Chinese Astrology
Chinese New Year 4718, or 2021 in the Western calendar,
is the Year of the Wood Ox.
The year of the Wood OX begins on February 8, 2021
The next Chinese New Year will begin on February 12, 2021. That year will be the Year of the Ox – for the first time since 2009. Those born under the Year of the Ox are determined, strong, and conservative. Aside from the Rat and Ox, the other animals are Dragon, Snake, Horse, Tiger, Rabbit , Sheep, Rooster, Monkey, Dog and Pig.
Once the Western New Year comes and goes, another holiday immediately enters the minds of many Asians: Lunar New Year.
Widely celebrated widely throughout Asia, the holiday is also known as Chinese New Year or the spring festival. There’s much symbolism attached to each new year on the lunar calendar, and many traditions are followed in hopes of an auspicious start.
Each year is represented by one of 12 zodiac animals that reflect traditional Chinese culture, including how people see themselves and their relationship with the world.
The annual Chinese holiday is known as the Lunar New Year or The Spring Festival, and each year is represented by a zodiac animal on the lunar-solar Chinese calendar. As China ushers out 2020 as the Year of the Rat, citizens are readying to welcome 2021 as the Year of the OX. The Spring Festival in China is celebrated for several months as a time to gather with family and hope for good fortune in the upcoming year.
In Chinese culture, the Ox is a valued animal because of its role in agriculture, and similarly in the zodiac, the Ox is seen as hardworking, positive and honest.
The years of the Ox are 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 and 2021.
Barack Obama, George Clooney, Meryl Streep and Morgan Freeman are all Oxen; the Ox is known to be earnest, honest, logical, intelligent and fit for leadership.
The 2021 Chinese New Year celebration will end with the Spring Lantern Festival on March 2, 2021.
Chinese Astrology Year Chart
The Chinese zodiac signs are represented by 12 animals, each of which represent a distinctive set of characteristics and personalities. The Chinese horoscope begins with the Rat and go through a 12-year cycle ending with the Pig. The twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac signs are listed in their chronological order below, with the 2018 forecast and their respective years of birth underneath each of the signs. Horoscope for the 2018 — Year of the Earth Dog
In Chinese tradition, every zodiac is believed to get along well or poorly with certain signs. Some Chinese idioms reflect this love-hate relationship.
this year:-2021
A rooster and a dog could not live in peace together.
According to the Chinese Horoscope theory, the Male Earth is connected to the mountains. Dogs mainly contain Male Earth with little Metal and Fire. The sign of 2018 Male Earth Dog year is that two mountains sit side by side, or another mountain lies beyond a mountain. That will bring a strong Earth year. People will focus on real estate, agriculture, environment, territory integrity or religious, spiritual areas.
2018 is a Mountain Dog year. Mountain Dog might be a wild dog. It could block your way out. That implies you might encounter some obstacles before executing your plan. You need to use your wisdom to remove the blockage first, then you will see the wide-open road.
Dog is the 11th animal in 12 Chinese zodiac signs. A Dog month is connected to the last month of autumn. Winter will come right after the Dog month. Winter is the season of Water. If you can climb on the mountain of the Dog, then you can see much further for the future. 2019 is year of Pig, which is the first year of Water. 2018 is a stepping stone for 2019. If you want to do well in the 2019 of Pig year, then you need to be well-focused and plan ahead in 2018 — the Dog year.

Rats are clever, charming and truly generous to the ones they love. They are also sociable and can converse on many levels. Rats are usually very successful business people but can become manipulative and power hungry. They will cut you out cold if you have nothing for them, and will not partake in a conversation with others if bored. They also tend to be somewhat of an opportunist.
People born in the Year of the Rat are noted for their charm and attraction for the opposite sex. They work hard to achieve their goals, acquire possessions, and are likely to be perfectionists. They are basically thrifty, almost stingy with money. Rat people are easily angered and love to gossip. Their ambitions are big, and they are usually very successful. They are most compatible with people born in the years of the Dragon, Monkey, and Ox.
Rat is connected to placid water or rain. Water is also connected to wisdom and intelligence
When seeing the Rat, Dog will chase it and try to catch it. So Rat is afraid of Dog. Rat is active at night and likes to steal Dog’s food.
Rat is connected to placid water or rain. According to Five Elements theory, Dog is in the Earth group. Dog is connected to the mountain, hill or tall wall. Water is blocked when flowing toward the mountains. Water needs to make the curve to bypass the mountains. Dropping on the mountain, Rainwater will be absorbed by the mountain and disappear very quickly. Rat Water is overcome by the Dog Mountain.
Dog contains mainly Male Earth, some Female Fire and Female Metal. Since Earth can let Water disappear, Earth brings Water the pressure. Earth can represent Water’s career, job, supervision, police, and legal restrictions.
Dog contains Fire. Water can extinguish Fire. Water can overcome the Fire. Fire represents Money to Water. Dog has a nickname “Storage Room of Fire” in Chinese astrology. Therefore, Dog is a treasure box to Rat Water. Rat will steal Dog’s money from the storage room.
Dog also contains Metal. Metal container can make a room for the Water. Metal can protect Water. Metal is the Mother Element of Water. Therefore, Rat Water can find the supporter or mentor around the Dog.
The Earth of Dog overcomes the Water of Rat. Rat is the Money Star to Dog. Rat can bring in money for Dog. Dog can provide the job position for Rat. Rat is in the Water group. Water is connected to the wisdom. Using its intelligent knowledge, Rat can get a good pay by helping Dog’s business. They have mutual benefit when working together.
When Rat meets Dog, the sign is the water flowing to the mountain, or the raindrop on the mountain.
Career: Your career luck is very good. You have talent and are able to bring good income for the company. Your boss will appreciate your dedication. Your income and reward will be quite stable. If your task is overloaded or you encounter the troubles, someone will appear to help you to solve the problems. If you have a promotion opportunity, you should go for it to accept the challenge. The sign of success is strong. However, increasing the responsibilities and pressures on the new position is unavoidable.
Job Change: Dog will make you busy in the office. Your project might proceed at the peak time. You might be too focusing on your current routine work and ignoring the job opportunities.
If the company gives you a chance of promotion, then you should consider accepting it. It’s same that a career opportunity is offered by a different company, then you need to seriously think about to stay or leave. Whether you continue to work at same position or advance to a new position, your job responsibilities and duties will increase. With your confidence and courage, your career future is promising.
Wealth: Fire represents your money. Dog is the mountain and contains the Fire element. Dog is your treasure mountain, which is a Storeroom of Fire. That implies Dog will help you to save money. Plus, Rat and Dog have attraction relationship into Fire. That means your job provide you a good income and bonus. The extra income gives you luxury life style. Therefore your money luck is very good, but you have to work to earn it.
Love: Love relationship shows a good sign. You have a lot of opportunities to meet with the opposite sex. The most of opportunities are is in your working environment. So you can increase the social activities with your colleagues or business partners in career circle. The Earth of the Dog represents a woman’s boyfriend or husband. If a female has the desire to be a woman in love and has the courage to accept love relationship, then she will have very good opportunities to meet the a gentleman she likes.
Rat is Female Water. Dog is Male Earth. In Chinese Astrology, Female Water and Male Earth together have attraction relationship into Fire. Fire represents Rat’s girlfriend or wife. If you are a man, then the opportunities are waiting for you. But you need to pursuit it. Therefore, you must get along with Dog first, and then you can find your soul mate via the Dog’s relationship. Also, there is a Fire hidden inside the Dog. You need to ask Dog, and then Dog will tell you where the girl is.
If you are in love, then this is a good time to consider having deeper relationship with your lover. If you are in married, then you and your spouse have a sweet love relationship during this period.
Social Circle: Since your work hours will increase and the job keeps you busy. Your social activities will be relatively reduced. People relationship in the work environment is important to you. Spending more time with your coworkers and partners, you will get help easily when you need one. It’s better to attend the outdoor events with them under sunshine during Weekends and holidays. This can build the foundation for your career development.
Quarrel: If you have a quarrel, argument, dispute or lawsuit with someone, then your daily life will be bothered badly. It could end up a big money loss to you. You are a person of wisdom. You had better truce for peace as early as possible. The best is that we don’t create a conflict at the beginning and avoid the quarrel.
Health: Rat is Female Water, which is the winter cold water. You should have more outdoor exercises. Walking, jogging, climbing and cycling are good options. You need to take full advantage of the sun, to warm your body and mind, to improve spirituality and wisdom. Dog contains lots of Earth. Therefore, pay attention to your stomach and digestive system. Also, make sure no stones or tumors around kidneys.
General Fortune: Dog will bring you good fortune. But it’s required a little bit of challenge. Fire is your money. The sun is in the Fire group. Increasing outdoor activities to enjoy the sun will help your money luck. Your love relationship is good too. You should cherish the opportunity.
Famous people born in the Year of the Rat:
Charlotte Bronte, Truman Capote, Catherine I, Prince Charles, Sasha Cohen, Eminem, Peter the Great, Mata Hari, Scarlett Johansson, Wolfgang Mozart, Plato, William Shakespeare, Leo Tolstoy, George Washington.
Year of the Rat

Ox born people are leaders, patient and hardworking. They inspire confidence in others with their precision and strength. Ox people can be quite demanding and inflexible. They tend to brood and sulk if plans do not go their way. Oxen are very determined. Once an Ox has it’s mind made up, (like the Star sign Taurus) there is no turning back.
People born in the Year of the Ox are patient, speak little, and inspire confidence in others. They tend, however, to be eccentric, and bigoted, and they anger easily. They have fierce tempers, and although they speak little, when they do they are quite eloquent. Ox people are mentally and physically alert. Generally easy-going, they can be remarkably stubborn, and they hate to fail or be opposed. They are most compatible with Snake, Rooster, and Rat people.
Ox is in the Earth group. Ox contains mainly Female Earth. It also contains little Female Water and Female Metal. The month of Ox is January. The temperature is still cold. Therefore, Ox is the chilly cold ground. Dog is also in the Earth group. It’s connected to the mountain or tall wall. The Dog contains mainly Male Earth, and little Female Fire and Female Metal. Therefore, Dog is the dry hot hill. Both Ox and Dog are in the Earth group. They have their own territory in the farm. They can get along well. They can build the friendship. But they won’t become close friends or have love relationship.
