STARGAZING FOR December 2021

Polarity: Masculine
Ruled By: Ninth House
Element: Fire
Planet: Jupiter
Quality: Mutiable
Gem: Turquoise
Colors: Royal Blue, Violet
Glyph: The Archer
Rules the Body Area: Hips, Thighs
Characteristics: Friendly, Positive, Outgoing
AFFIRMATION: I know who I am, I know what I am, I know how I serve
Jupiter changing signs, moving into Pisces on December 30th —
leads us to change – through 2022. It’s always Karmic. Get Ready!
The December 3rd New Moon in Sagittarius brings a Solar Eclipse, which brings a feeling of pulling yourself up by the bootstraps. You know that if you believe in yourself anything is possible,
The December 18th Full Moon in Gemini brings shifting energy, imminent endings, along with reflections of times past. Too much Merrymaking can lead to physical and spiritual exhaustion.
The Personal Signs:
Aries (3/21 – 4/20)
December brings a time to vacation and visit some far-off places. Your social calendar is hopping, and people could visit you form far away over the Holidays. Watch your spending as you could overextend you pocket book and open 2022 with financial regrets.
Taurus (4/21-5/21)
In December, wrapping up pending details free up time to finalize Holiday plans and schedule special events. New Years opens the door to successful accomplishment of desired goals in 2022.
Gemini (5/21-6/20)
December brings a Solar Eclipse on the 4th, bringing a breath of fresh air with partnerships and encourages heartfelt discussion about mutual goals. Make a list of all the gifts you need, especially jewelry, before Venus retrogrades on the 19th. Watch your spending at Holiday time. As New Year’s Day begins, you could catch someone in an out and out fib!
Cancer (6/21-7/22)
December brings a time to plan your time with strategy. Handle the most pressing tasks, and schedule enjoyable events with those you cherish. Take time for adventure with partners and family. Visit public places and enjoy Holiday gatherings. You may learn of a promotion coming to you as the New Year opens.
Leo (7/23-8/22)
In December you seem to generate enthusiasm wherever you go. Several days this month focus on meaningful connections. Romance is bright and shining and several social invitations are on the calendar. You could win the lottery, get a nice and needed bonus before the Holiday, or your accountant tells you that you own less taxes this year just after New Years,
Virgo (8/23-9/22)
December brings a time to host others and entertain with dinners and parties. Give thanks for job advancements, bonuses, and financial windfalls that have just come your way. Financial progress for you and your partner are optimistic as 2022 opens.
Libra (9/23-10/22)
December calls for harmony and cooperation on all fronts. A sense of goodwill settles into your landscape making you aware of the importance of thoughtful communication and the power of your words. There could be emotional upheaval mid-month with your partner. By the weekend one of you is feeling ill and may need an appointment with a physician. Postpone any legal activity until early in 2022. At New Years let your neighbors and family know that you cherish them in your life.
Scorpio (10/ 23-11/22)
December brings the desire to finish your Holiday shopping early to get the best value. You are sold on fun and entertainment as you bring the family together to enjoy an event. You will capture the feelings of the Season’s Holiday cheer as you host a dinner party. Keep cool on New Year’s Eve when you may have to cancel a winter trip due to weather or someone’s illness.
Sagittarius (11/23-12/21)
December begins a new cycle and an exciting six months await you. You have much to celebrate as career accomplishments bring you some national recognition along with material rewards. The time you took over this year to improve your level of communication and understanding and reaching out to others has deepened your regard for humanity. Happy New Year Sag.
Capricorn (12/22-1/19)
December reminds you that opportunities that you had over 2021 increased your financial level opening doors that were previously closed to you. Affiliations with charity organizations have your attention as well. If traveling, keep your eye on your luggage at the airport. Getting away at New Years may be delayed because you may be fighting a lingering ailment and need a few days to heal.
Aquarius (1/20-2/18)
As December opens with a Solar Eclipse you focus on your accomplishments in 2021 and your goals for 2022. You work hard to finish up all your obligations at work the first half of the month so that you can party and share with your loved ones over the Holiday. Make sure your gifts are in one piece and intact, especially jewelry, before you wrap them.
Pisces (2/19-3/20)
In December, the Solar Eclipse’s energy on the 4th, resonates for the next six months. This signals a welcome change in your career, outlook, and the outcome of your goals. Plan a get-away trip right after New Years to ring in 2022 with friends in a distant location.
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