Feb 17, 2014 | Special Messages

Newsletter—PISCES 2014


I rise above petty problems by seeing the big picture!



Nothing matters more than the Spiritual Life Fire dwelling within YOU!

Visualize the green clover, still, and yet full of life and Light. Identify yourself with the four leaf clover, and know that luck and joy are within the center of that Shamrock. Allow your energies to go into the still center of that healing green Light. Within that center you will find that all the anxieties of material life, all the struggles that you encounter in daily life, will fall away from you. In the heart of the Shamrock vibrates a deep, eternal peace, and within this peace you are united with those whom you love.

On a daily basis give yourself time to enter this place of abundance, this calming scene. Go into it, away from the noise and turmoil and tumult, the fears and anxieties of the material plane. There, within the center of this luck and balance, find divine, holy peace. Hear within your Soul the music of the heavenly spheres, the audible lifestream which flows from the heart of the Creator.

Be still now, within your mind and body. Listen inwardly. Beneath all sound, beneath all thought, in the deep silence at the heart of creation, you will hear the harmony of God.


The Sun has entered PISCES

The sign of PISCES in March, 2014, reminds us of the entwined Fish, two spiritual energies becoming paramount faith and compassion. Faith is the magical elixir that can vanquish hesitation, paralyzing anxiety and qualms. It can transfigure your life, offering increased psychic sensitivity, universal love and divine enlightenment. Compassion is essential now that you are in the final phase of the zodiac journey. Altruism must take precedence over egotism as empathy for all of humanity replaces individual pride and competitive tendencies. Understanding, as a broad comprehension of life’s mysteries, is the special gift of every Pisces. No matter what sign of the twelve you may be, this month can make you an imaginative visionary with the mastery to benefit others in a variety of ways.


Based on the Rune (Joy) and Animal (Bat), March 2014 brings a time of more violent weather conditions, with blizzards and tornadoes. Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush announce their plans to run for the 2016 election in late March or early April. It’s time to see through the darkness as Obama tries to change the constitution so that he can run a third term. Calmness and a touch of Spring finally arrive at month’s end. We may lose another major star, such as Jerry Lee Lewis.

From: Medicine Cards by Sams & Carson, published by Bear & Co.


Sacred Bat flew to me
From the darkness of the cave.
Womb-like reflections,
Answers it gave,
Birth, death, rebirth,
Cycles of the whole,
Never-ending, just eclipsed,
The journey of the Soul.

Seeped into the mystery of most American tribual rituals is the legend of the Bat. Akin to the ancient Buddhist belief in reincarnation, in Central America, Bat is the symbol of rebirth. The Bat has for centuries been a treasured medicine of Aztec, Toltec, Toulcan, and Mayan peoples.

Bat embraces the idea of shamanistic death. The ritual death of the sacred healer is seeped in secrets and highly evolved initiation rites. Shaman death is the symbolic death of the initiate to the old ways of personal identity. The initiation that brings the right to heal and be called shaman is necessarily proceeded by ritual death. Most of the rituals are brutally hard on the body, mind, and spirit. In light of today’s standards, it can be very difficult to find a person who can take the abuse and come through it with their balance intact.

The basic idea of ancient initiations was to beak down all former notions of “self” that were held by the shaman-to-be. This could entail brutal tests of physical strength and psychic ability, and having every emotional “button” pushed hard. Taunting and spitting on the initiate was common, and taught him or her to endure the duress with humility and fortitude. The final initiation step was to be buried in the earth for one day and to be reborn without former ego in the morning.

This ritual is very similar to the night of fear practiced by natives of Turtle Island, and to the Egyptian initiation practiced in the Great Pyramid at Giza. (Read Initiation by Elizabeth Haisch)

As the darkness of the grave has its place in these rituals, so does the cave of the Bat. Hanging upside-down is a symbol for sacrifice, and learning to transform your former self into a newborn being. This is also the position babies assume when they enter the world through the womb of a woman.

Bat has appeared for the energies of Capricorn, and this symbolizes the need for a ritualistic death to some way of life that no longer suits your new growth pattern as the New Year opens. This can mean a time of letting go of old habits, and of assuming the position in life that prepares you for rebirth, or in some cases Spiritual Initiation. In every case, Bat signals rebirth, a new beginning for some part of yourself or the death of old patterns. If you resist your destiny, this can become a long, drawn out or painful death of the old or a change in the way of living. The Universe is always asking you to grow into your future. To do this, you must die the shaman’s or Egyptian’s death.

CRYSTAL FOR MARCH — Aquamarine, Jasper

Aquamarine —
A variety of beryl. Calms the nerves, reduces fluid retentions, strengthens kidneys, liver, spleen, thyroid. Purifies the body. Enhances calmness of mind, aids creative self-expression. Brings physical/mental/emotional balance. Helps to banish fears and phobias. Excellent for meditation, inspiration, peace, calmness, love.

Jasper — A variety of chalcedony. Strengthens liver, gallbladder, bladder. Powerful healer. Main impact is on the physical body. Represents our earth element. Works with the Chakras and adjusting our attitude, according to the color of the Jasper stone.




Wunjo is the Rune of the fruit bearing branch and quite appropriate as we are in the month of harvest. With the beginning of a completion energy, the term of trial is ended and you have come in to yourself in some regard. The shift that was due has occurred and now you can freely receive its blessings, whether they be in material gain, your emotional life or in a heightened sense of your own well-being. This is an alchemical moment in which understanding is transmuted from knowledge. The knowledge itself was a necessary but not sufficient condition. Now you can rejoice at having been carried across the gap by the Tao, the Holy Spirit.

