Newsletter — Aquarius 2025

My reward is career and financial success.
God is the foundation of health, prosperity,
wisdom, and eternal joy.
We make our life fulfilled and complete
when we have daily contact with God.
Take the time!
Give your attention to the Almighty Power
that is giving you life, strength, and wisdom.
Pray that unceasing truth flow into your mind,
unceasing strength flow into your body,
unceasing joy fill your Soul.
Take a deep breath—feel the Universal (Shakti) energy filling you
through the Crown Chakra
and flowing through your entire being.
Become One with the Spiritual energies
of your Blessed Higher Self.
Know your strength, know your path,
and walk it as a son or daughter of God.
—Elizabeth Joyce 12.21.10
May God grant me Health, Protection and Guidance.
The Sun has entered AQUARIUS
Aquarius, you are the Eleventh Sign of the Zodiac. After the establishment and structure of the energies of Capricorn, it is your job to make sure that these structures blend, mix and are flexible with the needs of the people they are meant to serve. In the Northern Hemisphere, yours is the month of the deepest part of winter, which can be most unrelenting. The cold, dry air crackels with electricity. Yet the light of Spring is returning, most perceptibly, along with signs of life, although subtle, which stirs our hopes that Spring will arrive soon. In the Western Zodiac yours is the sign of the Water Bearer, although his jugs were more likely to be filled with air, which is your element. In early Babylonian times your constellation was called the “Giant,” suggesting a great being who knows all and sees all. You are likely to be aware of any political situation since you represent group dynamics. You may now value your role as a detached outsider, especially if you feel there is corruption with group leaders. However, you will be completely devoted to a group that fulfills its stated objectives – when the objectives are those you firmly believe in. Your beliefs generally center around the rights of individuals and the advancement of knowledge. You also tend to assert your own individuality, even if it means working against your own interests. (It is said that those with an Aquarian Moon are most cold and detached.) Your greatest shortcoming is an automatic reaction against any rules, even those that are for your true benefit. Above all, your strong freedom seeking instincts will force you to stand up fo yourself as well as for the rights of others. Used wisely, this drive can serve both yourself and those you influence.
Chinese Astrology—Year of the Snake – January 29th, 2025
The Chinese Lunar New Year is celebrated in China, South Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore and other countries with a significant Asian population. Lunar New Year starts on Wednesday, Jan. 29th, 2025, and ends on Wednesday, Feb. 12th.
Chinese New Year isn’t just about celebrations; it’s your cosmic reset button for the year ahead. Astrology isn’t about predictions—it’s a tool for transformation. Understanding your chart can be a strong and positive guide through your life, like your fingerprint.
The lunar new year starts with the first new moon of the lunar calendar and ends on the first full moon, about 15 days later. The lunar calendar is based on moon cycles, so the dates of the Lunar New Year celebration changes slightly each year.
Lunar New Year is also associated with the animals of the Chinese zodiac, and 2025 is the Year of the Wood Snake.
This year is all about transformation, growth, and bold opportunities. The Wood Snake brings strategic moves, energy shifts, and personal breakthroughs. It’s not the year to play it safe—it’s time to align with your potential, take charge, and step into your destiny.
The Unyielding Seekers (Goat, Ox, Tiger): Resilience is key. Focus on persistence, creativity, and collaboration. The Opportunity Crusaders (Dragon, Rooster, Pig): Embrace transformation, take action, and leverage connections for success. The Trailblazing Mavericks (Rabbit, Snake, Dog): Push boundaries with confidence, consistency, and bold choices. The Fortune Seekers (Monkey, Rat, Horse): Build momentum, embrace opportunities, and foster collaboration for lasting success.
From: Medicine Cards by Sams & Carson, published by Bear & Co.
Embracing The Unknown
Wash me with your courage.
Most of Panther’s tribe had been stalked and killed by the other two-leggeds, who had come across the big water and who feared their own dark natures. Those people were in need of her healing medicine. That night the Black Panther stood at the edge of the swampy bayou, sniffing at the night, trying to catch the scent of any newcomer willing to go beyond their fears and trust her medicine. No, not on this night, but she would patiently wait for one courageous explorer of the healing potential found in the dark of the unknown.
The Caddo people called her clan the Black Panther, and her tribe was known as the Midnight or Black Jaguar to the Maya. The color black is honored by the red race: Darkness is the place for seeking and finding answers, for accepting healings, and for accessing the hidden Light of Truth. Black Panther teaches us through our dreams to delve into places within ourselves that need healing. She shows us how to track the unfamiliar territory found on the journey of self-discovery and to fearlessly face the unknown.
Since Black Panther is appearing to us during Aquarius 2025, it asks you not to be worried about the future. Trust that you are not supposed to mentally “figure it out” at this time. You may need to confront some of your fears of the unknown, of being less than you truly are, or an inability to simply BE. Let go of any fears that appear as obstacles or barriers. Embrace the unknown and flow with the m mystery that is unfolding in your life. The next step may be leaping empty-handed into the void with implicit trust. In the stillness of the void, find the will to avoid foolish temptations, going deeper into your own self-discovery and healing process. Here you will discover Black Panther’s unexpected blessings.
