Stargazing — Week of July 4th through July 11th, 2021

Jul 5, 2021 | Stargazing


This could be a week of easily hurt feelings., often based on perceived notions instead of the actual intentions of others. Love and money Venus is busy on Tuesday through Thursday making challenges to stability-seeking Saturn and revolutionary Uranus. Relationship planets Venus and Mars have several challenges early in the week.

Tuesday inquiring Mercury squares nebulous Neptune a few hours before overly sensitive Venus opposes stern Saturn.  However, the week also provides some opportunity for play and creativity. In fact, July is probably the best to get some playtime in because August has some hard-working, task-oriented projects to deal with.

The Moon joins in the confusion on Wednesday by squaring Neptune before conjuncting  Mercury on Thursday, when clear thinking could be clouded by emotional responses. Thursday is also a day when inflated egos could fly off the handle in a narcissistic rage at any perceived slights due to the square of Venus in Leo and Uranus in Taurus.

But overall, it is a decent month with no real highs and lows. Jupiter is winding down his temporary preview of Pisces until the 28th, then will return to Aquarius until the end of the year. We have had a preview of what is coming in 2022, since Jupiter moved into Pisces on May 13th.

The Saturn-Uranus square is something we have pointed out since February and continues it activity until at least November.

While another planet, such as Mars in the July 1st weekly forecast, and Venus in this week’s forecast , then the energy that is already there (he Saturn square) is highlighted and strengthened by the nature of the planet involved. Mars has to do with movement and ambition and Venus is associated with love and your value system— and both are up for review in July. Relationships are highlighted during the first half of July.

The New Moon is on Friday, July 9th at 19 degrees Cancer. Venus and Mars are beginning to align in heart-opening Leo now. That is a good thing, especially having to do with children.

A Cancer new moon has to do with home, family, nutrition, residential real estate, and emotional support. On Friday the feeling creates a cosmic quarantine, where people isolate themselves in their home, or in their room, in order not to spread the infection of emotional upsets than can be contagious.

This week is a good time to fix up your home, improve your diet, and spend time with people in your inner circle. With the Venus-Mars alignment (exact next week on the 13th), put energy into relationships and manifesting your needs and desires.

The weekend has a rebellious tinge to it due to the Moon’s opposition to Pluto. What is it time to release? This can include emotions or the clutter that has accumulated. The Moon continues in nurturing Cancer on Saturday until the late afternoon, when it moves into Leo.

On Sunday there is a T square between the Moon, Uranus and Saturn with the Moon also close to touchy Venus and short tempered Mars. In the afternoon, mental Mercury moves into emotional Cancer until August 11th. Attempts at rational reasoning are sure to fail only leading to greater squabbles and petty responses. Time to plan a disappearing act and go off the grid.

This energy is also good for quick projects around the home. Anything involving movement and exercise in some fashion.