The Full Moon in Cancer asks you to balance your emotional nurturing needs with your worldly responsibilities. This full moon is aligned with assertive Mars, which has been retrograde since December 6th, 2024. Make certain your actions are aligned with your emotional needs. Cancer is associated with food and nutrition, so pay attention to staying on track with your dietary plan. Home repair can also be on your to-do list.
Both the Moon and Mars make a helpful trine to visionary Neptune and the spiritual destiny nodes of the moon. Meditate on what your soul wants to focus on in this New Year, then put action towards your intent. Note that the nodes moved into Pisces and Virgo on January 12th until July 2026. You and the world are beginning a 1 1/2 year quest to bring a higher vision into practical use in the world while bursting any illusions you may be holding along your path.
Also of interest now is the alignment of Venus and Saturn in Pisces, both challenging Jupiter in Gemini. Part of you is screaming to open to a new plan for your life, and another part is dazed and confused as to what that means for you. Part of you say “lets get this show on the road” and another part of you advises to take a slow and methodical approach to as yet unknown changes
On Monday, January 13, the Full Moon is in Cancer, sextile Uranus in Taurus, and is in a loose conjunction with Mars, which is still trine Neptune. Also, Mars is still slightly aspected by Pluto while the Sun trines Uranus. This energy will help us close
On Tuesday, the 14th, Venus squares Jupiter in Gemini. On the 16th, the Sun reaches the exact opposition to Mars. This energy will help us close any chapters concerning unhealthy situations that have been blocking and stopping us from moving forward, perhaps even from birth. This Cancer Full Moon is making a large number of beneficial aspects. The energy is fortifying us with strength,, resolve, vision, and courage to set things right in our life. It may take slow, steady change over the course of this new year to fully break free from any form of domestic opposition, but any steps taken at this time will lead to a much healthier home and family life in the future.
This week could be tricky for dating and romance. If you are single, beware of hot/cold suitors who love bomb you on Tuesday, only to be aloof and detached on Friday. This behavior is a definite red flag. If you are already in a relationship, you may experience several problems with your partner. Best to wait until the weekend to work things out.
The days around this Full Moon could be stormy and emotionally challenging. We can no longer ignore the differences that arise around us an in the world. It takes a lot of patience and insight to meet the different needs of everyone. Practice serenity and stay centered within yourself. Try not to shut yourself off from the challenges but engage with the emotional events to avoid becoming rigid. The weekend brings clarity, stability, and good times.
Loving vibes come bounding back on Saturday. Follow your intuition with how you spend your energy. Whether single or in a relationship, it’s best not to get too emotionally involved. Better to be spontaneous doing fun things, to strengthen your bonds of love.
On Sunday, January 19th, Venus joins Saturn in Pisces. It’s perfect for talking things out and engaging in deep, meaningful conversations to plan for times ahead.
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