Earth can make Water disappear. Water is overcome by Earth. Water represents Money to Earth, according to Five Elements theory. Ox contains Water and Dog contains no Water. Ox has savings. Water in Ox is cold and can become ice. That implies Ox won’t spend money or invest money. Dog contains Fire. Fire can melt ice into Water. That means Dog can educate Ox to invest money.
Both Ox and Dog contain Female Metal, which is connected to fog. Fog flows around mountains of Dog and will turn to rain soon or later. Rain Water is money to Ox and Dog. Dog is the mountain. It can quickly absorb rain water. That implies Dog knows how to earn money quickly, if running a company. Ox has savings and it can invest money on Dog. Then Ox and Dog together can run a profit business.
When Ox meets Dog, the diligent and thrifty Ox will change the concept of the money management from Dog.
Career: Ox is in the Earth group. In Chinese astrology, Wood represents your career. There is no Wood inside the Dog. Therefore, your job and career shouldn’t have too many changes. But if you feel you have heavy job pressures, then Dog will help you to relieve stress.
Ox is Female Earth, which is connected to farmland. Dog is Male Earth, which is connected to hill. Dog is at higher position. Dog has better vision to see the long distance target. Dog can provide you right direction for your future. Dog of Earth is related to your friends, colleagues, business partners, same generation relatives. Therefore, to establish the relationship with them can help your career development.
Job Change: If you have the opportunity to change your job position, you may consider accepting new challenge. Changing the working environment, changing the career target and changing the way of thinking could bring your career development to higher level.
You will feel full of energy during the period of Dog. As long as you show your enthusiasm and dedication for your work, you will find people around supporting you and your new job is very easy to handle.
Wealth: Water represents your money. Dog is in the Earth group. There is no Water inside the Dog. That implies Dog won’t directly bring you money opportunity. But if you work with Dog, both of you will find out the idea to earn money from investment. As long as you can trust your judgment, you still can create your good fortune. If you are too conservative, then your money becomes frozen and your wealth cannot grow. In Short, you need to invest money first, and then receive bigger return.
Love: Dogs and Ox together cannot ignite love sparks. If you are single and searching for your love, you must have the patience. The sign of the opportunity is not strong. Also, you have competitors around looking for same target. Your love opportunity is hidden between friends and relatives. Therefore, more participation in social activities will increase your chances. If you are in love, you need to keep in touch with your lover often, do not let love relationship cool down.
Social Circle: Your social time will increase. You will meet your close friends, coworkers and siblings often. Basically, your people relationship is good, but there is room for improvement. You have to change the way of thinking people relationship and change you conservative attitude to proactive. You can take the initiative to participate in social activities and contact with the crowd. These changes can help to improve your career and money luck.
Quarrel: Ox has a very good temper. It shouldn’t have any argument with Dog. You shouldn’t have any quarrel with people during the period of Dog. If you have dispute, lawsuit or litigation with someone, then you should reconcile with the person as soon as possible. The worst case is you have some money loss.
Health: When Ox meets Dog, you will be busy at social activities with your friends, siblings or same generation relatives. Your social life and people relationship will keep you happy mood and good health.
Both Ox and Dog are in the Earth group. Anything related to Earth will impact your health. If Earth is too much for you, then you pay attention on your stomach and digestive system. If Water is too less for you, then you pay attention on your kidneys, bladder, and the urinary system.
General Fortune: Your social activities will increase. You must be cautious on financial investment. Don’t let your capital tie up in risky investment.
Famous people born in the Year of the Ox :
Johann Sebastian Bach, Napoleon Bonaparte, Charlie Chaplin, George Clooney, Walt Disney, Anton Dvorak, Clark Gable, George Frideric Handel, Oscar De La Hoya, Richard Nixon, Aishwarya Rai, Wayne Rooney, Vincent Van Gogh.
Years of the Ox
2/6/13 – 1/25/14, 1/24/25 – 2/12/26, 2/11/37 – 1/30/38, 1/29/49 – 2/16/50, 2/15/61 – 2/4/62, 2/3/73 – 1/22/74. 2/20/85 – 2/8/86, 2/7/97 – 1/27/98
The Tiger
The Tiger is considered lucky in the Orient. Those born under this sign are colorful, enthusiastic and sociable. You are a risk-taker and a natural born leader. You are unafraid of challenges and have quite an impulsive steak. You become fearless and confident when challenged, and often succeed where other people fail. All you ask, is that people be honest with you. Once lied to, any friendship or association is over, and you tend to become a bit revengeful.
Tigers are magnetic and self assured. They are also sensitive, emotional and capable of great love. However, Tigers have a tendency to get carried away and become stubborn about what they think is right. They have little respect for authority, rules and regulations. They are very lucky and usually manage to escape any trouble or problems unscathed.
Tiger people are sensitive, given to deep thinking, capable of great sympathy. They can be extremely short-tempered, however. Other people have great respect for them, but sometimes tiger people come into conflict with older people or those in authority. sometimes Tiger people cannot make up their minds, which can result in a poor, hasty decision or a sound decision arrived at too late. They are suspicious of others, but they are courageous and powerful. Tigers are most compatible with Horses, Dragons, and Dogs.
Tiger month is February, the beginning month of spring season. The weather is still little cold. In Chinese astrology, Tiger is in the Wood (tree) group. Tiger is Male Wood, which is the tall tree in the spring. Dog is in the Earth group. It’s connected to the mountain or tall wall. Dog also contains some Fire. The heat of Dog can remove the chill inside Tiger. The Tree of Tiger can grow taller.
Tiger hour is from 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. and Dog hour is from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tiger hour is before sunrise. Dog hour is after sunset. Tiger implies the creation of the business. Dog implies maintaining the achievements of the business. Tiger and Dog together are sharing different experiences and skills. The aggressiveness and conservation make perfect combination. They derive mutual benefits from their cooperation.
Tiger is a carnivore. It is often alone, not gregarious and difficult to get along. But Tiger and Dog can find a way to get along with each other. According to Five Elements theory, Tiger is Male Wood and Dog is Male Earth. Wood (tree) overcomes Earth. Earth is the trophy of Wood. Earth represents money to Wood. Earth Dog works for Wood Tiger. Tiger provides the job for Dog. Since Dog makes money for Tiger, Tiger will be happy about it.
When Tiger meets Dog, Dog will work for Tiger. Tiger provides the job for Dog and Dog helps Tiger bringing income.
Career: Your promising career is coming. The career opportunity is wide open for you. You will enjoy your life of the career development.
Tiger is the Male Wood, which is the tall tree. Dog is the Male Earth, which is the mountain. A tall tree needs lots of soil to grow taller and stronger. Tiger also contains Male Fire. Dog also contains Female Metal. In Chinese Five Element astrology, Male Fire meets Female Metal have attraction relationship into Water. Water can help tall tree grow faster. With Dog’s help, Tiger can become an outstanding leader in business.
Job Change: Dog is in the Earth group. Earth stands for wealth to you. When Tiger meets Dog, your money luck will be good. The job opportunities or job changes will bring you more income. Therefore, if you have an opportunity job promotion, you should show your enthusiasm and accept the new position. It’s time to make the changing in the career. Following the Dog, you will find more potential in the career future.
Wealth: Your money fortune is excellent. Tiger is Male Wood and Dog is Male Earth. Earth Dog represents money to Wood Tiger. Dog will bring money opportunities to Tiger. Money return from the investment is stable, but slow. You should use your creativity to find new idea to earn money and increase your wealth.
Love: Your love relationship is just fine. There is no strong romantic sign. But you should have a harmonic relationship. Dog is in the Earth group. If you are a single man, Earth represents your girl friend or wife. Therefore, a single man has a good opportunity to find his girl.
If you are a woman, you will be interested in the finance subject than love. If you are single woman, then your lover might hide in the financial business environment.
If you are in love, you need patience for the deeper relationship. You shouldn’t give your love the pressure, like a Tiger. You should show your care and protection to your companion.
If your Chinese birth chart has a Horse, then your love relationship will very good. If you are single, you can try person born in the year of Horse. Or you can try people around your Horse friend. The romantic sign is much strong in the summer. You can increase social activities in May, June and July. Love at first sign might happen on you.
Social Circle: Tiger likes living alone. Tiger is very possessive and enjoys owning the power. When Tiger meets Dog, Tiger can learn how to be gregarious from Dog. Tiger needs to show the tender attitude to open its arms meeting the new friends or strangers. So Tiger can earn the respect, support and get popularity in the social circle. If you feel you are unable to fit into the social life, you can find friends who born in year of Horse to accompany with you to attend the social events.
Quarrel: Tiger is easy to have friction with people. If you have a quarrel, dispute or lawsuit with someone, you will win the case. But you need have enough reasonable and justified evidence. Remember that yo win the case, you have to spend a lot of time, energy and effort to gain the trust of others. The best solution is to reconcile with the other party as soon as possible. So you can focus your time and energy on your business and career.
Health: Tiger is a tall tree. Dog is the soil on the ground. A tall tree needs lots of soil to hold it and grow taller. To become a stronger tree, Tiger needs the support from Dog.
Dog is the mountain, it contains lots of Earth. Anything related to Earth will impact your health. If you have too much Earth in your Chinese astrology birth chart, then you pay attention on your stomach and digestive system. If your Earth is too strong, then Water might become much weaker in your astrology birth chart. If Water is too less for you, then you should pay attention on your kidneys, bladder, and the urinary system. Tiger and Dog together, we also need to watch out the safety of knees, feet, head and face.
General Fortune: Dog brings very good fortune in career and wealth. You can put your full energy to focus on your career; you will gain the best return soon.
Famous people born in the Year of the Tiger:
Emily Bronte, Sheryl Crow, Tom Cruise, Emily Dickinson, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jay Leno, Karl Marx, Marilyn Monroe, Marco Polo, Beatrix Potter, Queen Elizabeth II, Jon Stewart.
Years of the Tiger
1/26/14 – 2/13/15, 2/13/26 – 2/1/27, 1/31/38 – 2/18/39, 2/17/50 – 2/5/51, 2/5/62 – 1/24/63, 1/23/74 – 2/10/75, 2/9/86 – 1/28/87, 1/28/98 – 2/15/99.
The Rabbit
Rabbits are sensitive, private and shy. People born under this sign prefer working in the background rather than basking in the limelight. However, this does not mean that Rabbits are not sociable creatures. Their wisdom and thoughtfulness surrounds them with friends, family and strangers, all of whom immediately recognize their caring personality.
