Numerology is the concept that all of life, known and unknown, is shaped by vibration and a specific creative moment of universal energy. As this energy moves and flows, it takes the shape of the wind, the sun, the ocean, the dove and all physical embodiments. From this flow and the energies describing it, you can interpret a life direction for your own individuality. You can see your purpose, your goals and your obligations. Your name and your date of birth represents a chemical formula which directs your Karmic Pathway represents completion, not new beginnings. You can gain a lot of information pertaining to your lover, your parents, your children, your in-laws, your boss, etc. by learning these numerology cycles.
Your Personal Month: Your Personal Month pertains to the year you are living in from January to December, Regardless of the month and day of your birth. We each have a monthly vibration as well as yearly cycles. So, first find your Yearly Cycle number, then read the monthly vibration for that yearly cycle. Calendar – Months – Numbers: January…. -1, February….-2, March…….-3, April…….-4, May………-5, June……..-6, July……..-7, August……-8, September…-9, October…..10=1, November….11=2, December….12=3
How to Figure Your Personal Year for Monthly readings: To find your yearly cycle: add the Personal Year Number, which is #5 for 2021, to the Calendar month and birthday. You will be surprised and astonished as to how this will reveal what you are doing and what you will need to do during the current month. EXAMPLE: March 16 Birthday = 3 + 7 (= 10=1) (Then add the year – and 2021 = 5) This Birthday is a #6 Personal Year. Now add the number of the month and day of your birth to the number of the current year (1 + 5 = 6) Scroll to the #6 Personal Year and read your message for each month. January, February, March, etc.
Personal One Year: The #1 year brings the planting of a seed; new beginnings with a promise for growth and reward. You are capable of executing the most difficult things. You are now entering the first year of a nine year cycle which will shape your life and progress through the next decade. This year you will be tested as to the strength of your character to see if you are prepared for the next round of life experiences. The feeling and desire to move forward, to improve situations, to do something about your present condition, to get on in the world, will influence your thoughts and desires. Possessions will wear out and need to be repaired, renewed, revamped, remolded, requiring time and planning. Even our character needs remolding on occasion. A One Personal Year is a year of renewal.
The inner struggle as to what you should do or not do will be felt deeply this month. Many of your old problems will still be there. Do not be afraid to move forward for general improvement. Join with friends in their spiritual interests. Your friends are important and they will help you if you will listen to their ideas. You will be very sensitive and emotional with your feelings and perhaps not realize it, and even a bit inclined to assert your rights. This is from the pain you carried over from your Nine Personal Year. You can be firm and determined, but be sure to remain friendly. Try not to let your annoyances and frustrations show. Don’t talk a lot or out of turn in your determination to go forward with your own plans. Others may think you are foolish or headstrong. If you are friendly and warm hearted, along with using good judgment, you will manage to get a lot of help and find that the outline for your plan is becoming clearer in your mind. Impulsive, headstrong behavior will be sure to bring you only deep regret. Buy something new for yourself, take a short vacation, give a party or add inspiration and imagination to your work. Bring color and enjoyment into your life.
Personal Year Two The waiting and planning for new growth. Spiritually, this year shows you how to have faith and how to work with others. You gain belief that the creative forces are there and helping you from behind the scenes. Your approach to this year will be very different from last year. Your self-interest, determination, and initiative are no longer needed. Your focus and inner direction will still be underlying all that you do, but success and results will be now and not delayed. Through diplomacy, cooperation, and unity that you establish between yourself and those you are depending on, you will experience favorable results. In fact, all through the two year cycle, agreements and harmonious relationships in business or human association depend on your willingness to share, when mutual benefits are required. Your future, your next seven years will reflect all that you do now. The need for tactful approach in all dealings and undertakings is vitally important. Remembering to exercise patience when delays seem to hold up progress is the background for your ultimate success.
