Newsletter — LEO 2022
I am carefree and a risk-taker; I honor and love my uniqueness.
The Life That Makes All Things New
As you accept with patience and surrender the difficulties you encounter throughout life on a daily basis, so will you find flowing into you through the Crown Chakra, a light or life-force which will remove all anxiety and pain, making each day a new experience. This comes to each one of us gently, slowly, as we open ourselves from within to the gifts of Spirit. Occasionally you will become aware of a glow within your heart, or of a light feeling, and you will become aware of the harmony which is shaping your life right now through the power of the Divine.
If you direct the right thoughts to those around you, and begin to put the action of the Law of Love in front of any circumstances you may find yourself in, you will find that these troubles and upsets will gradually smooth themselves out. Events will begin to work more harmoniously for you and you will begin to feel, “God is very good to me.” You will begin to realize that within you, as you practice your daily meditations, there is a power building, a feeling of Love, which is helping you actively. This will guide you towards the desired balance of Love, Peace and Harmony within your heart.
This glow within your heart which brings to you such sweet happiness and joy may remain for a few minutes, a few hours, or a few days – and then may disappear. Never fear for slowly this power and gratitude will increase in you. As your life continues, you will experience this renewing energy more often, for you are Ascending up a spiral of light and vibration which will eventually bring you, as a Daughter or Son of God, into the kingdom of eternal light and bliss.
Think of Ammachi, and meditate on the rose, the flower of God. You are looking at this rose from afar, as something outside of you. But it is within your heart, as is Amma, always! The petals of this divine rose are slowly opening as you chant your mantras to Amma, opening to receive the golden warmth of sunshine and power from above. There is a Light within the heart as well music coming to you from the rose. The Light from above and the Light from the rose blend as one…as you swoon into the bliss of Divine Love.
Elizabeth Joyce — 2007
May God grant me Health, Protection and Guidance.
The Sun has entered the sign of LEO
The fiery sign of LEO has an inside track on love, power, and the universe. One of the best routes you can take is heart-focused meditation. Anything you can do to enhance the purity of your ideas and creativity will bring you rewards. Developing and using your creative abilities creates an energy flow within you that triggers that same flow to others when they encounter the work you have done. Music, acting, and temporal forms of artistic expression that involve an audience as you create, brings you an especially potent technique. Engaging in sports activities brings joy and enthusiasm and at its best, brings playfulness to both spectators and players. Taking on a leadership role will challenge you to bring forth your best, Leo. Working and playing with children can also trigger spontaneity within for the benefit of everyone involved. Children respond the best when someone is able to touch their minds and hearts to draw them out. Their relative openness, especially when young, will allow you to open your heart as well. No matter what you do, if you realize that by giving to others you give to and improve yourself, you will always be on the right track.
From: Medicine Cards by Sams & Carson, published by Bear & Co.
Beaver…teach me to build my dreams
Including others too.
One mind, one thought
The hearts as one,
Lessons learned from you!
Beaver is the doer of the animal kingdom. Beaver medicine is akin to water and earth energy, and incorporates a strong sense of family and home. If you were to look at the dams that block woodland streams, you would find several entrances and exits. In building its home, Beaver always leaves itself many alternate escape routes. This practice is a lesson to all of us not to paint ourselves into corners. If we eliminate our alternatives, we dam up the flow of experiences into our lives. A doer is characterized by industriousness, and Beaver knows that limitation cancels productivity.
Beaver is armed with very sharp teeth that are capable of felling whole trees. Imagine what those teeth could do to the limbs of predators. From the rear, Beaver is armed with a paddle-like tail that aids in swimming as well as in guarding its behind. This tiny mammal is well equipped to protect its creation.
To understand Beaver medicine, you might take a look at the power of working and attaining a sense of achievement. In building a dream, teamwork is necessary. To accomplish a goal with others involves working with the group in mind. Group mind constitutes harmony of the highest order, without individual egos getting in the way. Each partner in the project honors the talents and abilities of others, and knows how to complete the piece of the puzzle that belongs to them. In working well with others, and sense of community is achieved and unity ensues.
August 2022—the Fiery, determined, focused energies – is the time to put your ideas into action or to complete some project that has been neglected. The Beaver could also be asking you to settle differences with fellow workers and friends. Beaver tells you to look for alternative solutions to life’s challenges and to protect the creations which you have put love and energy into.
Sometimes Beaver may bring you a warning to watch your back! If this is your message, you will sense it. This could become a time of laziness and apathy or fear of opening new doors of opportunity. Move forward! Trust and use caution and all will unfold as planned, in a positive and creative way for you.
PERIDOT: Balances the glandular system. Aids in tissue regeneration. Has beneficial infuences on the heart, pancreas, spleen, liver, adrenals and purifies the body. Strengthens bloodstream. Overall balancer of the mind and body. Aligns the subtle bodies and increases intuitive awareness. Reduces stress. Stimulates the mind and thinking process. Accelerates personal growth. Opens new pathways to new opportunities. Helpful when going through sudden change or crisis.
ONYX: Relieves stress and removes negative energies. Balances the male/female polarities. Strengthens bone marrow. Aids in detachment. Enhances emotional balance and self-control. Creates desire for higher inspiration and brings it in. Works with the seven chakras and our attitudes, depending on the color of the onyx.