Rabbits are obliging and sociable. They are affectionate, giving and always pleasant. Although they tend to be aloof and secretive, they are the kind of person others like to be around. Rabbits are also sentimental and can seem superficial at times. Their conservative nature and calm approach can prove to be an advantage when it comes to business contracts. They are excellent negotiators.
Oh it’s true, it’s so very true, Rabbit. You’re picky and always turn up your nose at unpleasant people or situations, but that’s what others like about you. You bring out the best in others because everyone tries to be as gentle, refined and well-mannered as you are.
People born in the Year of the Rabbit are articulate, talented, and ambitious. They are virtuous, reserved, and have excellent taste. Rabbit people are admired, trusted, and are often financially lucky. They are fond of gossip but are tactful and generally kind. Rabbit people seldom lose their temper. They are clever at business and being conscientious, never back out of a contract. They would make good gamblers for they have the uncanny gift of choosing the right thing. However, they seldom gamble, as they are conservative and wise. They are most compatible with those born in the years of the Sheep, Pig, and Dog.
The Dog’s duty is to guard the farmland and expel the intruders. When seeing the Rabbits, Dog will chase Rabbits. Rabbits live underground, Rabbits have amazing fertility. They can reproduce the next generation very quickly. After all, Dog cannot expel Rabbit away. Dog will slowly adapt to the Rabbit and they will find their way to get along together.
In Chinese astrology, Rabbit is in the Wood group. It’s the Female Wood, which is connected to the grass or climbing vine. Dog is in the Earth group. It’s the Male Earth, which is connected to the hill, mountain or tall wall. Grass can propagate the next generation, extend its territory, and then cover the hill. But to cover entire hill or mountain is not easy. Rabbit needs to work very hard.
Rabbit month is March and Dog month is October. Rabbit is the Wood (tree) in the spring. Dog is the Earth is the fall. Dog is the stage of mound or tall wall. Using the talent, Rabbit know how to decorate the stage for Dog. Rabbit brings Dog the youth and vitality.
In the Chinese Five Element theory, Wood overcomes Earth. Earth is the Wood’s trophy. Earth becomes the Wood’s property. Therefore, Dog Earth represents money to Rabbit Wood. That means Dog will bring money luck to Rabbit.
Rabbit and Dog together, they have attraction relationship into Fire. Fire represents the performance and fame of Rabbit. That implies Dog also brings good reputation to Rabbit.
Dog month is the last month of the autumn. That tells us the winter is coming. Rabbit is connected to grass, tender leaf or flower, which are afraid of winter. During cold winter, grass or vine will wither and even dried up and die. Therefore, you need to finish the every project on schedule. You need to work harder and save extra before winter comes.
When Rabbit meets Dog, the Rabbit will see the unlimited promising future. Rabbit will take this opportunities to expand its territory step by step.
Career: Rabbit is Female Wood. Dog is Male Wood and contains come Fire and Metal. Earth in Dog represents your money. Metal in Dog represents your career. When Rabbit meets Dog, you will invest money on your career development. You might spend money on education to learn new skills to improve your competitiveness of your workplace. Fire in Dog represents your expression, performance and reputation. Fire brings you the opportunity to show your talent to people. Therefore, Dog brings you a potential opportunity for a successful career.
Job Change: If you have a promotion or job change opportunity, then you should show your enthusiasm to pursuit the new position. New job have good chance to show your talent. That will bring you much better income. If you want to stay at the same job position, that’s okay too. Your career development will be slower. But you still can gain the reputation and rewards.
Wealth: Rabbit is Female Wood and Dog is Male Earth. In Chinese astrology, Dog is a “Property” to Rabbit. The Property in Chinese astrology is not cash or windfall. Property is the money we earn from hardship, such as salary, the expensive car or the valuable house. Your money luck is good. But you need to work hard to get the reward. Your wealth will grow, but slowly.
Love: Rabbit and Dog have attraction relationship into Fire. That implies your people relationship is excellent. You can win the popularity in the social circle. Certainly, your fortune of love relationship should be very good.
If you are single, then it’s a right time to find your companion. If you can find the person born in the year of the Dog, then that could be your perfect match. The opportunity of love at first sign is possible. If you are single man, then you have great opportunity to find your lover. This is because the Earth of Dog represents your girlfriend or wife.
If you are in love, then you will have a sweet love relationship. You can consider the engagement or marriage during the cycle of Dog. If you are married, then your love relationship with your spouse will become stronger and deeper. You will focus on your family life.
Social Circle: Rabbit and Dog have attraction relationship. That’s saying that you can get along with people well. You are able to build excellent people relationship. You can take this advantage to increase your reputation. That will help you to bring more income from your business or career.
Quarrel: If you have a lawsuit or litigation with someone, you have a good chance to win. But the argument will last for a long time. That will hurt your energy, spirit and money expense. You had better reconcile with the rival as soon as possible. So you can save time and money for your career development.
Health: Your money and career luck will bring you a happy mood. You might work too hard when you see the money opportunity. When you work for money, you have to watch for your health. Dog is in the Earth group. Anything related to Earth might impact your health. If you have too much Earth in the astrology birth chart, then you pay attention on your stomach and digestive system. Strong Earth will weaken Water. If Water is too less for you, then you should pay attention on your kidneys, bladder, and the urinary system. If Rabbit Wood gets hurt, then you watch out arms, legs, liver and nerve system.
General Fortune: The diligent hard-working will bring you wealth. Money brings you good reputation, good people relationship, love, luxury and leisurely life.
Famous people born in the Year of the Rabbit:
Albert Einstein, Leon Trotsky, Frank Sinatra, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, David Beckham, Tiger Woods.
Years of the Rabbit
2/14/15 – 2/2/16, 2/2/27 – 1/22/28, 2/19/39 – 2/7/40, 2/6/51 – 1/26/52, 1/25/63 – 1/12/64, 2/11/75 – 1/30/76, 1/29/87 – 2/16/88, 2/16/99 – 2/4/00
The Dragon
This mythical, magical creature is a symbol of great prosperity and luck. The Dragon is a radiant, dazzling animal. Dragons love to do everything on a grand scale. They are creative, generous, adventurous and up on all of the latest fashion trends, new ideas and entertainment as well as the best places to travel. Dragons adore praise, flattery and the limelight. They feel as if they are always on stage.
Dragons are full of vitality and enthusiasm and are popular among many. They tend to speak before they think and can be judgmental towards others. They have a reputation for being demanding and obnoxious but their positive qualities outweigh their negative traits. Their success comes from being intuitive, intelligent and gifted. Dragon can bring luck to those around them, and are very showy. They like to give a party or special event in a big way! Their generosity to their friends know no bounds. If you have a falling out with a dragon, do not be expected to be invited back into his lair.
Puff the Magic Dragon lives by the sea…The Dragon may be an imaginary animal, but that doesn’t make Dragon less colorful or interesting. Luck follows you where ever you go, Dragon, and everyone knows it! You are a born leader, so, naturally everyone follows you around.
People born in the Year of the Dragon are healthy, energetic, excitable, short-tempered, and stubborn. They are also honest, sensitive, brave, and they inspire confidence and trust. Dragon people are the most eccentric of any in the eastern zodiac. They neither borrow money nor make flowery speeches, but they tend to be soft-hearted which sometimes gives others an advantage over them. They are compatible with Rats, Snakes, Monkeys, and Roosters.
Dragon can be seen in the sky, on the ground, and under the water. It likes to hide behind the clouds in the sky. It’s a mysterious, emotional, energetic, majestic and intelligent creature. It is also a symbol of power. Dog is the manager of the farmland. Its duty is to guard the farmland for the owner. Dog is very responsive to its duty. It is straightforward, loyal, sacrifice and brave. Dragon and Dog have different personalities. Their logical thinking is differently.
In Chinese Five Element astrology, Dog is in the Earth group. Dog is Male Earth, which is hill, mountain or tall wall. Dog also contains some Fire and Metal. Dog is also connected to dry soil. Dragon is also in the Earth group. It is a Male Earth, too. But it contains some Water and Wood. It is wet soil. Dragon has a nickname in Chinese astrology. It’s called Dam. Dam is always waiting for water. When raining, mountain can absorb the rainwater. But rainwater keeps running down. Mountain cannot stop and keep the water. If Dam is under or surrounded by mountains, then rain water will run into the dam.
Dog is connected to the mountain. It waits for the sun going down. After sunset, people will turn on the light. It seems the sun hides behind the mountains. The nickname of Dog in the Chinese astrology is called “The Storage Room of Fire”. The Dam of Dragon is called “The Storage Room of Water”. They are opposite. They perform different functions. They have different thinking ways.
Both Dog and Dragon are Male Earth. We can treat then as siblings. They have different personalities. It’s hard for them to become a close relationship. They will become the competitors in love relationship and career development. However, Dog will help Dragon, if Dragon encounters trouble by external attacks.
In Chinese zodiacs, Dragon and Dog have fighting relationship. Both Dragon and Dog are Male Earth. Earth will become very strong and ferocious when fighting. Strong Wood could hurt Wood, Fire and Metal inside Dog and Dragon. That’s a sign of career changing.
Mountain Dogs are not pets. They might be wild dogs. When we see them, we need to stop. If it’s necessary, we need to bypass them. Otherwise, we create our own unexpected trouble.
When Dragon meets Dog, Dragon cannot find a close friend. Everything is slowing down.
Career: Dragon is in the Earth group. Wood stands for Dragon’s career. Dog is in the Earth group and also contains some Female Fire and Female Metal. There is no Wood inside Dog. Therefore, you won’t focus on career development too much. This doesn’t mean you don’t have career luck. If you are very busy in your daily works, Dog will appear and act as your helper. Dog will share your workload and relieve some of your pressure. When your job becomes easy work, you will focus more on money. We should say your career luck is above fair. If you are looking for a job now, then you can ask people born in years of Dog to help you. Dog is diligent. Dog can find the money opportunity for Dragon.
Dragon and Dog don’t have too many common views for the future. If you own a business and your partner or competitor is born in the year of Dog, then don’t treat Dog people as an enemy during the cycle of Dog. They will have unexpected energy and courage to fight for their survival. Otherwise, they will block your way and make you headache for a while. Sometimes, you have to keep the low profile to run your business. You need to be more conservative for your new business development.