This will be a very practical month. There is much work to be done as a result of last month’s creative ideas and plans, with many details to be attended to, because of the needs of others as well as yourself, and your desire for more order and security. Without this practical management, delays could come up to force you to become more efficient and careful in regard to your association and agreements with those who will be a part of your future. This work should be of an interesting nature as well as practical, including contracts and papers to read, understand and take care of, perhaps of a legal nature. Many small irritations, due to slow moving results, will demand patience and good disposition. Be sure you understand what others want as well as what you want. Take care of your health as well as that of family and friends. This necessity could be part of the practical needs for February. Friends may still be enjoyed, as they bring you help and inspiration. However, in regard to your personal affairs, decide to go ahead with the plans you have in mind and meet any opposition with courtesy, diplomacy and cooperation. In this way, you are creating a practical foundation for further progress and your own good.
Personal Three Year: A sprout is showing. Some green leaves are coming to the surface. Fertility begins, showing that there is a lot of unseen energies helping to create your goals. Patience and devotion will bring success. This year belongs to you, even though you may be involved in the affairs of others. We are never entirely free from duty and responsibility. However, there comes a time now and then when we have the need and right to think about our own affairs and what we want to do and about what seems personally important to us alone. Otherwise, we would never find our real selves or discover our own true worth. Life would be dull if entirely dominated by the demands of others. This is the year to believe in yourself and the ideas that you have been carrying in your heart and mind, but may never have expressed. At least dream about them. Dreams have a way of coming true in the most surprising ways!
This is a very important month during your Number Three Personal Year. You may be feeling a bit down and that too much depends on you. The inclination to act impulsively must be guarded against. Unexpected happenings due to others come and go throughout the entire month. What you had planned and hoped for might not go forward as you had envisioned. This is a good time to make changes for advancement and more personal opportunity, but not from restlessness or over-confidence. Base your plans and actions on practical considerations as well as personal desires. Do not bottle up your emotions, but work them out in a constructive manner, for yourself and all concerned. Children, young people, or family may be a part of the problem. Do not quarrel, for at this time haste, temper, or resentment could start you on a detour or delay until well in to the fall months. Don’t talk too much about yourself or your plans. In fact, all this year be careful of careless words and conversation which could prove to boomerang. Keep busy and meet all surprises with resourcefulness and versatility. Wasted emotion could lead to accidents or delays and poor health. Changes are in the air to clear the way for your own general progress, so plan for them. Apply yourself, use your head, and don’t wait for others to come to your aid at this time.
Personal Four Year: The seed is growing, needs to be watered and weeded. This is a year of effort and hard work. Money begins to come in as well as others helping you to establish foundations. Align yourself with others and come to agreements. Focus your efforts for ten times the success. This is the Year of Opportunity for a Number Four Personal Year and it brings a serious tone. It is one of the practical periods in your life and not a time for dreaming and personal indulgence. Dreamtime is over. It is now time to set goals and build foundations. This is a building year based on steady application to assure the results of your labors. It is time for thinking in terms of order, system, good management, and economic procedure to establish a stable and secure future. The progress of the year may seem slow, but time will be needed to establish a firm foundation upon which your future depends. This is not necessarily a problem, but simply one of those times when it is entirely up to you to develop and know where you stand in life and how to be practical about it. All of your affairs, living conditions, family matters, and business activities should be given economic consideration to establish stability and a firm base for future growth and dependability. A lot of application and attention to details will be a part of the yearly and monthly requirements.
This will be a very busy month because of the things accomplished and the plans you now have in mind. It is time to get down to more conscientious work and to set the schedule and routine which will be a part of the year’s work. You are likely to realize more fully now that there is work to be done, demanding patience, application, along with attention to detail if you are to get established or attain concrete results, which are necessary for peace of mind and upon which to build your future. There are obligations to be met, which you cannot rightly escape, and much work to accomplish, both inside the home and out in the business world. It may seem to you that others are imposing on you or taking advantage of you, and this is probably true, but these difficulties can be adjusted through talking things over, facing facts, and placing the parts of the burden where they rightfully belong. Take the mindset to be helpful and try to bring peace and harmony to situations, for this will save the association and the friendship too. Remember that this is your year for practical work and accomplishment and for digging in and doing what you know must be done. It is not likely that you will get too much inspiration on a daily basis. There are many nice things to be experiences throughout this year, but these come through your willingness to do the work and to meet the necessities of the moment. Family matters must be taken care of and relatives may begin to present problems, but don’t take on more than you can stand, or what is right for you to do, even though you are helpful in attitude and are willing to assist them. Avoid resentments and hard feelings so as to prevent quarrels or arguments which will get you nowhere. Look after your health now as will as your finances. Do not allow small illnesses or troublesome conditions go without attention.
