AQUARIUS Polarity: Masculine Ruled By: Eleventh House Element: Air Planet: Uranus Quality: Fixed Gem: Turquoise Colors: Blue Glyph: The Water Bearer Rules the Body Area: calves, ankles Characteristics: Unconventional, Reformer, Science Research
AFFIRMATION: I know who I am, I know what I am, I know how I serve
It is better to be kind than to be “right.”
The February 11th New Moon in Aquarius brings a perfect time to carve out some personal space for you within the collective consciousness. Venus and Jupiter join in, bursting with love, peace, and harmony, just in time to ring in the Chinese new Year of the Ox. The February 27th Full Moon in Virgo brings a strong aspect that embraces the positive side of transformative change by creating the promise of a hopeful, stable future, at least by those who fall in line and play the game. It’s not a good week for those who are independent or go their own way. The T square involved creates a divide between the group, the leader, and the individual.
Mercury is retrograde from January 30th through February 21st, 2021
The Personal Signs:
ARIES (3/21-4/20) February brings a warning of unplanned expenses and unsettling investments. Valentine’s Day can bring in upsets and emotional concerns. You may be examining old, emotional wounds, searching for answers, addressing where you’re stuck, while learning to let go of the past.
TAURUS (4/21-5/21) February brings you the confidence to put in a bid for an opportunity to showcase your talents. The New Moon on the 11th shines on your business and personal connections; there is a promise of romance with the right partner. Funds may be allocated for some personal expenses once Mercury goes direct on the 20th. Order your credit report and keep up with your credit standing.
GEMINI (5/21-6/20) February brings boredom and difficulty getting into a smooth routine. Make plans for a Valentine getaway, and keep mum about a gift surprise. You’ll get the go ahead with your job plans once Mercury goes direct on the 20th. Look for a raise after the 21st for your stellar accomplishment of details at work. Avoid evasive tactics when briefing authorities or your credibility will suffer at month’s end.
CANCER (6/21-7/22 As February opens, harmony is in the air as you scramble to look at contracts and review terms of agreement. It’s time to give thought to promises you made to others and begin to fulfill them. Collaborative efforts pay off, allowing you to savor compliments that acknowledge successfulness of the interactions of your group. Your involvement with medical and legal authorities identify solutions and put you at ease about ongoing concerns.
LEO (7/23-8/22) Your New Years Resolutions pay off if you take the lead and begin to implement them. You’ll have to deal with a few hurdles in your workplace, although solutions are attainable if you listen and take the time to consider more than one option. Work connections expand and lead to masterful teamwork, especially around the New Moon on the 13th. Review your budget and make plans to pay off the credit cards you used over the Holidays. You’ll hear good news about project performances and goals around the 22nd. Keep projects on an even keel and make plans for February before Mercury retrogrades on the 30th.
VIRGO (8/23-9/22) February opens with your focus on personal and work related relationships. Romance is in the air as you are feeling romantic about Valentine’s Day a bit early in the month. It’s the perfect time for splurging on dinner and perhaps the theater, or a great Netflix show at home. Your boss may create a business standoff around the 20th when Mercury comes out of retrograde. Finances could be at the core of the friction.
LIBRA (9/23-10/22) You’re feeling upbeat as February opens. Why not plan a trip or get away with your significant other. This could help chase away any phantoms of overwork you’ve had in the last six months. If not then throw a party; have mouth-watering food and some good games everyone can join in on. That will bash your winter blues. Sleep in on the Full Moon at month’s end. You’re exhausted from having to deal with your messages from long-distance.
SCORPIO (10/23-11/22) In February you focus on matters regarding professional undertakings in groups and organizations. If you’re asked to join a new group, examine the time commitment carefully to make sure it will fit into your schedule. Audits or legal reviews produce unexpected queries at the Virgo Full Moon. Plan to work through the weekend to locate documentation and work quietly to produce supporting data.
SAGITTARIUS (11/23-12/21) February brings you energy to burn as the air signs dominance stimulates your creative thinking process and the stifled momentum of the past few weeks disappear and you promote new ideas. Groups and professional organizations show an interest in your proposals. Get a feel for their interest and the progress of their accomplishing the goals. Offer suggestions when necessary. A new position may be on the horizon for you, Aquarius.
off the unacceptable balances on your credit cards. Schedule your check-up and medical tests and cover any concerns with your physician, no matter how you’re feeling on appointment day. Sharp words with your partner over family issues on the 27th curbs any romantic notions. Apologize if you’ve been persnickety.
AQUARIUS (1/20-2/18) February brings a passion for managing your priorities. Mercury in your sign highlights stimulating conversations, provocative debates, and excellent feedback, despite the planet being retrograde. Score a win on Valentine’s Day, with Venus in your sign. It’s a perfect day for hosting a party, or gathering for a social event. There’s a tempest in the teapot on the Full Moon in Virgo at month’s end. The dialogue focuses on bad habits, rude behavior, and missed deadlines among family members.
PISCES (2/19-3/20) The New Moon on February 11th brings several planets into your Twelfth House, giving your mind a workout and your Soul an awakening of consciousness. Spend quiet time focusing on showcasing your talent. The Valentine’s Day Moon is in romantic Pisces. Whip up a fantastic meal for your lover, making the dessert a spray of hugs, kisses, and caresses. Your financial pictures paints a positive outlook for stability. Excited about the flow of ideas flowing through you, you’re ready to bring them to the highest bidder among the powers that be. The pace picks up after the 21st when the Sun moves into Pisces. You know you have some exciting and fulfilling moments ahead over the next few months.
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