, peace, calmness, love.


 JASPER —  A variety of chalcedony. Strengthens liver, gallbladder, bladder. Powerful healer. Main impact is on the physical body. Represents our earth element. Works with the Chakras and adjusting our attitude, according to the color of the Jasper stone.


RUNE of the Month – Fertility


INGUZ — FERTILITY—New Beginnings—The Hero

This Rune is akin to the moon, to the yin, the intuitive energy with its urge toward harmonizing and adjusting the sphere of personal relationships. It embodies the need to share, the yearning to be desired, a search after similarities.

The completion of new beginnings is what Inguz requires. It may mark a time of joyous deliverance, of new life, a new path. A Rune of great power, Inguz indicates that the force is available to achieve completion, resolution, from which becomes a new beginning. It may be timely that you complete a project now. If so, make that your first priority. Perhaps a difficult state of mind can be resolved, clarified, turned around. The appearance of this Rune in the month of March, 2025, indicates that one must fertilize the ground for one’s own deliverance.

All things change and we cannot live permanently amid obstructions. With deliverance comes the release from tensions and uncertainty. As you resolve and clear away the old, you will experience a release. The period at or just prior to birth is often a dangerous one. Now it is time to enter the delivery room. Movement involves danger, and yet movement that is timely leads us out of danger. The Rune Inguz signals your emergence from a closed, chrysalis state. Prior to “breaking out” you may be required to free yourself from a rut, habit or relationship, a deep cultural pattern, or some activity that was quite proper to the self you are leaving behind.

Inguz counsels preparation. Being centered and grounded, your space cleared of all unwanted influences, and seeing the humor, you are indeed prepared to open to the Will of Heaven, and can await your deliverance with a calm certainty.

Don’t be afraid to make the leap or take the chance.


  This has always been the section for Healing Requests. Through the power of group prayers, healing take place spontaneously. You can be of help to many others, as well as your loved ones, with one minute of silence at 7:30 pm EST every Sunday evening anywhere in the world. With a prayer for the recovery of health, universal energy is sent out to any and all who send in their prayer request. What is needed is the name and birth date of the ill person, along with a diagnosis, if possible. What are you asking to be lifted? When you place your request in the Healing Circle of Light—located in our Prayer Room, – know that as soon as you make your Prayer request and Healing request – you will begin to see positive results!

(We have had thousands of responses. Keep the Prayers going for all concerned!)


present and future


Discover the secrets of your Astrological Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Rising Sign
and read them all together, for monthly guidance and direction.


The March 14th Full Moon in Virgo brings a Lunar Eclipse at 23 degrees as well as Mercury retrograde. The Moon’s beams push us to stop micro-managing our lives as well as those around us. It’s easier to build your lifepath through intuition rather than trying to “control” your reality.

The March 29th New Moon in Aries brings a Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees, which can really shake things up; especially concerning relationships. Sweet, loving romance tops animalistic passion, so keep yourself at a higher vibration.

The Personal Signs:

ram ARIES (3/21-4/20)

March is a big month for you, Aries. Three planets enter Aries, plus the eclipses. Mercury on March 3rd, the Sun on March 20, and Neptune on the 30th.  Get ready to enjoy your moment in the Spotlight. With both Venus and Mercury retrograde this month, don’t expect smooth sailing. On the 14th the Lunar Eclipse in Virgo focuses on your health. Make the diet corrections necessary to improve your body. On the 29th there’s a Solar Eclipse in Aries. Get ready to reap the benefits.

 TAURUS (4/21-5/21)

March is one of your most action-packed months in 2025, Taurus. However, all of the excitement could disrupt your routine. Keep an open mind and go with the flow to avoid any extra stress. Change can be difficult for you Taurus. Mercury and Venus, both retrograde in your 12th House, means it’s time to slow down and perhaps meditate to prevent any physical upsets, The Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 29th may be dramatic, but nothing you can’t handle. Life may be wild now but will turn out much better than you thought.