Personal Five Year: From now on you will expand your growth. Things are firmly established and you move forward. Use discernment. Be cautious and remain alert. A good year for romance, travel, and money. People will come and go. Definitely a time of progressive action. This year has many things to tell you. It is a time when new projects can be undertaken and when new interests are likely to come into your life. The year will have a strong bearing on your future, as the Number Five Personal Year is a year of progress and growth and demands that you be alert and “up-to-the-minute” as to what is going on in the world of progress and opportunity. As this year opens, you will sense, subconsciously, that new opportunities and new conditions are in the air waiting to be taken advantage of. They may appear as changes, even ups and downs, or perhaps as the unexpected. You are again given the opportunity to move forward, rather than to “stay put” in the old routine of last year. To go with the flow of progress, as they say. So put your best foot forward for general and all-around improvement in your life-style. The trend of positive events during the year comes in the nature of new opportunities and experiences. Change of environment, new relationships, new ideas, new contracts, new plans, more freedom, more enterprise and variety, color the events of a Number Five Personal Year. These changes may not be drastic or difficult, just a freshening of interest, even taking you into the public eye, travel, or a group activity. Even so, the old is related to the new in some way and will be a part of the progress. Your work this year will be to relate and combine the two for more success and a broader field of interest and activity.
There is much for you to think out quietly, as nothing can be gained this month by demanding or forcing the issue or through talking too much. This is very important. Changes are taking place on the inner plane and you must allow that to happen first, before the changes can take place in your outer world. Find time to be alone, to meditate and to be quiet. Consider your problem with regard to your future freedom. Use your head and plan well. Changes are impending and even though connected with some confusion, they are necessary for progress. You may feel a deep inner struggle; that you have been placed in the wrong light, or are limited financially. Guard your disposition and be thankful that you are relieved now of some of the duties of last month. Find time for rest, physically, look after your diet and take care of your health. You know that worry will gain you nothing. It only creates stress and strain on the body and mind. Relief will come, unexpectedly, to help you do what is necessary. But, through lack of self-control, use of temper, or quarrelsome methods, you could make some mistakes and delay the good will that is running through this year. This is very important right now. Stop, look, think, meditate and talk things over with your Higher Self. If you think things out to a logical conclusion, and do not be emotional, then this will be a good month.
Personal Six Year: Flowers, flowers, flowers. The buds now bloom on the rose. Your business prospers and you work hard. This is a year of family duty and responsibility. You may need to care for someone who is ill, quiet others, and make matters clear. Also, watch your health. You are now in the upward climb of your present nine-year cycle. The results of your efforts, work application and planning should begin to present themselves. A great deal of attention should be given to the ways and means by which your results may be attained. This will depend upon how you approach the work with others. Service is the keynote to results in every way and in everything you do. The Number Six Personal Year is your duty year and you should keep this in mind throughout the year. Try to make all responsibility interesting to yourself, and the demands upon you, a privilege instead of a requirement. In this way, warmth and good fellowship will make everything worthwhile, with many pleasing returns for your efforts. Your future depends on your ideals, standards, and good will towards others and you will gain by placing these assets in the forefront. In other words, in this special service year, to think only of your own well being and personal desires could bring disappointment and regret later on in your expectations and desires for success and happiness. Working together for the good of all is the foundation of human endeavor and part of the theme for a Number Six Personal Year.
This month you will be very busy as business and money management calls for organization and efficiency. You will find help or assistance coming your way and you have a great deal to consider regarding houses and property. There will be much expense, but this will be managed and friends and associates will be very helpful to you. A lot of inspiration and fun can come from this activity, even though there is much to do. This is a result of the planning of last month. Do not be extravagant now, for there is a lot of money that will need to be spent during the year, and you should keep your eye on expenses and your budget. You could have a strong impulse to throw common sense to the winds. It’s alright to indulge in moments of grandeur now and then, but on the whole, the year is slow moving, with many demands for time and money. You will need patience and executive judgment based upon experience, past knowledge, and the true value and worth of the things you desire and dream about. Right now, however, you are going to be very busy, and there is the possibility of a business trip as well as the meeting of old friends.