Job Change: If you have an opportunity of a job promotion, then you will encounter a strong competitor. Dog is Male Earth, which is connected to the mountain. If you want to win the new position, you need to conquer the mountain. To climb up to the top of the mountain, Dragon has to bring up all the energy to fly over the mountain. When you stay on the top of mountain, you will become the new target for others to attack. If you are ready to face the challenge, then you go for new position. If you don’t have confidence now, then you stay at the existing and safe position. Usually, the mountain is the sign of stop or obstacle. We need to stop for cogitation, find a way to overcome the obstacle. Sometimes, before moving forward, you need time to find a flat road to bypass the mountain.
Wealth: When money opportunity comes, you will win the unexpected windfall. During the cycle of Dog, your income will be limited, if you try to only work hard to earn the salary. However, you can earn much more money, if you have a business partner or financial advisor. They might be someone close to you – your family members, relatives, colleagues or classmates. If you have your own business, then you look for business alliance, and then you will be the biggest winner in the league.
Love: Dragon is Male Earth and Dog is Male Earth, too. They are same gender. They are no love chemistry. How can do you, if you are single looking for love? You can find a matchmaker to make it happen. You can ask people born in the years of Chicken to introduce friends to you. This is because Chicken and Dog have attraction relationship into Metal. Chicken and Dragon also have attraction relationship into Metal. Dragon, Dog and Chicken together can talk about the subject related to Metal. You will have a very happy and precious conversation.
If you cannot find Chicken people, then you can Find Rabbit people instead. Dragon and Rabbit have attraction relationship into Wood. Dog and Rabbit have attraction relationship into Fire. Dragon, Dog and Rabbit together can have very good interactive talking.
Therefore, if you have trouble to find your love, then look for Chicken or Rabbit first. And then you will find somebody fitting you, around Chicken or Rabbit people. If you are in love now, then you need patience to accompany your lover and must avoid quarrel. If you are married, you and your spouse should respect each other, maintain cordial relationship and share family housework.
Social Circle: Dragon and Dog together are just like fraternity or sorority. Your social activities will increase, but most of them are same-sex events. Dragon and Dog, two minds think differently. It’s hard for you to find a close friend from new acquaintances. Dragon is smarter than Dog. Dragon people shouldn’t take advantage of your intelligence over Dog. Otherwise, Dog will bring you bad reputation.
Quarrel: Dragon and Dog have fighting relationship. You might meet someone you don’t like, and then you have a quarrel. If you have a dispute, argument, lawsuit with somebody, you will have better odds to win the case. However, Dog is not easy to surrender. Both you and rival will become the losers in the end. It’s better that both of you can truce for the peace as soon as possible. Otherwise, this will become time-consuming event. It might last for entire cycle of Dog.
Health: Dragon and Dog are Male Earth. They are equal. When they are fighting, the Earth will become extremely strong. Anything related to Earth will impact your health. Therefore, you should pay attention on your stomach and digestive system. Don’t have too much sugar on your diet.
If your Earth is too strong, then Water will become much weaker. If Water is too less for you, then you should pay attention on your kidneys, bladder and the urinary system. Strong Earth also can hurt the Wood. Therefore, you should go to lawn, parks, forests for outdoor exercise and fresh air. Also, watch out arms, legs, liver and nerve system.
General Fortune: You should be humble and use friendly attitude to establish good people relationship. Using popularity and credibility to seek cooperation, you will find new financial resources.
Famous people born in the Year of the Dragon:
Susan B. Anthony, Joan of Arc, Orlando Bloom, Sigmund Freud, John Lennon, Florence Nightingale, Keanu Reeves, Mae West.
Years of the Dragon
2/3/16 -1/22/17, 1/23/28 -2/9/29, 2/8/40 -1/26/41, 1/27/52 -2/13/53, 2/13/64 -2/1/65, 1/31/76 – 2/17/77, 2/17/88 – 2/5/89, 2/5/00 – 1/23/01
The Snake
According to Oriental philosophy, the beautiful and sexy Snake is associated with compassion, humor and deep insight to those around them. Snakes are charming and a great deal of fun to be around. There is nothing superficial about anyone born under this sign. You are a very private person who will not engage in gossip, and you can be trusted not to repeat a conversation. This endears you to all.
Snakes are charming, intelligent, and elegant. Guided by intuition, Snakes are deep thinkers who are articulate and persuasive. Snakes have philosophical natures and appear to be wise beyond their years. However, Snakes can turn around and bite you when least expected. They can become possessive when their territory is threatened.
People born in the Year of the Snake are deep. They say little and possess great wisdom. They never have to worry about money; they are financially fortunate. Snake people are often quite vain, selfish, and a bit stingy. Yet they have tremendous sympathy for others and try to help those less fortunate. Snake people tend to overdo, since they have doubts about other people’s judgment and prefer to rely on themselves. They are determined in whatever they do and hate to fail. Although calm on the surface, they are intense and passionate. Snake people are usually good-looking and sometimes have marital problems because they are fickle. They are most compatible with the Ox and Rooster.
The outlook of the Snake, flicking forked tongue and serpentine movement give people bad impression. Snake likes to hide in the grass or holes. People think snake is not straightforward, dishonest and sly. Actually, snake is a felling down Dragon from the heaven. It’s very shy. The month of Snake is May, which is the beginning month of Fire in Chinese astrology. Snake is in the Fire group. It contains Male Fire, little Male Earth and little Male Metal. Male Fire is the sun. Sun is aboveboard, selfless, cordial, ambitious, righteous and practical visionary.
Dog is in the Earth group. Dog is Male Earth, which is mountain, hill, tall building or tall wall. Snake is Fire, which is connected to light, torch or eye-catcher. The wall of the Dog will become beautiful, when putting the lighting or neon light on it in the night. Dog provides a performance stage for you to show your best to people. Without Snake Fire, people don’t know the wall of the Dog existing. They are mutually beneficial.
In Chinese astrology, Fire is the mother element of Earth. Snake is mother to the Dog. Snake provides protection, education, caring, support and shelter to the Dog. With the helping from Snake, Dog can grow as much more confident, powerful and outstanding person. But Dog acts as a mountain. It doesn’t feel to caring and love from Snake. It doesn’t know how to express its gratitude to Snake.
The snake is a cold-blooded animal. It is 6th animal of Chinese Zodiacs. Six is the even number. But Snake is not in the Yin group. Snake contains Male Fire, Male Metal and Male Earth. It should be in the Yang group. Male Fire is connected to the Sun. Snake hour is from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The sun is reaching on the top of the sky. Dog hour is from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. That is after sunset time. When Snake meets Dog, it implies the sun disappear from the sky. It’s time for Snake to retire after finishing its duty. Snake goes to the backstage. Dog will take over the duty at night.
Although without legs, Snake’s serpentine movement is very fast. In Chinese astrology, Snake is treated as a Traveling Star. Sun is connected to the Snake. Sun travels and works daily without complaint. This implies Snake has to work hard during the day. Dog will tell Snake to take a big rest and enjoy the candle diner at night.
When Snake meets Dog, the Dog will provide you a performance stage. You can convey your idea, express concern and love to people.
Career: In Chinese Five Element astrology, Earth is the Child Element of Fire. Snake is Male Fire and Dog is Male Earth. Earth Dog represents your outlook, expressions, actions, opinions and performance. Male Earth is connected to the mountain. Mountain Dog provides you a huge performance stage. That means Dog brings you a big career opportunity.
Fire is afraid of Water. Water represents your career. There is no Water inside the Dog. That implies you won’t focus on the career development too that during the cycle of the Dog. Dog brings you the career opportunity. Dog is the hill or mountain. But it’s not easy for Snake to climb over the mountain. Therefore, for any career opportunity, you need to think twice before accepting the challenge.
Job Change: If you have a chance to promote to a higher position, then you should be conservative to cogitate your opportunity. You don’t have to give up the opportunity. You can wait for the good timing. This is because that a strong competitor will appear. When the opponent suffered the setback, then you consider taking over the opportunity. You must fully prepare and have strong cordial passion for the new position, then accept the challenge.
Wealth: Snake is Fire. Metal is afraid of Fire. Metal represents your money. Dog is Earth and contains some Metal. Therefore, Dog brings you some degree of the money luck. The money opportunity comes indirectly. You need two steps to increase your wealth. Firstly, you can find a financial advisor who can give you the financial plan. Then you need to use your wisdom to find the income. If you find a good investment opportunity, you will see the return in the end of Dog cycle.
Love: Basically, the relationship between Fire Snake and Earth Dog is parent-and-child relationship. Fire Snake will generously give more love to Dog. Earth Dog is indifferent to the love from Snake. Actually, Snake is Male Fire and Dog is Male Earth and contains some Female Metal. Male Fire and Female Metal have attraction relationship into Water. That means Snake and Dog together don’t have instant chemistry right away. Your love relationship will come slowly. It’s required time to build it up.
There is a way to improve your love opportunity. You can ask people born in years of Chicken to introduce their friends to you. Snake and Chicken have attraction relationship into Metal. Dog and Chicken also have attraction relationship into Metal. Three of you together can have good harmonic atmosphere when talking the subject related to Metal.
If you are single, then you need to push yourself a little to find your lover. If you are single man, then the girl you like might be around your boyfriends. If you are in love, then you are expecting to give more care and concerns to your love. You need to be patience on your slow love development. If you are married, then you have to understand love is unlimited caring and sacrifice. Eternal love is like to take care of your children. Give them time and they grow slowly.
Social Circle: Snake people like to express their opinions during the cycle of Dog. However, you may not get too many responses from others. It’s possible that you might talk about the cliche without creativity and novelty. People don’t have too much interest in your topics. If you are unaware, you will lose your popularity. Therefore, pay attention to your words and deeds. You have better think twice before speaking, you will have better reputation in the social occasions.
Quarrel: Sometimes, you hesitate to make decisions during the cycle of Dog. If you have quarrel, dispute or lawsuit with someone, then you might be unable to find the reason to win the case. That means your wining odds is not high, you have better to reconcile with the rival as soon as possible. Otherwise, when a wild Dog blocks your way, you will have difficulty to bypass it. You have to wait for a long time till the Dog walks away.
Health: Snake is Fire and Dog is Earth. Fire can burn more Earth for Dog. It’s possible that Earth becomes too strong to you. Therefore, you should pay attention on the health related to Earth. If Earth is too strong, you should watch out on your stomach and digestive system.