Joyousness accompanies new energy, energy that was blocked before now. Light pierces the clouds and touches the waters just as something lovely emerges from the depths. The Soul is illuminated from within at the meeting place of Heaven and Earth, the meeting of the waters.

There is a new clarity, which may call for you to renounce existing plans, ambitions, goals. It is proper and timely that you submit, for Wunjo is a Rune of restoration causing the Self to become properly aligned with the Blessed Higher Self. You will enter into the State of Being.

Things may be slow in coming to fruition. The process of birth is long and arduous with fears for the safety of the child within. A crisis, a difficult passage, if ever so brief, may be at hand. Consideration and deliberation are called for, because light and shadow still exist and are intermixed so doubt and sarcasim may interfere with joyousness if this period is not understood as a timely process for your Soul growth. So stop your anxiety and ask yourself whether you possess the virtues of seriousness, sincerity and emptiness. To possess these virtues is to also have tranquility, which is the path to clarity, patience and perseverance.

Seen in the light of truth, the pathway of life is a test. Stay focused in the present, remaining sincere towards others, trusting your process, and you will know that you cannot fail.


This has always been the section for Healing Requests. Through the power of group prayers, healing take place spontaneously. You can be of help to many others, as well as your loved ones, with one minute of silence at 7:30 pm EST every Sunday evening anywhere in the world. With a prayer for the recovery of health, universal energy is sent out to any and all who send in their prayer request. What is needed is the name and birth date of the ill person, along with a diagnosis, if possible. What are you asking to be lifted? When you place your request in the Healing Circle of Light—located in our Prayer Room; know that as soon as you make your Prayer request and Healing request, you will begin to see positive results!

(We have had thousands of responses. Keep the Prayers going for all concerned!)


Discover the secrets of your Astrological Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Rising Sign and read them all together, for monthly guidance and direction.


The March 16th Full Moon in Virgo brings a time to wind up projects, finish activities, and generally bring things to a natural conclusion.

March 30th New Moon in Aries brings a time when you could run into some trouble if you try to start up the engine on a new project. If you want a new beginning, then find a way to preserve the past before you transition into the future

The Spring Equinox Leads us to New Beginnings – Flowers, Pets, and Spring.



Aries (3/21 – 4/20)

You’ve been trying for a very long time to restore peace the best way you can. Well, congratulations. You may have been pulled inward, which is not you usual state of affairs. Look for finalizing news of the best kind on the 13th. Expect a reunion.

Taurus (4/21-5/21)

You need to be a bit more daring at work and a lot more daring personally. If you’ve been spending more time than usual with someone you usually think of platonically, you may be surprised to learn they are not on the same page. Surprise! Love often hides where we least expect it.

Gemini (5/21-6/20)

March 1st brings time to revisit a decision. You may also find that you are not getting the information you need. Be patient and hold back for a week or so. The good news is the small financial windfall you may receive around the 15th. Your first instinct may be to spend it on the family, but what about you, Gemini?

Cancer (6/21-7/22)

There are two New Moons this month, and the Pisces new Moon opens your psychic sensitivity. The Aries New Moon on the 30th urges you to make a brand new start with your career. How about a home-based business?

Leo (7/23-8/22)

wonder why you were so mad in the first place. Time to set your ego aside, reach out, and you will have a receptive audience.

Virgo (8/23-9/22)

Appearances and your physical condition are highlighted as March opens, Virgo. It’s time to make some changes in the first impression you leave others. That means you may need to trade in your jeans for a business suit, or opt on focusing on your daily habits to make them positive and productive. Work out, start walking, and put the breaks on unhealthy behavior.

Libra (9/23-10/22)

You will be busy with work in March, but don’t overdo, as it could strain your health. This is a great time to investigate holistic medicine, yoga, meditation, or energy healing, to help release stress. Prepare for romance, big-time! You also may be on the verge of finding a new source of income, one that you’ll really love.

Scorpio (10/ 23-11/22)

Two New Moons in March gives you the chance to start over, Scorpio, in two very different areas of your life. If you’ve been lingering a little bit longer during Happy Hour, you need to change that. Also, at month’s end you may be urged to change a few more health habits that aren’t working for your best interest.

Sagittarius (11/23-12/21)

The New Moon on March 1st brings a quality of excitement to your life. You want to have adventures with your children or your current flame. If you are unattached you can expect a parade of admirers now, introduced to you by your oldest son, siblings, friends and neighbors. Your sense of humor is running high as well, and no one will take you the wrong way, at least for now.

Capricorn (12/22-1/19)

Your business skill are famous, and as March opens you’ll instinctively know that you must put a business matter on hold for now. This may mean passing on a new position offered, and you may wonder, or ignore your gut feelings. Don’t! You know what you’re doing, Cap.

Aquarius (1/20-2/18)

March brings you two new changes, Aquarius, and you’ll love every minute of it. Your entrepreneurial ambitions are highlighted, but be sure to do this with a partner and/or support group. You’ll be the romantic magnet now, and attract all kinds. Be cautious but don’t miss your chance.

Pisces (2/19-3/20)

As March opens, Pisces, you are set to have the time of your life. You might want to share it with someone who shows up out of your past, unexpectedly, and the potential to forget any bad times will be hard to resist. Just make sure this new beginning is on your terms. If in any kind of legal battle, matters could be delayed until month’s end, but work out in your favor.

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