Personal Seven Year: Faith is required of you as well as inner development. This is your year of solitude, spiritual awareness and soul growth. You could obtain a high office or get married. Help others forget their troubles. It is a most important time for self-awareness. Down through the ages the number seven has been associated with the occult, spiritual and mystical. However, it is often called the lucky seven in relationship to material interests and activities, symbolizing the unexpected. As you make this year’s progress toward your future success, you are likely to touch or even include all of these interests in your life this year, in varying degrees, for the development of your character, better understanding of yourself, your emotions and your personal spiritual nature. You may wonder about these matters. You may even be dis-inclined to consider or continue with so-called religious interests as a necessary part of your work or for success with business affairs. But after all, each personal year of every nine year cycle is a step towards a better understanding of yourself as well as your ultimate goal in life. The Bible tells us the Lord created the world in six days and on the seventh day He took a rest. You are likely, in this Number Seven Personal Year, to feel an inner desire to be done with a lot of the work you carried on last year and the endless responsibilities. The inner drive you will be feeling at this time is to change your way of thinking, feeling and responding, and to live on a higher plane of thought and action.
This is one of the most important months of the year because it brings so many things to a head. This may not be so apparent outwardly, for right now what you are thinking, and what you want for yourself will influence your actions, and you should make an effort to think clearly and not allow yourself to be mentally confused or out of sorts. The Number Seven Personal Year is a sabbatical year, and some of your tasks, relationships, and duties must change or even be finished, through your own actions and through outside conditions. Only in this way can you eventually find the time to be more alone to read, study, or take up new mental or spiritual interests. So if you find you are more alone now and from now on this year, or that something is finished and you have little to do with what others are doing, do not mind or consider it a problem or annoyance. Just be glad that so much has been accomplished and that past duties have been completed. This month is a good time to be done with conditions or activities which you no longer feel are important to you, and you may honestly leave something behind you, or you will let go of some situation. If you do so, do it graciously and without misunderstandings or arguments. The influence of this month is for endings, but the trend is for warmth of feeling, tolerance, and compassion, even though you are withdrawing your interest or activity. This month can be a very interesting and refreshing one if you keep big in spirit and refuse any feelings of intolerance or resentment. In this way there will be a pleasing reward, and the law of attraction will begin to operate, bringing you help, unexpected good, and personal satisfaction. This month carries the prophecy of the changes, separations, and the new beginnings which your sabbatical year naturally brings to you.
Personal Eight Year: Now you are ready to display your growth, your business, and achieve results for your efforts. Corporations, organizations, groups and others help you move forward. There can also be personal loss as a close friend or family member leaves your life. Someone you have depended on in the past, perhaps due to a marriage, job transfer, college or move. The vibration of the Number “8” makes people seek you out on matters of business and promotion. You appear to be at home with this new power and all that it entails. It is obvious to others that you are in control and know exactly what you want. This year you are concerned above all with matters of this world. You have been to the mountaintop and you know that here is where the action is. You seek a complete and thorough initiation into the things of this world. “8” finds you attracted and driven towards large-scale management and business, desiring to have and control your own life situation and to be successful. You like wealth, politics, power, and the mainline scene.
This is an important month in that it is a time to take action and go ahead with your plans connected with business and family matters, especially along the lines which give you more self-expression. There is much to think about now, and it is possible that family matters or some member of the family may be a problem, but you will find the trend favorable for moving forward along almost all of the lines or plans you have in mind. The trend of events will begin to show itself and you should feel pleasure and inspiration with these activities. Take any problems in your stride, keep a firm hold on things, and take the initiative, for this is a “beginning time” and a time to get ahead. Results may not be fully apparent, and it may be a good idea to talk things over with a trusted friend. Unless everything is faced frankly now, there could be frustrations rather than progress. You can win your point if you really have a good plan, are using good judgment, and have appraised your ability. You are halfway between the old and the new and the new is opening up nicely now. The things you have started can roll along and give you a feeling of advancement, even though there are a few hindrances mixed in. It is possible that you may receive an offer or proposal, which will please you, and you can make money and obtain the help you need to push things forward.
