Stargazing — Week of Sept. 12th through Sept. 18th, 2022

Sep 12, 2022 | Stargazing

On September 10th there was a Full Moon in Pisces. The Moon is close to Neptune and in sextile to Uranus in Taurus, the Sun trines Uranus (exactly on the 11th). The essential things are happening now right in the hubbub of everyday life, and those who find access to the stillness within themselves can receive important impulses.

The middle of the week is bursting with high vibrations this upbeat steam quickly dissipates by the weekend. After a mellow Monday and early Tuesday, the Moon shines a stronger light thanks to an electrifying join up with Uranus trine Venus on Tuesday and Wednesday under a productive Taurus moon.

It’s an auspicious time for group projects, art, and business negotiations. This energy is also good for beginning a new romance.

On Thursday, s stabilizing lunar Grand Trine in earth signs draws in the Sun (Virgo) and Pluto *Capricorn) making this an excellent day for personal pursuits and work endeavors as well as making a good impression on an existing job or for the search for new employment.  The Moon’s sextile of Neptune at the same time adds a dose if creativity and imagination to the energies.

It’s time to get to work so that you will not feel guilty on Friday when you can’t seem to get anything done (but can get a lot of things started!). Things degenerate with a rather grumpy square between Venus and the Moon conjunct Mars. Persecution complexes could be everywhere. Knock off work early, as people may be annoying and you just want to go off into a daydreaming fantasy.

This energy is exasperated by a depleting  opposition between the Sun and Neptune, which will be joined by the Moon, creating a T-Square with powder-keg Jupiter and Mercury retrograde.

You could feel as if you are walking on eggshells all weekend, so try to avoid difficult people. Focusing on individual pursuits on Sunday will lead to renewed confidence and personal power, thanks to a strong regeneration trine between the Sun and Pluto.