Libra 2017

Sep 22, 2017 | Monthly Astrology


I bring balance, knowledge, and understanding to all of my endeavors



As you accept with patience and surrender the difficulties you encounter throughout life on a daily basis, so will you find flowing into you through the Crown Chakra, a light or life-force which will remove all anxiety and pain, making each day a new experience. This comes to each one of us gently, slowly, as we open ourselves from within to the gifts of Spirit. Occasionally you will become aware of a glow within your heart, or of a light feeling, and you will become aware of the harmony which is shaping your life right now through the power of the Divine.

If you direct the right thoughts to those around you, and begin to put the action of the Law of Love in front of any circumstances you may find yourself in. You will find that these troubles and upsets will gradually smooth themselves out. Events will begin to work more harmoniously for you and you will begin to feel, “God is very good to me.” You will begin to realize that within you, as you practice your daily meditations, there is a power building, a feeling of Love, which is helping you actively. This will guide you towards the desired balance of Love, Peace and Harmony within your heart.

This glow within your heart which brings to you such sweet happiness and joy may remain for a few minutes, a few hours, or a few days – and then may disappear. Never fear for slowly this power and gratitude will increase within you. As your life continues, you will experience this renewing energy more often, for you are Ascending up a spiral of light and vibration which will eventually bring you, as a Daughter or Son of God, into the kingdom of eternal light and bliss.

—Elizabeth Joyce

May God grant me Health, Protection and Guidance.

October brings a difficult time for many, but a beneficial outcome to your endeavors. However, there is a warning not to allow this temporary state to “go to your head.” Watch your Ego so that you do not enrage family members or suffer from anyone’s jealousy. Become a fly on the wall, graceful like the Swan, and watch others as you move upward with your own plans, in your own quiet way.

The Sun has entered LIBRA

LIBRA energies bring…Airy Libra is the only Stargazing sign that is not represented by a human or an animal symbol. The scales of justice symbolize the need to balance feminine and masculine principles and reminds us to apply the laws that enable diverse people to mingle amicably. This happy equilibrium can flower only if harmony and tranquility are found and well cultivated. To achieve Librian balance in this autumn cycle, reinforced decisiveness is needed over all other attributes. Try to discover your treasure cove, your place of calmness, of inner serenity and artistic genius, but avoid the shadowy pathways of idle fantisies and superficial dodges from responsibility. Living close to your loved ones, building strong family ties as well as close friendships, will give you peace of mind that an external world cannot guarantee.

Home, family, and the domestic scene are your major themes for October 2017, along with a possible new home or refurbished one, an active social life and opportunities to shine on the job. Jupiter is moving through the end of Libra and enters Scorpio on October 10th. There is always a “change of sign jolt” when a planet changes signs, showing you what may lay ahead for you.  Focus, balance, and new decisions are required of you as your “status quo” may change. This secretive sign will prompt you to drop your motives and fears, take care of your health, and do more service to help others in distress. You’ll also enjoy many happy moments with family while entertaining your friends. Include potential networking contacts in this mix because one or more of them will come in handy later on in 2017 or as 2018 opens, to advance your career aims. Also, your fondness for digging out the truth will come in handy. Whatever you choose to do for your career now, it is sure to bring you many hours of satisfaction and pleasure. Your magnetism improves as you make an impression on others that is impossible to ignore.

From: Medicine Cards by Sams & Carson, published by Bear & Co.


Swan — The power of woman
Entering sacred space
Touching the future—Yet to come
Bringing to all eternal Grace.

Little Swan flew through the Dreamtime, the veil of light, looking for the future. She rested a moment in the coolness of the pond, looking for a way to find the entry point to the future, the Stargate. This was a moment of confusion for the Swan, as she knew she had happened into Dreamtime by accident. This was her first meditation flight alone and she was a bit concerned about the Dreamtime landscape.

As Swan looked high above Sacred Mountain, she saw the biggest swirling black hole she had ever seen. Dragonfly came flying by, and Swan stopped him to ask about the black hole. Dragonfly said, "Swan, that is the doorway to the other planes of our imagination. I have been a guardian of the illusion for many moons. If you want to enter there, you will have to ask permission of the higher forces and earn the right to do so.

Swan was not so sure she wanted to enter the black hole. She asked Dragonfly what was necessary to earn the entry.  ‘You must be willing to accept whatever the future holds as it is presented in your life, without trying to change the Great Spirit plan.”  Swan looked at her ugly duckling body and then answered, “I will be happy to abide by the Great Spirit plan. I will not fight the currents of the black hole. I will surrender to the flow of the spiral and  what I am shown. Dragonfly was very happy with her answer and began to spin the magic to break through the illusion of the pond. Suddenly Swan was engulfed in the whirlpool in the center of the pond.