If your Earth is too strong, then Water might become weaker. If Water is too less for you, then you should pay attention on your kidneys, bladder and the urinary system. Since Wood can overcome the Earth. You can often go to lawn, parks, forests for outdoor exercise and fresh air. This can increase the energy of Wood.
General Fortune: When Snake meets Dog, you need to plan well and wait for the opportunity to show off your talent. After one job’s done, you shouldn’t care about your credits or rewards. You should take a rest, recharge your energy and wait for next task.
Famous people born in the Year of the Snake:
Dick Cheney, Bob Dylan, John F. Kennedy, James Joyce, Pablo Picasso, Martha Stewart, Kanye West, Oprah Winfrey.
Years of the Snake
1/23/17 – 2/10/18, 2/10/29 – 1/29/30, 1/27/41 – 2/14/42, 2/14/53 – 2/2/54, 2/2/65 – 1/20/66, 2/18/77 – 2/6/78, 2/6/89 – 1/26/90, 1/29/06 – 2/17/07
The Horse
The Horse is sociable, friendly, cheerful, a team player and are never short of friends and admirers. Bursting with life and enthusiasm, you amuse and entertain people wherever you go. This year – 2018 – there are even more places to go, more people to see and more adventures to have than usual. Horse people, you love it!
The Horse is a free and independent spirit. People born under the sign of the Horse are direct and can be quite entertaining in social circles. On the other hand, Horses can be selfish and rebellious. They tend to rush into situations without thinking and are impulsive shoppers. They need to perfect good money management, as, at times, they do not think of the consequences before acting. Also, they do not hunt for bargains, because of their free attitude, and always believe more will be there tomorrow. However, the Horse may give no regard as to how money is earned, and may slack with their education, depending on others for survival. Their adventurous nature can provide the constant stimulation they need to experience all facets of life. They will travel far and wide throughout life, if the money and means are available.
The free spirited Horse signifies some of the finer qualities of the Aquarian Age. You believe that everyone should aim toward the greater good, working, playing and living together in harmony.
People born in the Year of the Horse are popular. They are cheerful, skillful with money, and perceptive, although they sometimes talk too much. They are wise, talented, good with their hands, and sometimes have a weakness for members of the opposite sex. They are impatient and hot-blooded about everything except their daily work. They like entertainment and large crowds. They are very independent and rarely listen to advice. They are most compatible with Tigers, Dogs, and Sheep.
Horse Hour is from 11:00 a.m. to 13:00 p.m. The Sun is at its highest position at noon. Dog hour is from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The Sun will disappear from the horizon at Beijing China time zone. Horse Month is June, which is the month of summer solstice. Dog Month is October, the last month of the fall harvest season. The farmland will soon take the winter break. This implies Dog is telling Horse to take a rest.
Horse is the 7th animal in the Chinese zodiacs. Seven is an odd number. Horse should be in the Yang group. Actually, Horse is in the Yin group. According to Chinese Five Element astrology, Horse contains Female Fire and Female Earth. Female Earth is the farmland. Female Fire is candle, campfire or the energy on the ground. Horse provides energy for farmland to grow plants. Horse always is busy during the day till the sunset.
Horse is in the Fire group and Dog is in the Earth group. Fire is the mother element of Earth. Horse is full of mother’s love to Dog. Horse will fully support and protect the Dog. Dog always welcomes the help from the Horse.
Horse is the fastest animal for long distance traveling on the ground. Horse likes to compete with others. Horse can be a leader in their group. Horse likes to pursue success, victory, power and reputation. Dog will also be able to accept Horse’s knowledge and wisdom. Horse will satisfy the mother and child relationship with Dog.
Dog is Male Earth, which is connected to hill or tall wall. Horse is Female Earth, which is connected to torch, candle fire, lighting or Neon light. When the illumination decorates on the wall, the wall becomes an eye-catching advertising billboard. That implies Horse and Dog working together can become an outstanding and attractive team. They have a reciprocal relationship.
Horse is in Fire and Dog is in the Earth group that also contains some Fire. In the Chinese astrology, Dog has a nickname, the Storeroom of Fire. Dog is collecting the Fire. Dog is the jail of Fire. After entering the storage room, Fire will have the difficulty to take out of there. That means the Fire relationship between Horse and Dog is very close.
Diligent and persistent Horse chases the sun all day long till sunset. It’s time for Horse to take a break to recharge the energy and prepare the dawn battle.
Career: Horse is in the Fire group. Fire is afraid of Water. Water represents career to Horse. Dog is in the Earth group. There no water inside the Dog. Therefore, you won’t focus on the career development during the cycle of the Dog. That doesn’t mean you don’t have career luck. You probably just want to keep the current job status. The career luck will become stronger in the winter. If you work hard, you might have extra rewards in the end of the year.
Job Change: If you have the promotion chance to a new position, then you need to think twice before making the decision. Dog is Male Earth, which is connected to the mountain. When we see the mountain, we need to stop to figure out the better way to overcome or bypass it. Therefore, you need to analyze the situation, consider whether the job is hot and check any limitation for your career. Or people try to kick you upstairs. You should be conservative. That doesn’t mean to give up the opportunity. When your competitor suffers setbacks, then you can consider stepping forward.
Wealth: Horse is Fire. Metal is afraid of Fire. Fire represents your money. Dog is Male Earth and also contains little Metal. The Metal inside the Dog is connected to the money earned from hardship. To improve your money luck, you need to use your creativity, willpower and leadership skill to earn the money in the first half of Dog cycle. The second half will be the harvest season. You need to finish your works early. Then you can enjoy your achievements and rewards during the winter.
Love: In Chinese astrology, Horse and Dog have attraction relationship into Fire. This is a good sign for love relationship. If you are single, then you have great opportunity to find your lover. Therefore, you can attend more social activities and express your caring to people. Then you dream will come true. If you are female, then don’t miss to try the person younger than you. If you are in love, then your relationship will be closer than ever. If you regret the relationship, and then your lover won’t let you out of the relationship easily. If you are married, you will feel your love much stronger than before. You and your spouse will be an inseparable couple.
Social Circle: Horse and Dog have attraction relationship into Fire. Therefore, your people relationship will be pretty good during the cycle of the Dog. Horse is taller than Dog and runs faster than Dog. Horse likes to compete, seeks the limelight to become a leader in the group. Horse and Dog can get along well. In order to gain for the higher reputation, Horse needs to seek the support from Dog. Dog might steal the show from Horse. If Dog holds the leadership, then Horse will leave and find a new group.
Quarrel: If you have argument, dispute or lawsuit with someone, then you might lose the case. Your momentum looks good in the beginning. But after all, you will get into the trap of the rival. If you encounter a mad dog, then the jail time might become possible. Also, the argument will last for a long time. That will hurt your energy, spirit and money expense. You had better reconcile with the rival as soon as possible.
Health: Horse is Fire and Dog is Earth. Fire can burn more Earth for Dog. When Earth becomes too strong, then you pay attention on the health related to Earth. You should watch out on your stomach and digestive system.
If your Earth is too strong, then Water might become weaker. If Water is too less for you, then you should pay attention on your kidneys, bladder and the urinary system.
Since Wood can overcome the Earth. You can often go to lawn, parks, forests, beach, riverside for outdoor exercises and fresh air. This can increase the energy of Wood.
General Fortune: When Horse meets Dog, you don’t feel freedom because you cannot put your burden aside. It’s also a sign of the sunset. You feel that you missed opportunities in the past. But you should take a break, recharge your energy and wait for the opportunity at dawn.
Famous people born in the Year of the Horse:
Clay Aiken, Davy Crockett, James Dean, Clint Eastwood, Ella Fitzgerald, Harrison Ford, Aretha Franklin, Janet Jackson, Sandra Day O’Connor, Teddy Roosevelt, Mike Tyson, Boris Yeltsin.
Years of the Horse
1/25/06 – 2/12/07, 2/11/18 – 1/31/19, 1/30/30 – 2/16/31, 2/15/42 – 2/4/43, 2/3/54 – 1/23/55, 1/21/66 – 2/8/67, 2/7/78 – 1/27/79, 1/27/90 – 1/14/91
The Goat
Goats are kind, affectionate and easy to get along with. As a born nurturer, your family is the most important part of your life. You do whatever it takes to make sure they feel loved and cared for. While Goats do enjoy the finer things in life, material things are not Goat’s number one priority. What is important to the Goat is making the world a better place for all.
The Goat is an artistic and creative sign. People born in the year of the Goat are well mannered and charming. However, the Goats need to put away their pessimism and try to be less dependable on material comforts. They are often dissatisfied and can sometimes lack respect for others by always being late, invasive and dependent. They tend to gossip a bit. Goat people have a pretty face, and their lovable character compensates for their flaws. Give them a canvas and they will paint a picture worthy of Sergent. Give them a pen and they will write, worthy of Dickens. Others soon forget why they were angry at the Goat in the first place.
A lot of people see you as a natural leader, but strictly speaking, this just isn’t true. In reality, you’re likely to have the part of being the “power behind the throne,” lending inspiration and encouragement to everyone around you.
People born in the Year of the Goat or Ram are elegant and highly accomplished in the arts. They seem to be, at first glance, better off than those born in the zodiac’s other years. But ram year people are often shy, pessimistic, and puzzled about life. They are usually deeply religious, yet timid by nature. Sometimes clumsy in speech, they are always passionate about what they do and what they believe in. Ram people never have to worry about having the best in life for their abilities make money for them, and they are able to enjoy the creature comforts that they like. Ram people are wise, gentle, and compassionate. They are compatible with Rabbits, Pigs, and Horses.
Both Goat and Dog are farm animals. They are mutually respecting neighbors. But they don’t attract or adore each other. When going out together, Dog is used to be the boss and leads Goat to the destination. They don’t quarrel with each other. Dog delivers the friendly relationship. Goat receives the caring and protection from Dog.
In Chinese Five Element theory, Goat is Female Earth, which is connected to plain land or farmland. Dog is Male Earth, which is connected to dry hill of autumn or dry mound. When it rains, rainwater will flow down from hill to the farmland. The farmland will become a fertile land to produce abundant crop. When it doesn’t rain, the dry soil of the hill will be peeling off and rolling down to the plain land. In either way, Goat will be the beneficiary.
Goat is Female Earth, which is flat land or endless plain. That implies there is no goal for the life. The personality of Goat becomes supple, kind, peaceful and less assertive. Dog is Male Earth, which is mountain, hill or tall wall. The mountain or tall wall will become the landmark as the target for Goat to go. That means Dog will guide Goat to the outside world.