RUNE of the Month
EIHWAZ— DEFENSE—Aversive Powers—The Yew Tree
As we are tested in life, we find the power to block and defeat. At the same time, we develop in ourselves an aversion to the conduct that brings us into stressful situations.
There appears to be a blockage on the path, but even delays may prove to be beneficial. Do not be overly eager to press forward. This is not a time or situation in which you can make your influence felt. Patience is the counsel that Eihwaz offers us in the month of August. Nothing hectic, no acting needy or lusting after a desired outcome. This Rune speaks of the difficulties that arise at the beginning of a new cycle or new life. Often it can announce a time of waiting. It is time for the spring to fill up with water and the fruit to ripen on the vine.
Perseverance and foresight are called for here. The ability to foresee consequences before you act is the mark of the profound person. Avert anticipated difficulties through right action. We are not the doers but the deciders. Once our decision is clear, the doing becomes effortless, for then the Universe supports and empowers our action.
As we receive this Rune – Eihwaz – consider yourself put on notice that through inconvenience and discomfort, growth is promoted. This month may well be a trying time, and certainly a meaningful one. Set your house in order, tend to good business, be clear, and wait on the Tao, the will of Heaven.

This has always been the section for Healing Requests. Through the power of group prayers, healing take place spontaneously. You can be of help to many others, as well as your loved ones, with one minute of silence at 7:30 pm EST every Sunday evening anywhere in the world. With a prayer for the recovery of health, universal energy is sent out to any and all who send in their prayer request. What is needed is the name and birth date of the ill person, along with a diagnosis, if possible. What are you asking to be lifted? When you place your request in the Healing Circle of Light—located in our Prayer Room, – know that as soon as you make your Prayer request and Healing request – you will begin to see positive results!
(We have had thousands of responses. Keep the Prayers going for all concerned!)
Discover the secrets of your Astrological Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Rising Sign
and read them all together, for monthly guidance and direction.
The August 11th Full Moon in Aquarius brings an anxious T square with Uranus. This will be a day of battle, both overt and covert. Matters are shaken up by the volatile energy and people. If you feel you’re in any toxic situation, you will be given the strength to exit, stage left.
The August 27th New Moon in Virgo brings a square to Mars, Venus, and Uranus. This energy brings moodiness and insecurity. Visionary ideas abound, but the wind is knocked out of your sails before you take any steps to manifest.
The Personal Signs:
ARIES (3/21-4/20)
August brings the desire to paint, redecorate, and upgrade you living space. Relatives from a distance let you know the appreciate you including them in your plans and experiences. There is a promise of a salary increase in the fall from your employer.
TAURUS (4/21-5/21)
August brings increasing activity in your social life. Short weekend trips work well this summer, and treats everyone to various changes of scenery. A good part of the month revolves around paying tuition foe classes either you or your children are taking.
GEMINI (5/21-6/20)
August brings a romantic tone to your home. Rekindle passions, and get in the mood to reminisce warmly about old times. A leadership role you take on attracts attention from the higher ups. The entire company benefits from you stellar work.
CANCER (6/21-7/22)
In August your financial picture is rosy. Time to upgrade the kitchen or bathroom, and perhaps replace some worn out appliances. Superior credit net a desired note or refinance for upgrades or purchase of a new home. At work, get tensions under control before you meet with upper management, to show a unified team.
LEO (7/23-8/22)
In August, work demands escalate and get a bit tense as Uranus applies extra pressure. Bonus money arrives just in time to fund the family vacation you booked for the end of the month through the September Labor Day weekend.
VIRGO (8/23-9/22)
August brings a romantic trend. Bring out the candles, chill a bottle of wine, and dine at home, with everything catered of course. Wheels are turning as you save and plan to open your own business. Oh how you love the thought of being your own boss.
LIBRA (9/23-10/22)
August brings fun and games with a favorite pal, children, or a special love interest. Early completion of a timeless project grabs the attention of the higher-ups at work. They are pleased with impressive cost savings. Recommendations include bonuses and salary increases. Stay safe when accessing your money at month’s end.
SCORPIO (10/23-11/22)
August brings a successful financial picture for you with mortgage loans approved and some extra cash. Form some intimate bonds with your significant other when you take time for a romantic escape. A good part of the month involves the discharge of debt, a refinance, or paying off your child’s college loan debt. The Full Moon mid-month focuses on simmering home-based tensions. Work it out with good communication.
SAGITTARIUS (11/23-12/21)
August could bring you passionate romance. Enjoy the positive support at the workplace as you meet important deadlines, and learn new technology with your team members. A neighborhood dispute tries to put you in the middle. Don’t take sides. It’s not your conflict.
CAPRICORN (12/22-1/19)
August brings a time to shop for a new vehicle or furniture for the home. Good friends get in touch to plan a High School reunion in the fall. Surprise your significant other with a get-away weekend at month’s end.
AQUARIUS (1/20-2/18)
August brings a vacation early in the month. You’ll bond with travel pals, enjoying lunch, dinners, and seeing the sights. On the job, you find rewards in acknowledgement for work well done. At month’s end, you may have strained relationships with neighbors over some parking issues. Try to work things out amicably.
PISCES (2/19-3/20)
August brings strong communication and positive vibes with your soulmate. Intimacy and warmth are off the charts! Financial specialists and investors influence your thoughts to start your new business. Bankers review your assets and discuss pending plans with your partner mid-month. Forceful energy and painful matters are aspected on August 24th. You could break up a partnership or learn of the illness or death of someone close.
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