Swan reappeared many days later, but now she was graceful, white and had a long neck. Dragonfly was stunned! “Swan what happened to you?”  he exclaimed. Swan smiled and said, “Dragonfly, I learned to surrender my body to the power of the Great Spirit and was taken to where the future lives. I saw many wonders high on the Sacred Mountain and because of my faith and my acceptance, I have been changed. I have learned to accept the State of Grace.” Dragonfly was very happy for Swan.

Swan told Dragonfly many wonders beyond the veil of illusion. Through her healing and her acceptance of the State of Grace she was given permission to enter the Dreamtime. So it is that we learn to surrender into the grace and rhythm of the universe and we are able to slip out of our physical bodies into Dreamtime. Swan medicine teaches us to be one with all planes of consciousness, and to trust in the Great Spirit protection.

October 2017 ushers in a time of altered states of consciousness and the development of your intuitive abilities. Swan medicine people have the ability to see the future, to surrender to the power of Great Spirit, and to accept healing along with transformation of their lives.

October 2017 is telling you to accept your ability to know what lies ahead. If you are resisting your self-transformation, relax! It will be easier when you go with the flow. Stop denying to yourself that you know who it is when the phone rings. Pay attention to your inner hunches as well as your gut feeling reactions, and honor the female intuitive side of yourself.



OPAL: Brings tears to those who wear it, unless born in the month of October; then it brings good fortune and luck. Stimulates the pineal and pituitary glands. Aids eyesight. Emotional balancer. Enhances intuition. Contains the full spectrum of colors and resonates with all Chakras. Helps bring conscious connection with the Blessed Higher Self.


 ADVENTURINE: Variety of quartz. Calms nerves, reduces fluid retention, helps weight loss and strengthens kidneys. Purifies the body. Enhances calmness of mind, aids creative self-expression. Brings physical, mental, emotional and spiritual balance. Helps banish fears and phobias. Excellent for meditation, inspiration, peace, calmness, love. Cleanses the throat Chakra and Solar Plexus.



Communication, A Journey — Union and Reunion

Raido s concerned with communication, with the atunement of something that has two sides, two elements, and with the ultimate reunion that comes at the end of a journey when what is above and what is below unite and become one mind. This journey is the journey of the Soul. Moreover, the approach of that which is realized from innermost sentiment rather than the force of circumstances. A simple prayer for the journey of the Soul is: I will to do Thy will.

Such a simple form of prayer is proper, it seems, on almost any occasion. It is a suitable preamble, in particular, to healing. Raido is another of the Runes in the Cycle of Self-Transformation.

Inner worth mounts here, and at such a time we must remember that we are not intended to rely entirely upon our own power, but instead to ask what is right action. Ask through prayer and meditation, through addressing your own knowing, your body and the connection to your Blessed Higher Self knowing, the Witness Self, the Teacher Within. Once you are clear, then you can neutralize your refusal to allow the right course of action to flow through you. Not intent on movement, be content to wait. While you wait, keep on removing your resistances. As the obstructions give way, all remorse arising from trying to make it all happen disappears.

As always, this journey is towards self-healing and unity. This can include nations with nations, as the  North Korean conflicts build to a dangerous state of affairs. The planet and each one of us are concerned here with nothing less than an unobstructed, perfect union. However, this union with Heaven and Earth cannot be forced. Keep within your limits. Regulate any excesses in your life. Material advantages must not weigh heavily on this journey of the self towards the Self.

Trust your own Process _ that is the essence of this Rune. Keep on cutting away the illusions. Stand apart from like-minded others. The notion of safety and strength in numbers does not apply at this time. This part of your soul journey cannot be shared. Innermost feeling, spontaneously expressed, is the only right action now. This Rune urges you to undertake your journey, your quest, and if you have already begun, focus and continue.

This Rune also asks you to be put on notice, particularly with your personal relationships. At this time, ruptures are more likely than reconciliations. Effort will be required on your part. Keep your good humor; whatever happens, how you respond is up to you, and will set the way.

The requirements of your Soul process may totally disrupt what you had intended for yourself this month. Hoped-for outcomes may elude you. Yet, what you may regard as detours, inconveniences, disruptions, blockages and even failures or deaths will actually be re-routing opportunities for you, with union and reunion the only abiding destination.