When Goat meets the Dog, the Dog will guide the sheep looking for the goal of the life. The modest and hard-working Sheep receives the big rewards.
Career: Goat is in the Earth group. Wood represents career to Goat. Dog is in the Earth group. There no Wood inside the Dog. Dog won’t directly bring you career opportunity. Or you won’t focus on the career development during the cycle of the Dog. Both Dog and Goat are the same element of Earth. They can be career partners. Dog will help you to solve the problems and relieve the pressures at work. Following Dog’s leadership, you will have good income and job opportunities. Therefore, your career luck will be good.
Job Change: You will figure out your career goal. The new job opportunity will appear. If there is a promotion chance for a challenge position, then you can consider accepting it. The new challenging job is definitely required work harder. But you should show your capability of workplace adjustments and adaptations. Then you can slowly overcome the obstacles to accomplish your mission.
Wealth: Goat is Earth. Water is afraid of Earth. Water represents your money. Dog is Earth without Water. Dog won’t bring you a chance to make a big fortune. Dog is related to the mountains. When it rains, however, mountain Dog will collect rainwater for the Goat That means Dog brings money opportunity to Goat once in a while. What you have to do is to follow the leadership of the Dog. As long as Dog makes its fortune, Dog will share it with you. For example, Dog has a big business project. Dog can give you a subcontract of that deal.
In general, your money luck is good. Since no Water inside the Dog, your money luck won’t constantly come. Having a good income, Goat finds it easy to lose itself and pursuit for an extravagant life. If you are too greedy to receive the filthy lucre, you might encounter the trouble as huge as the mountain.
Love: Goat and Dog can get along well. But they have only friendship without romance. It’s difficult for them to have speedy love relationship. In order to improve your love opportunity, you can ask people born in the years of Horse to help you. Horse and Goat have attraction relationship into Fire. Horse and Dog have attraction relationship, too. Three of you together can have a good harmonic atmosphere when talking the subject related to Fire subject.
If you are single, then you should increase your social activities. Your lover might appear around your new friends. If you are in love, then you need a little bit patience for your slow love development. If you are married, then you probably will spend more time on career, siblings or financial investment. The time with your spouse will be shorten.
Social Circle: Your people relationship is fine. If Dog steals your show and opportunities, then you still have many other friends. Goat is Earth and contains some Wood and Fire. Goat can get along well with friends of Wood and Fire. Your Wood friends are Rabbit, Tiger, Dragon and Pig. Your Fire friends are Horse, Snake and Dog. As long as you want to show sincere, sympathetic, humble and understanding attitude to people, then you will received the recognition from the group.
Quarrel: If you have quarrel, dispute or litigation with someone, then this case will drag for a long time. Both Goat and Dog are in the Earth group. Dog is Male Earth and Goat is Female Earth. Dog has higher momentum. Goat is good at resisting the high pressure. That will be a long battle, if nobody wants to give up. Because you cannot bring up a good reason to win the argument, it is best to reconcile with your rival as soon as possible. If you really encounter the big trouble, look for the person born in the year of Horse to help you. Horse will act a very good mediator between Dog and Goat.
Health: Both Goat and Dog are in the Earth group. Anything related to Earth will impact your health. If Earth is too much for you, then you should pay attention on your stomach and digestive system. If Water is too less for you, then you should pay attention on your kidneys, bladder and the urinary system. Goat contains some Wood. If Earth is too strong and Wood is too weak, then you should pay attention to the liver and nervous system. Suggest you to often visit park, lawn, lakeside, riverside or beach to enjoy the fresh air.
General Fortune: When the opportunity knocks, don’t let it slip. Build more confidence to achieve your goal. Your persistent efforts can extend your luck to the next cycle.
Famous people born in the Year of the Goat/Sheep:
Jane Austin, Boris Becker, Jamie Foxx, Mel Gibson, King George VI, Franz Liszt, Michelangelo, Michael Owen, Mark Twain, Rudolph Valentino, Barbara Walters, Bruce Willis, Orville Wright.
Years of the Goat
2/13/07 – 2/1/08, 2/1/19 – 2/19/20, 2/17/31 – 2/5/32, 2/5/43 – 1/24/44, 1/24/55 – 2/11/56, 2/9/67 – 1/29/68, 1/28/79 – 2/15/80, 2/15/91 – 2/3/92
The Monkey
Monkey people are smart, charming, talkative, playful and perhaps even a bit mischievous. There is never a dull moment when the Monkey people are around. Monkeys are creatures of contradictions. While no one doubts Monkey’s intelligence, they cannot figure out how Monkey’s can be so disorganized. However, as quick witted as you are, you will always have the correct answer, at least for yourself.
Monkeys are intelligent and have a very clever wit. They are the comedians of the Oriental Horoscope. Due to their youthful nature and magnetic personalities, Monkeys are always well liked by others. However, they have a destructive side and can become unscrupulous when making decisions. When Monkeys do not get their own way, they will react in an immature fashion and become quite a pest, until they have achieved the desired outcome. They tend to be curious, like sharing and they like to make people laugh.
Like the Monkey in the woods, you are crafty and full of fun, mischief and laughter. People never know what you are going to do or say next, so you can really keep them on their toes.
In Chinese Five Element theory, Monkey is Male Metal and contains some Water. Male Metal is connected to axe, sword, knife or rock. Monkey Month is August of autumn. In China, strong wind comes from the west in the autumn. Therefore, Metal is also connected to the west and the wind. Dog is Male Earth, which is connected to the mountains. Dog Month is October, the last month of autumn. Many crops will be harvested in this month. Then the farmland needs to take a rest for the winter. Dog Hour is from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., that’s time after sunset. Monkey meets Dog is the sign of taking a rest.
Dog is Male Earth, which is the mountain. When meeting the mountain Dog, Monkey doesn’t know that is a wild dog or a ferocious guard-dog. Smart Monkey will stop, carefully examine the situation and then select the best timing to slowly bypass the dog.
Monkey is Metal and Dog is Earth. Earth is the mother element of Monkey. Dog acts as the mother to provide Monkey protection, shelter and home. Monkey is related to strong wind, which can quickly travel to any direction. Dog is related to the mountain, which can block the path of the strong wind. That implies Dog asks Monkey to go home and take a big rest. So Monkey can recharge the energy and wait for time to restart the journey.
Monkey is active, aggressive, energetic, frank and naughty. Monkey clearly knows what it wants. It likes the challenge tasks. In order to achieve the goal efficiently, Monkey might use harsh language to push people. Dog has loyal and independent personality. It has well plan for the future and doesn’t like to change the current situation. With the sincere and earnest attitude, Dog can get along with Monkey. They can learn something from each other.
Monkey is impatient, irritable and impulsive. Dog can watch the Monkey’s behaviors and provide the education to Monkey. Then Monkey will know how to calm down and think twice before making the decision. During learning the knowledge, however, Monkey will feel losing freedom because of too much restrictions from Dog. Monkey will notice too many obstacles around and lack of space to move.
Monkey meeting Dog is just like the wind stopping at the mountain. The wind needs to gather more energy to flow over or around the mountain.
Career: For better career luck, you need to have a vision for the future. It’s time to stop and think about a long-term career goal. You can keep the current job status. If it’s necessary, you can take the education to learn new knowledge or skills. When you are ready, then you can go for new job opportunity.
Job Change: If you have a promotion opportunity, you need to collect new position information first. You need to study the job duty and the prospect of the new company before making the decision to accept the challenge. If lack of confidence, then you can stay at the current position, learn more knowledge and experiences and wait for the next opportunity.
Wealth: Monkey is Male Metal and some Water. Wood is afraid of Metal. Wood represents the money to Monkey. Dog is Male Earth and contains some Fire and Metal. There is no Wood inside Dog. Therefore, Dog won’t directly bring you a big fortune.
For better money luck, Money needs the wood. Water grows wood (tree). There is Water inside the Monkey. Water represents Monkey’s intelligence and performance. That implies Monkey needs to use its wisdom to look for the fortune.
When it rains, the mountain Dog can collect lots of rainwater. Then the rainwater will run down the bottom of mountain quickly for Monkey. Therefore, your money luck should aim at long-term investment.
Love: It’s hard to have a romantic relationship between Monkey and Dog. However, someone will be blessing and caring during the cycle of Dog. If you are single, you can look for someone mature and thoughtful. It’s good idea to try for the person older than you. If you are in love, then don’t push your partner for a further relationship. You have to ask yourself that you give your lover enough time and caring or not. Keeping a steady relationship is good enough during this period. If you are married, your spouse will take care of you all the time. But you will feel you are losing the freedom and lack of personal time and spaces.
Social Circle: Monkey and Dog know each other. But Dog is not Monkey’s close friends. Monkey doesn’t have the motivation to attend a social event with Dog. That’s not a good sign for the people relationship. You can invite people born in the year of Chicken to join your social activities. This is because Monkey, Chicken and Dog together have attraction relationship into Metal. Three of you together can have good harmonic conversion with the subject related to Metal.
Monkey is connected to the wind. Wind likes to travel and show its power. The dying down wind will become dirty air. You should take a good rest, bring up your energy, and go outside to meet people and build good friendship.
Quarrel: If you have argument, dispute or lawsuit with someone, then you cannot win the case. This is because that you cannot quickly find a good evidence, reason or solution to solve the issue. The best approach is to truce for peace with your opponent as soon as possible. Otherwise it will be labor-intensive, time-consuming and energy-exhausting event. You should avoid the quarrel in the beginning during the cycle of Dog.
Health: Monkey is Male Metal, which is strong wind. Dog is Male Earth, which is mountain, dry land or tall wall. Strong wind can cause lots of dust in the air. Therefore, you should pay attention to the nose, bronchus, throat, lung and other respiratory system. Rain and Water can purify the air. It’s a good idea often go to the lake, riverside, beach, park, lawn to enjoy fresh air.
During the cycle of Dog, Earth is strong. Anything related to Earth will impact your health. If Earth is too much for you, then you should be mindful of your stomach and digestive system. The mountain stops the wind. That’s sign of slowing down the movements. Don’t forget to have enough outdoor sports.
General Fortune: Your Opportunity will be blocked by someone. Don’t worry the obstruction. You should build good friendships with people giving you advice. They will guide you to success. Using your wisdom and foresight, wait for the better opportunity.