Personal Nine Year: The end of a cycle. Your work is done. Be cheerful and fulfilled. Use integrity and pardon others. Forgive and forget and let go for love’s sake. There may be a tinge of sadness as you let go of the past. However, this also is a good money and romance year. You will get a full sense of unconditional love as matters are brought to completion. People are supportive and you feel rich in resources. The Number Nine Personal year will bring many of your affairs to a head. Between January of this year and January of next year you will realize a completion and also a fulfillment of some of your desires. You are now closing a cycle of experience, one that you began nine years ago, leading to a new beginning and a new start next year. This completion is not a failure or sorrow. It is in reality a reward, for through it you open the way to new opportunities and new interests in life. During a Number Nine Personal Year you must be ready and willing to let go of the old and undesirable in your life in order to make way for the new and worthwhile. It is important to make a definite effort to be done with things which have no further value. If something you are trying to hold on to asks for freedom or desires to get away, be understanding, for if you try to hold it, it will get away anyway, especially if the life-force energies see fit to make this change. Be tolerant, compassionate, and forgiving, and then you will find that this will be one of the most wonderful years of your life. You will gain the reward of love, sympathy, understanding and fulfillment of your plans which will bring financial gains as well as loving appreciation from others. The Brotherhood of Man is also a keynote of a Number Nine Personal Year. Number Nine is the number of love which is unconditional, impersonal and universal and belongs to us all. It cannot be claimed for one’s self alone. As the year passes, respond to the silent urge to do good works for humanity or the world in general. Do this without thought of personal gain and reward. This year belongs to those who promote civilization and work for the betterment of mankind. This endeavor begins in the home by the way we treat or family members, our friends, and our self.
You will be in the midst of a great deal of activity during this month. You will experience assistance through others, and beneficial ideas can be realized and given to you. This is more than objective assistance. It comes through inspirational ideas, so keep your mind open to higher wisdom and knowledge and to the help that seems to come from out of the blue. Meditate daily and keep your own faith in the good life out in the open. Many plans will move along slowly for the time being and you will be involved in the affairs of others, and must consider others to get what you want personally. Keep poised and cheerful. Be a little careful of what you say and try not to speak in too frank a manner. There may be an undercurrent of annoyance through what others do. You can be hurt quite unexpectedly. You may even find it hard to talk to those most concerned because you think something is unfair. Do not take this too seriously, for it may not be a very important thing; simply something which surprises you emotionally. Consult a trusted friend and get some good advice. Do not try to work this out entirely on your own. Ask for help and guidance. Patience and tact are needed qualities at this time. Say little until it passes or is explained. This month should show you some kind of trend of events for the year, It will be a social month, bringing new and interesting things in the way of social entertainment. Make new friends. Try for beneficial associations. Friends are important this month and can help you. It is not likely that you can manage or direct activities on your own. There is duty present so keep poised. At the same time, express diplomacy and a willingness to share. This is what will bring the best results.
Life would be beautiful more often if people were not so difficult to get along with. Very often the problem is as much our own doing as theirs. This is because most people do not understand the rules for human relationships, which are the basis for harmony and happy companionship. The guidelines for your Personal Year shows you how to interpret and solve many problems you will be facing because of timing and life cycles which continue throughout your lifetime. Unless people understand differences in experience and desires during personal life cycles, relationships may end in broken dreams, a drawing apart, or divorce court. When you talk things through and realize the differences are because of cycles and timing, a deeper understanding can develop which will enable you to have a greater respect for each other. You can easily get along if you have the same Personal Year as another. Even people who are not deeply in love can have a good life together. In every relationship this knowledge can add more fun, color, sharing, and happiness to your lives together. So every year, on New Year’s Day and on a monthly basis, greet the newly approaching time with the satisfaction of knowing what is expected of you. All year long you can know and understand why certain experiences come to you and how best to handle them. Allow your character to mature and your interests to expand. It is often said that “timing is everything” and so it is. Whether you are a business person, an artist, a housewife, a teenager, or have a professional career, remember, you were given these guidelines at your birth from the moment you took your first breath!
Have fun as you calculate and compare everyone’s numbers. Lot’s of people are interested in this life tool. Numerology can be used in many different ways to enhance your lifestyle.
Our Name, Birthdate, and Life Path Numbers Are our Love Story with God They represent a thrilling Novel Telling the story Of Divine Intent

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