  GEMINI (5/21-6/20)

Mercury and Venus are retrograde in March, but the two eclipses are the focus of the month. Trying to turn a friendship into a romance is likely to be a bit difficult. Mercury retrograding on the 14th can lead to drama and misunderstandings. It can be fixed with patience and communication once Mercury comes out of retrograde on April 7th.  Stay grounded and calm and strive to keep out of the fray. Both eclipse’s focus on your home and relationships. Make a point of setting any boundaries you need.

crab  CANCER (6/21-7/22)

Astrologically March is a busy month with two planets retrograde along with two eclipses. As much as possible, it’s important to slow down during this time. Be sure to back up everything at work and make certain that nothing is on your computer you wouldn’t want anyone else to see, especially human resources. Under these eclipses, expect to learn, have some deep conversations, and possibly change your mind about some things. At month’s end you are entering a new era in your life, Cancer. You don’t have to take any actions. Just allow your heart and mind to be open to change.

lion  LEO (7/23-8/22)

As March opens, Venus goes retrograde on the 1st through April 12th. If things aren’t going so well with your love life, it’s probably not you; just that thing called “bad timing”. Mercury retrogrades, joined by a Full Moon Eclipse in Virgo on the 14th. This energy encourages you to examine your value system and how you want to express that in your life. Then the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Arise brings in a restless feeling; you want new people, places, and things. Remember Leo, you’re in the driver’s seat. Go ahead down that new, unknown road; create your new life.

virgin  VIRGO (8/23-9/22)

March brings two retrograde planets plus a Full Moon Eclipse in your sign. Expect plenty of surprises this month plus some inconveniences, but also some good times. Sometimes when your plans are interrupted, better ones emerge. Always trust the Universe. As Venus retrogrades back into Pisces, you may be given that second chance with romance. You know; the one you missed out on in February. The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo should be extremely powerful for you. Time to assert yourself and to remember how powerful you really are. Then the Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 27th’s New Moon brings a new you.

scales  LIBRA (9/23-10/22)

Venus retrogrades on March 1st through April 12th, making   March a less-than-ideal time for romance and new relationships. It’s a good idea to avoid having a make-over or painting the bedroom.  Negotiations of all kinds, business, personal, or legal are likely to be difficult or non-productive with Mercury retrograde. (From March 14th through April 7th.) Try to postpone any important meetings until after that time, The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 27th, opens up new doorways to new places or relationships.

eagle  SCORPIO (10/23-11/22)

In March both retrogrades, Venus and Mercury, are likely to throw your routine and habits off kilter. It’s nothing to worry about, just a reminder to make some necessary adjustments. Proofread your texts and messages, and double check your schedule before you commit to anything as well as get a second opinion on anything major. At the Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on the 14th you will be asked to help someone out, either a family member, friend, or neighbor. If you accept the opportunity, you will be rewarded as well. The Solar Eclipse in Aries at month’s end brings an opportunity for you to start creating bold new plans for your life.

archer  SAGITTARIUS (11/23-12/21)

As Venus retrogrades on March 1st. it’s important to avoid making any large purchases as well as beginning new relationships. You’ll wind up wishing you hadn’t spent the money or that your new friend wants very different things. The Full Moon Eclipse in Virgo ion the 14th is likely to make a big splash in your professional life. This energy will give you the push to success you’ve needed. The more you try new things and talk to new people the more rewarding it will be. The Aries New Moon Eclipse on the 27th reminds you that play and fun are just as important as work.

goat  CAPRICORN (12/22-1/19)

In March there are two retrogrades, Venus and Mercury, which are particularly likely to trigger misunderstandings with family members or roommates. Avoid any problems by giving others the benefit of the doubt. If you’re thinking of redecorating your home, painting, or buying new furniture, best to wait until mid-April, after these planets come out of retrograde.  The March 14th Lunar Eclipse in Virgo is a call for adventure. Whatever feels unsatisfying to you may become unbearable now. This is the time to make a change, even it it’s a bit scary. Then, the Aries Solar Eclipse at month’s end is so important for you, Capricorn. This brings a change in your living situation, a transformation of your feelings as well as a chance to learn more about your family.

water-bearer  AQUARIUS (1/20-2/18)

Two planets are retrograde in March, Venus and Neptune. You may feel a bit lonely or misunderstood until they turn back direct in April. If you’re single, this won’t be the best time for dating. You could have some misunderstandings with friends. Do you have to give them, as well as yourself, some more patience? At the Virgo Lunar Eclipse on the 14th, you have a chance to be transformed. This can be a very intense time, and whether you’ll take it and move forward is up to you. The Aries Solar Eclipse on the 29th will usher in all kinds of fresh, new activity; new projects, new studies, but most of all new friends. Time to get excited about life in general!

fishes  PISCES (2/19-3/20)

Two planets retrograde in March, joined by two eclipses. It’s going to be a fast, busy month. It’s not a good time for dating, having a makeover, or redecorating your home. Also, avoid making any large, major purchases. The Virgo Full Moon Eclipse on the 14th may bring some major changes in your relationships. Big differences could be highlighted. However, you can come out of this closer than ever before. Then, the Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse invites you to make a fresh start in your finances. You could get a windfall, an inheritance, property, or win the lottery. Whatever happens, be sure to remain true to yourself and your deeper values.

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