Famous people born in the Year of the Monkey:
Julius Caesar, Daniel Craig, Bette Davis, Jake Gyllenhaal, Eleanor Roosevelt, Betsy Ross, Diana Ross, Will Smith, Elizabeth Taylor, Harry S. Truman, Leonardo da Vinci, Alice Walker, Naomi Watts.
Years of the Monkey
2/2/08 – 1/21/09, 2/20/20 – 2/7/21, 2/6/32 – 1/25/33, 1/25/44 – 2/12/45 – 2/12/56 – 1/30/57, 1/30/68 – 2/16/69. 2/16/80 – 2/4/81, 2/4/92 – 1/22/93
The Rooster
Like their animal counterparts, Roosters are colorful, flamboyant and downright theatrical. Roosters can be brutally honest and rarely hesitate to say what is on their mind or in their heart. There is a lot more to the Rooster than meets the eye. They are hard working, detail oriented people and quite traditional when it comes to family life.
Roosters are hard workers, shrewd and definite in decision making, often speaking their mind without mincing words. At times Roosters may appear to be boastful, and name droppers. Also, their taste for style and extravagance can sometimes come across as brazen and pompous. Roosters talent and generosity make them popular with people at all levels of life. Good at bank management, producing, or fund raising. They also like to be in politics.
You are a bit of a show off, Rooster, but this is more than likely a cover up for deep feelings of insecurity. Underneath all of your bragging and boasting, you are really quite conventional.
People born in the Year of the Rooster are deep thinkers, capable, and talented. They like to be busy and are devoted beyond their capabilities and are deeply disappointed if they fail. People born in the Rooster Year are often a bit eccentric, and often have rather difficult relationship with others. They always think they are right and usually are! They frequently are loners and though they give the outward impression of being adventurous, they are timid. Rooster people¡?s emotions like their fortunes, swing very high to very low. They can be selfish and too outspoken, but are always interesting and can be extremely brave. They are most compatible with Ox, Snake, and Dragon.
People born under the Rooster/Chicken Chinese astrology sign are usually confident, proud and courageous. If you want to be successful in 2015, then you will need to be more flexible and adapt to the situations on hand. Being straight forward is a good personality trait, but you need to be diplomatic in today’s world to get things done without hurting others. You will be blessed with favorable circumstances this year.
In 2018 Roosters could benefit a lot from new opportunities, but only if they are willing to go against their nature. People who fall under the Chinese animal sign of the Rooster are often bold and proud.
The Rooster has the ability to help others and make a difference in the world, if only they were able to control some of their straight forward feelings. If they are looking for a big change then they are able to gain much happiness in 2018.
In Chinese Five Element theory, the Rooster/Chicken is Female Metal, which is jewelry, gold and precious stones. Dog is Male Earth, which is the mountain. Rooster and Dog together are the sign of a treasure mountain.
Rooster’s month is September, the middle month of the fall. Therefore, Rooster is connected to the autumn or ripe fruits. Dog Month is October, the last month of the fall, the month before the winter. Corps of the farmland should be harvested completely and kept in the storage. Dog is connected to soon overripe fruits.
Rooster’s Hour is from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., this is the dinner time after hard-working. So Rooster is connected to food, rest, enjoyment and joyful time.
Roosters, Chickens, and Dogs are neighbors in the farmland. Dog has a longer life and has more life experiences than Rooster. Dog can be the Rooster’s advisor. Dog has a keen sense of smell and is a vigilant animal. Dog is loyal and brave, but also has a strong sense of responsibility. Dog can be the Roosters bodyguard. In order to express gratitude, the rooster will reward the dog’s hard work.
Chicken is Female Metal, which is also related to fog and lake. Dog is the mountain, which can block the flowing path of the fog. Staying around the mountain, fog has chance to become the rain dropping down to the mountain. Chicken and Dog together is just as a lake on the mountain. Lake can collect the rainwater. Water is the money to Dog. Rooster/Chicken can bring money opportunity to Dog.
Rooster is Metal and Dog is in the Earth group. Earth is the mother element of Metal. Dog will provide protection, education and shelter to Rooster. Rooster is thoughtful, talented, romantic and pretty. Rooster pursuit is perfection and he doesn’t have big ambitious. Rooster just wants to enjoy the blessing of life. Too much caring, indulgence and expectation, Rooster will feel the pressure and want to escape the protection circle.
When Rooster/Chicken meets Dog, it’s a season of Harvest. Bring sweet fruits to the market to exchange the money.
Career: Fire represents your career. Dog is Male Earth and contains some Female Fire and Female Metal. Dog has a nickname in the astrology. It’s called the Storage Room of the Fire. That implies your career opportunity hiding inside the Dog. You need to dig it out. Career fortune is there. You just need to put more efforts to pursue your goal. Then soon you can enjoy your achievement.
Job Change: If a company wants to provide you with a new position, you have to think twice before making the decision. Because the project of your current job is close to the harvest, you have the choice to celebrate your achievement before leaving the position. You can enjoy your fruits for your hard-working first, and then look for changes. New company is an unfamiliar environment, you need to time to learn the culture and establish your credibility. Therefore, you can discuss the possibility with the company to postpone taking office. Then you have time to recharge your energy before accepting the challenge.
Wealth: Your money luck is very good. The opportunities are waiting for you. As long as you work hard, you must gain good rewards. Wood stands for your money. Wood is connected to spring. You will have better fortune in the spring. If you look for a business partner, then go to find the person born in the year of Tiger or Rabbit. They can help you to increase the wealth, when working and vesting together.
Love: In Chinese zodiacs, Chicken and Dog have attraction relationship into Metal. Chicken is very attractive to the Dog. Your love relationship looks great. The good news regarding to love is coming to you.
If you are single, then just participate more social activities and you will be the focus in the group. If you are single male, do not rule out to try on older women. If you are a single woman, the gentleman you are looking for will appear around the Dog. But you will encounter a competitor. If you are a woman in love, you will have a closer relationship with your lover. You can consider going steady or the marriage. If you are married, you and your spouse will respect each other and have deeper love relationship.
Social Circle: Your people relationship is good. If you want to improve your relationships, you still need to do something. Dog and Chicken have an attraction relationship. If you can ask Monkey to join your group, three of you will form a strong relationship of Metal. Monkey can be the person born in the year of the Monkey. Since Monkey is the Male Metal in the astrology. Therefore, Monkey is connected to your siblings, classmates, coworkers or same generation relatives. With them, you can often attend social activities to build more your people connections.
Quarrel: Chicken and Dog can get along. But they might have quarrel once for a while. If you have dispute or lawsuit with someone, then you’d better reconciliation with each other as soon as possible. The early truce is a good policy. Otherwise, you will be entangled by this case for a long time. That will cost you lots of energy and money. If you have trouble to escape there, then look for help from people born in the year of Tiger. The person can find a way to overwhelm your rival.
Health: Chicken is Female Metal, which is connected to fog, slow flowing air, carbon dioxide or dirty air. Dog is Male Earth, which is mountain or alpine. Mountain can stop the air flow to become stagnated and unhealthy air. Therefore, you need to be mindful of the problem from the nose, bronchus, throat, lung and other respiratory system.
Air quality is important to your health. Suggest you to the lake, riverside, beach, park to enjoy the fresh air. Specially pay attention to the virus and the tumor problem.
General Fortune: It’s time to work harder for the coming opportunities. Enjoy the fruits before they are rotten.
Famous people born in the Year of the Rooster:
Jessica Alba , Catherine the Great, Amelia Earhart, Paris Hilton, Rudyard Kipling, Groucho Marx, Britney Spears, Peter Ustinov.
Years of the Rooster
1/22/09 – 2/9/10, 2/8/21 – 1/27/22, 1/26/33 – 2/13/34, 2/13/45 – 2/1/46, 1/31/57 – 2/17/58, 2/17/69 – 2/5/70, 2/5/81 – 1/24/82, 1/23/93 – 2/9/09
The Dog
Fiercely loyal, you would go to the ends of the earth to protect your family and home. A champion for the poor, mistreated and needy, you will fight hard for any cause you believe in. You always have a kind word to say and take time to listen to someone who needs you. You constantly worry in Horse years, though most of the time most of your fears are unfounded.
People born in the year of the Dog are loving, devoted and will never let you down. They are honest and trustworthy to those they love. They can be plagued with constant worry and tend to be possessive and find fault. They tend to snip if they think you are lying or hiding something from them. They have a temper and bark loud when betrayed. The Dog sign people have courage and are able to accomplish even the most daunting tasks.
Like our beloved house pet, you Dog’s are loyal to your family and friends as well as casual acquaintances. People born in the Year of the Dog possess the best traits of human nature. They have a deep sense of loyalty, are honest, and inspire other people¡?s confidence because they know how to keep secrets. But Dog People are somewhat selfish, terribly stubborn, and eccentric. They care little for wealth, yet somehow always seem to have money. They can be cold emotionally and sometimes distant at parties. They can find fault with many things and are noted for their sharp tongues. Dog people make good leaders. They are compatible with those born in the Years of the Horse, Tiger, and Rabbit.
That is a sign of jinx in Chinese horoscopes when a Dog meets another Dog. That means people born in the year of Dog won’t have good luck during any Dog years. The scene is that if a Dog is passing by a land with a local Dog tyrant in charge. If the traveling Dog can keep quiet, then it will be safe and pass the land. If the traveling Dog wants to mess with or challenge the tyrant, then trouble will come to the traveling Dog during its journey.
Therefore, if you are the traveling Dog under somebody’s territory, then you had better play low-profile during that journey. You should realize that your people relationship, love relationship, money luck or job development could encounter a certain limitation in the cycle of the Dog.
The above is not complete true. According to Chinese Yin Yang Five Elements (Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth) astrology, our astrology birth chart built by our birthday and birth time contains different amounts of Five Elements. Imbalanced Five Elements will bring us bad luck.
Dog is in the Earth group. Earth year will bring more Earth to you. If you already have too much Earth in your astrology birth chart, then you won’t do well during the Earth years. If you have only a few Earth in your birth chart, then the Earth always brings you good luck.
Dog is Male Earth, which is connected to mountain or alpine. Two dogs together are just as two mountains sit next to each other. Water represents money to Dog. Mountain can absorb rainwater very easily, then Water quickly run down to the bottom fo the mountain. That implies you have difficulty to save the money. The sign is money easily in and out.
