Stargazing — Week of Dec, 27th, 2021 through Jan. 2, 2022

Dec 27, 2021 | Stargazing

If you have to work the week between Christmas and New Years, you may not be able to get much done.

Tuesday the Moon in chatty Libra removes the productive energies of Mercury, Venus, and Pluto in Capricorn. Jupiter returns to its ruling sign of Pisces at the same time, adding an extra dose of lifting up. It’s time to take a risk on manifesting your higher vision in the coming year. But you must do this from the intuitive side of your being rather than the mental side. Communications in relationships are also favored on Tuesday evening through Wednesday. Be willing to communicate on deeper and more vulnerable levels.

Wednesday begins with a social union of Mercury and Venus while the year’s final fixed sign T-square occurs between a Scorpio Moon, Uranus in Taurus, and Saturn in Aquarius, pitting forces of innovation and change against tradition yet again. Luckily, Mars sextiles Saturn later in the day, bringing a much-needed jolt of energy to complete tasks.

People will already be ringing in the New Year on Thursday, with a mentally empowering conjunction between Mercury and Pluto that is sure to chase away any wintertime blues.

The Scorpio Moon will be sending emotionally warm vibes to Neptune while sextiling Venus, Pluto, and Mercury, bring a joyous sense of love, understanding and grounding.

The final aspect of the year is Friday’s extremely boisterous and dynamic conjunction of the Moon and Mars in Sagittarius. Sneak off early to get ready to ring in an interesting New Year, the year of ACTION.

New Year’s Eve is under the influence of party animal moon in Sagittarius. Since Sag. believes more is better, be careful of overdoing it, because honestly, less is more.


Lucky and expansive Jupiter just moved into Pisces to bring is extra luck through the month of May. On January 19th the karmic and spiritual destiny nodes of the moon leaves Gemini-Sagittarius and move into Taurus-Scorpio, changing our energy focus for about eighteen months.