MARS – Moving close to the Earth, Backing into Scorpio, Creating New Karmic Patterns

May 29, 2016 | In the News

mars-Earth RotationIn 2016, Mars will appear brightest from May 18-June 3. Its closest approach to Earth is May 30. That is the point in Mars’ orbit when it comes closest to Earth. Mars will be at a distance of 46.8 million miles (75.3 million kilometers). Credit: NASA

The hot and aggressive red planet, Mars in Sagittarius/Scorpio, has been undergoing its once every two-year retrograde motion since April 17th 2016. It is coming closest to the earth on May 30th, 2016 (The USA’s traditional Memorial Day), when it can be sighted with naked eyes. This is a rare astronomical event with a very high and powerful astrological significance.

marsMars was this close to earth in the year 2003, when it went retrograde in the sign of Taurus. That year, Mars made its closest approach to Earth in nearly 60,000 years! It won’t be that close again until the year 2287. What was going on in your life at that time?

Astrologically, it will intensify the aggressive and impulsive tendencies of us humans, which is associated with the planet Mars in your Astrological birth chart. This energy can lead to a rise in intolerance, rush of blood, and aggressive behavior at micro level. It could also lead to natural calamities like earthquakes, fire, accidents, unnatural heat conditions, and sudden, destructive weather changes (Such as the flooding in Texas) Additionally, such a close proximity of Mars to Earth can raise tempers along with crime rates as well as premature births. Injuries may go up while rationality sadly, goes down.

With this wild, energetic phase is also a quickening, force, and drive that is not generally present for you. You will find a rush of energy, determination, and even a surge in ambition and aggression during this phase. There are good chances of making excellent things happen as well as, at the same time, making an error that you could regret for a long time to come.

Mars-Sky-Viewing-May2016-smWhen Mars and Earth are close to each other, Mars appears very bright in our sky. It also makes it easier to see with telescopes or the naked eye. The Red Planet comes close enough for exceptional viewing only once or twice every 15 or 17 years.

Mars Close Approach is on May 30, 2016. Mars will be at a distance of 46.8 million miles (75.3 million kilometers). Mars reaches its highest point around midnight — about 35 degrees above the southern horizon, or one third of the distance between the horizon and overhead. Mars will be visible for much of the night. By mid-June, Mars will become fainter as Mars and Earth travel farther away from each other in their orbits around the Sun.

To help you navigate this sudden and unreliable transit of Mars in its last phase, Elizabeth Joyce will be preparing the Mars Retrogression Report. It will cover the effects on you due to the placement of Mars close to earth and where it transits your birth chart; also the added effects due to the placement of Saturn. There would be specific suggestions on how to utilize the Mars transit for substantial professional progress and suggestions to avoid making mistakes creating setbacks in personal and professional life. Very important affirmations will be included in the report to uplift your consciousness and guard you from making any mistakes during this risky period.

ORDER YOUR MARS REPORT – will need your Birth Information – (Date, Hour of Birth, Location of Birth)
You will receive a written report via e-mail. Abundance exchange: $100.00