Dog Month is October, the month before the winter. Dog Hour is 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. That is the time after sunset. When Sun disappears, people will turn on the light and prepare to take a rest. Two dogs are connected to a mountain behind another mountain. That is a sign of blockage and stop. That is also a hint of taking rest and recharging energy.
When Dog meets Dog, it’s not a good sign from the traditional view of Chinese horoscopes. The disappointment, self-condemnation and negative thinking keep coming to your mind.
Career: Wood presents your career. Dog contains Male Earth, Female Fire and Female Metal. There is no Wood inside the Dog. Your career luck is fair.
A Dog meets another Dog is you find your gang. If you have heavy workload in your job, then you will feel much easier in the cycle of the Dog. This is because your colleagues and friends will guide you an easier way to complete the task. If you have a very easy job now and you don’t have too many assignments each day, then you have to pay attention to the security of your job position. Or someone wants to take over your job position. If you own a company and are very busy on the growing business, then you can ask the help from your business partner or alliance. They will happily support your requests. If you own a company and it doesn’t run well now, then don’t invest new business line or expand the size of the company. You need to calmly think about the problem, rectify the mistakes, and then gradually trying new business approach.
Job Change: Wood stands for your job. There is no Wood inside the Dog. Unless you are looking for a new job, otherwise you won’t think about a new position. The progress to Look for a new job will be slow. You can try harder in February, March, April, July and November. If a company offers you a new position, you should stay at the current position if you don’t have fully confidence. You can accept the challenge if you have strong Wood in your Chinese astrology birth chart.
Wealth: Dog is Male Earth. Water is afraid of Earth. Water represents your money. There is no Water inside the Dog. That doesn’t mean you don’t have money luck. Your money opportunity is short-term, unexpected or non-public trading.
Male Earth is the mountain. When it rains, the mountain can absorb rainwater very quickly. That implies it’s easy to earn money when an opportunity comes. Because the rainwater will flow down into the valley very quickly, you will quickly spend money very without savings. Therefore, you need a good money management plan, and then you will have some saving. Or you can invest money on the long-term items, such as real estate.
Love: Two dogs have friendship, no love relationship. If you are single and look for a lover, then you will meet many competitors. That will be easier for you to look for person born in year of Rabbit, Horse, Tiger or Chicken. If you are in love, you need patience to keep the relationship. The true love relationship always needs time to prove it. If you are married, your marriage is calm and stable.
Social Circle: Your social activities will be increase a lot. You will be busy to meet with your siblings, old friends, coworkers or same generation relatives. Therefore, your people relationship is quite good. When you are with them, you might talk about financial investment a lot. All of you are interested in money topics.
Quarrel: If you have a lawsuit, a dispute or a quarrel with somebody, then you will encounter a strong opponent. This case will continue for a long time. It will be time-consuming, labor-intensive and costly. The outcome is unpredictable. Therefore, to reconcile with your rival is a good approach. The best way is to control your temper and avoid the incident happened in the beginning.
Health: Dog is in the Earth group. Two dogs together, then Earth will be too strong. Anything related to Earth will impact your health. Therefore, you should be mindful of the problem from your stomach and digestive system. Don’t have too much sugar on your diet.
Too much Earth, Earth can cover the Metal. Therefore, you should pay attention to throat, lung, and respiratory system. Strong Earth also can hurt the Wood. In this situation, you should often go to lawn, parks, forests for outdoor exercise and fresh air.
General Fortune: Two Dogs together have same interest and same goal. But each has its own axe to grind. Unless a positive money opportunity is there, otherwise you had better be conservative. Don’t be greedy, you will still have a satisfactory year.
Famous people born in the Year of the Dog:
Mariah Carey, Cher, Winston Churchill, Bill Clinton, Dorothea Dix, Benjamin Franklin, George Gershwin, Jane Goodall, Herbert Hoover, Madonna, Shirley MacLaine, Donald Trump.
Years of the Dog
2/10/10 – 1/29/11, 1/28/22 – 2/15/23, 2/14/34 – 2/3/35, 2/2/46 – 1/21/47, 2/18/58 – 2/7/59, 2/6/70- 1/26/71, 1/25/82 – 2/12/83, 2/10/94 – 1/30/95
The Pig
Pig people are always considerate and generous, and are willing to drop what they are doing to help anyone in need. Pigs are trusting, easy-going and sincere. Sometimes people take advantage of Pig’s good nature, but Pig never holds a grudge. As a down-to-earth person, Pig can not be bothered with the extravagance and waste they see around them.
People born under the sign of the Pig are wonderful nurses and companions. They are intellectuals with a strong need to set difficult goals and carry them out. They are tolerant, sincere and honest, but tend to expect too much from others. Pigs tend to be naive and too sensitive. Their quest for material possessions can become their downfall, along with their insecurities regarding their personal accomplishments.
Jolly and handy around the house are the words most people use to describe the Pig. Once they get to know you better, they realize that you also have a good head on your shoulders; in fact you are probably a financial wizard. People born in the Year of the Pig are chivalrous and gallant. Whatever they do, they do with all their strength. For Pig/Boar Year people, there is no left or right and there is no retreat. They have tremendous fortitude and great honesty. They don’t make many friends but they make them for life, and anyone having a Pig Year friend is fortunate for they are extremely loyal. They don’t talk much but have a great thirst for knowledge. They study a great deal and are generally well informed. Pig people are quick tempered, yet they hate arguments and quarreling. They are kind to their loved ones. No matter how bad problems seem to be, Pig people try to work them out, honestly if sometimes impulsively. They are most compatible with Rabbits and Goats.
Pig is in the Water group. Pig is the flowing water in the winter. Dog is Male Earth, which is hill or mountain. The mountain will block the flowing path of Water. That’s a sign of stop or obstacle. Water can bypass the mountain by flowing from the valley. Or Water can go down the mountain, run out the other side and become the waterfall. Dog is unable to manipulate the Pig.
Pig is Male Water. Water is connected to wisdom, motivation, power, energy, destruction and infringement. Dog is Male Earth. Dog’s personality is staid, honest, alert, brave and responsible. Dog is the mountain. Dog has better vision for long distance. Water always flows downward. Pig and Dog have different philosophy and core beliefs.
Water is afraid of Earth. Earth gives Water pressure. Earth represents Pig’s job. Water represents Dog’s money. Dog can act as the boss. Pig is the employee who earns money for Dog. Pig and Dog can be a pair of good business partners.
The mountain can absorb water easily. But water can quickly flow down the bottom of the mountain. That implies Dog will spend money quickly and has difficulty to save money. On the contrary, Pig won’t spend too much money since the job pressure. Pig will save more money than Dog.
When Pig meets Dog, Pig will encounter the blockage of Dog. The sign is a mountain that blocks the river. River needs to flow around the mountain to see the new world.
Career: Earth presents your career. Dog is Male Earth, which is the mountain. That’s sign of great career opportunity. The opportunity is as big as the mountain. That will be a very challenge one. You need to plan well for the future and then will have great achievements.
No pain no gain. You reap what you sow. The more time you spend, the better the return you have. The career opportunity will come with many obstacles. It’s time to use your wisdom applying on the career. After removing the obstacles, you will see the bright career future.
Job Change: If a company is offering you a new job, then you have to ask yourself ready or not. The challenge is great. If your professional experience, working enthusiasm, unlimited energy are there, then accept the opportunity. Otherwise, you consider staying at current position. If you are lazy, then a fat pig is hard to climb the mountain.
Wealth: Fire represents money to you. Dog is Earth and contains Female Fire and Female Metal. In Chinese astrology, Dog has a nickname, the Storage Room of the Fire. Pig meets Dog is just as Pig finds a treasure box or safety box. But Pig needs to know how to open the box, then can spend the money. Dog brings Pig a small fortune, not big one. Also, Pig likes savings. Pig will put money back to the safety box.
Since Dog brings you good career luck. As long as you take out your work enthusiasm, your career income will increase. Summer is related to Fire. Your money luck will be better during the summer.
Love: It’s hard for Pig and Dog to have strong love relationship, according to Chinese zodiacs. But Pig is Male Water. Dog is Male Earth and contains Female Fire and Female Metal. Male Fire of Pig and Female Metal inside Dog have attraction relationship into Wood. That means Pig can find the love relationship, if try harder. If you are single and looking for love, then you can attend more social activities at night. If you are in love, you might face some issues to develop a closer love relationship. You need to solve the problems using your wisdom and sincere attitude to maintain the relationship. If you are married, you will often concern the caring from your spouse. Both of you should spend more time on the family and share the family chores. You can focus on increasing extra income.
Social Circle: Your people relationship is fair. The nature of the Dog is loyalty, trustworthiness, stability and responsibleness. To build a better social relationship, you need to bring your sincere attitude to greet people. The Male Water of Pig and the Female Fire of Dog have attraction relationship. That means you can find a way to get along well with new friends. As long as you are active in the Dog’s social circle, you should be able to build good people connections.
Quarrel: If you have dispute, controversy or litigation with someone, then you may lose the case. If the lawsuit involves the money, then you might fall into your rival’s trap and face the jail time. It’s better to reconcile with your opponent as soon as possible. You should avoid head-to-head battle. You should choose the path to bypass the danger. It is best not to create a conflict at the beginning.
Health: Dog is the mountain. Earth is strong. Anything related to Earth might impact your health. Therefore, you should be mindful of the problem from your stomach and digestive system. Don’t have too much sugar on your diet. Pig is Male Water, also contains some Male Wood. If strong Earth hurts Wood, then pay attention to the hand, foot, liver and the nervous system. Suggest you to do more outdoor exercises in order to challenge the mountain.
General Fortune: Both your career and wealth luck are excellent. When the opportunity appears, it won’t disappear soon. You have time to calm down and plan before taking actions. You need to be patience and smart to grasp the opportunity.
Famous people born in the Year Of The Pig:
Lucille Ball, Humphrey Bogart, Thomas Jefferson, Ernest Hemingway, Alfred Hitchcock, Mahalia Jackson, David Letterman, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Years of the Pig
1/30/11 – 2/17/12, 2/16/23 – 2/4/24, 2/4/35 – 1/23/36, 1/22/47 – 2/9/48, 2/8/59 – 1/27/60, 1/27/71 – 2/14/72, 2/13/83 – 2/1/84, 1/31/95 – 2/18/96