Don’t be afraid to make the leap or take the chance.


Single CandelThis has always been the section for Healing Requests. Through the power of group prayers, healing take place spontaneously. You can be of help to many others, as well as your loved ones, with one minute of silence at 7:30 pm EST every Sunday evening anywhere in the world. With a prayer for the recovery of health, universal energy is sent out to any and all who send in their prayer request. What is needed is the name and birth date of the ill person, along with a diagnosis, if possible. What are you asking to be lifted? When you place your request in the Healing Circle of Light—located in our Prayer Room; know that as soon as you make your Prayer request and Healing request, you will begin to see positive results!

(We have had thousands of responses.
Keep the Prayers going for all concerned!)


Dandelion in 3 piece mirror representing the past, present and future

The October 5th Full Harvest Moon in Aries brings Sukkot, the Jewish festival. Relationship issues can come to a head. Duties and responsibilities are more important than your “looks”.

The October 19th New Moon in Libra brings a conjunction with Uranus. This is a particularly restless and unpredictable time. You could get a fine or have some sort of injury in the family. Avoid anything “risky” and focus on balance.

Polarity: masculine
Sign: Mutable Element: Air
Planetary Rule: 7th House/Venus
Body: Lower Intestines
I Am Judging, and bringing harmony and strength in my relationships.


Aries (3/21 – 4/20)

October brings a few days off early in the month. Higher-up have been watching and you could land a nice raise now. With a financial team, you begin to keep track of your finances and strengthen your security. Halloween brings a Pisces Moon and you just love fantasy and disguises.


Taurus (4/21-5/21)

You’ll be busy through October as there are chances to “get out there and shine.” Time to tend to paperwork and “official documents.” Financial arrangements need to change at month’s end. Make sure they do.


Gemini (5/21-6/20)

In October somebody new and delightful could be on the menu. Your mission is to acquire some quality time with someone special. Drop all the devices and electronic gadgets. Just enjoy what’s in front of you. As Jupiter moves into Scorpio mid-month you could land a fabulous job that takes up a lot of your time. Keep your mind open to new ideas.


Cancer (6/21-7/22)

The Universe has big plans for you in October. October brings a social, happy, and lucky time for you. New and unusual friends enter, so prepare to mingle and shake some hands. Keep your finances on an even keel, and don’t touch that nest egg!


Leo (7/23-8/22)

Patience, patience. On October 10th Jupiter moves into Scorpio, focusing on your home and family matters. You will be even more devastatingly charming than you usually are. Mid-month brings an intensely important financial matter to a head. You’ll be glad you got that paperwork together.


Virgo (8/23-9/22)

October is determined to fix you single Virgo’s up with someone romantic and exciting. A money matter could turn ugly around month’s end, Virgo, but you’ll be able to turn it around quickly. You’re not responsible, so don’t add fuel to the fire. Keep your head.


Libra (9/23-10/22)

October brings attraction, so if you’re single and don’t want to be, it’s time to get out and mingle. If you’re in the process of closing a final deal with a higher-up, it’s the perfect time to do so, with surprising success.


Scorpio (10/ 23-11/22)

October brings many social invitations, but you may prefer to rest and regroup. Spending time with a trusted friend isn’t a bad idea either. If you’ve reached a breaking point with a friend, whose turned out not to be a friend at all, you will really cut ties and move on. You may make contact with a professional who provide you with the benefit of their expertise to help you along your career path. Congrats!


Sagittarius (11/23-12/21)

Duets are October’s theme song. You are very busy with groups and friendships. Negotiations over career matters go bet mid-month, when the authority of Saturn will be much more supportive and less judgmental. You might just land yourself the deal, for more money than you thought.


Capricorn (12/22-1/19)

October opens up to a new love interest. Someone you’ve only thought of as a friend may begin to invade your thoughts. Time to admit there’s more than friendship here. You may have found your next partner. If you feel overworked, unappreciated, or unwelcome, you won’t hesitate to find yourself a whole new tribe now, as well you should. It’s possible to raise the career bar!

Aquarius (1/20-2/18)

October brings an expansion of consciousness. Whether traveling, going back to school, or investigating a new belief system, keep your mind open. You meet new higher-ups and authority figures who bode well for your professional aspirations over the coming year.

Pisces (2/19-3/20)

Everything you do will be more fun in October if you share it with someone else. Early on you could meet someone who could turn out to be a soulmate, or at the very least, a terrific friend. After the 10th you begin to feel the urge to broaden your horizons. Your world perspective enters a time of growth over the next two years.

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