FEBRUARY CRYSTAL: Amethyst, Citirine
Amethyst: A variety of quartz which brings to you spiritual awareness. Strengthens the endocrine and immune systems. Enhances right brain activity, helps memory and activates the pineal and pituitary glands. A powerful blood cleanser and energizer. Helps with mental disorders and creates a veil of protection. Physical representative of the Violet Ray of alchemy and transformation. Cuts through illusion. Enhances your psychic abilities and is excellent to use while meditating. Aids in your channeling abilities. Amethyst is calming, strong, protective and aids with healing. Brings Divine Love, inspiration, and strengthens intuition and telepathy.
Citirine: Another variety of quartz. Good for the kidneys, colon, liver, gallbladder, digestive tract, heart. Helps with tissue regeneration so is excellent to use after any type of surgery. Detoxifies the system. Enhances the body’s healing energies and diminishes any self-destructive tendencies. Helps with depression. Creates a powerful alignment to your Blessed Higher Self and Intuitive Guides. Brings lightheartedness, cheerfulness, joy and faith. Warning – this stone may attract abundance to you!
Communication, A Journey — Union and Reunion
Raido is concerned with communication, with the atunement of something that has two sides, two elements, and with the ultimate reunion that comes at the end of a journey when what is above and what is below unite and become one mind. This journey is the journey of the Soul. Moreover, the approach of that which is realized from innermost sentiment rather than the force of circumstances. A simple prayer for the journey of the Soul is: I will to do Thy will —— Your will is My will
Such a simple form of prayer is proper, it seems, on almost any occasion. It is a suitable preamble, in particular, to healing. Raido is another of the Runes in the Cycle of Self-Transformation.
Inner worth matters here, and at such a time we must remember that we are not intended to rely entirely upon our own power, but instead to ask what is right action. Ask through prayer and meditation, through addressing your own knowing, your body and the connection to your Blessed Higher Self knowing, the Witness Self, the Teacher Within. Once you are clear, then you can neutralize your refusal to allow the right course of action to flow through you. Not intent on movement, be content to wait. While you wait, keep on removing your resistances. As the obstructions give way, all remorse arising from trying to make it all happen disappears.
As always, this journey is towards self-healing and unity. This can include nations with nations. The planet and each one of us are concerned here with nothing less than an unobstructed, perfect union. However, this union with Heaven and Earth cannot be forced. Keep within your limits. Regulate any excesses in your life. Material advantages must not weigh heavily on this journey of the self towards the Self.
Trust your own Process — that is the essence of this Rune. Keep on cutting away the illusions. Stand apart from like-minded others. The notion of safety and strength in numbers does not apply at this time. This part of your soul journey cannot be shared. Innermost feeling, spontaneously expressed, is the only right action now. This Rune urges you to undertake your journey, your quest, and if you have already begun, to focus and continue.
This Rune also asks you to be put on notice, particularly with your personal relationships. At this time, ruptures are more likely than reconciliations. Effort will be required on your part. Keep your good humor; whatever happens, how you respond is up to you, and will set the way.
The requirements of your Soul process may totally disrupt what you had intended for yourself this month. Hoped-for outcomes may elude you. Yet, what you may regard as detours, inconveniences, disruptions, blockages and even failures or deaths will actually be re-routing opportunities for you, with union and reunion the only abiding destination.
Don’t be afraid to make the leap or take the chance.
This has always been the section for Healing Requests. Through the power of group prayers, healing take place spontaneously. You can be of help to many others, as well as your loved ones, with one minute of silence at 7:30 pm EST every Sunday evening anywhere in the world. With a prayer for the recovery of health, universal energy is sent out to any and all who send in their prayer request. What is needed is the name and birth date of the ill person, along with a diagnosis, if possible. What are you asking to be lifted? When you place your request in the Healing Circle of Light—located in our Prayer Room, – know that as soon as you make your Prayer request and Healing request – you will begin to see positive results!
(We have had thousands of responses. Keep the Prayers going for all concerned!)
Discover the secrets of your Astrological Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Rising Sign
and read them all together, for monthly guidance and direction.
The February 12th Full Moon in Leo brings a time to stand in your Power. If someone is breathing down your neck for an answer, you are under no obligation to be pushed into something you’re not sure of.
The February 27th New Moon in Pisces brings a sigh of relief, as Mars finally turns direct. It full steam ahead towards limitless horizons after we go through the intense realignment of March. By mid-April we will finally be on the road to success and abundance.
The Personal Signs:
ARIES (3/21-4/20)
If you felt held back in January, expect February’s energies to start things moving as the rest of the retrograde planets move forward, After Mars turns direct on the 23rd, it’s ideal to begin to set your plans in motion. Venus enters Aries on the 4th to help support your efforts. The Leo Full Moon on the 12th brings a romantic and possibly dramatic relationship to you. This powerful, creative energy is great for writing, painting and any other art form. On the 24th past dramas could ignite. Do your best not to fall back into old patterns of behavior. Raise up your frequency.
TAURUS (4/21-5/21)
February is likely to get more exciting for you, Taurus. Venus enters fiery Aries on the 4th. If you’ve been wanting to ask someone out, now is the time. Jupiter ends it’s retrograde on the 4th and Mars on the 23rd, helping you find a stronger self-confidence and courage. It’s always a good time to tell others how you feel but this Valentine’s Day especially. The important thing this month is to be clear on where you’re headed and what you want and not to settle for anything less.
GEMINI (5/21-6/20)
When Jupiter ends his retrograde on February 4th, expect to start feeling optimistic, lucky, and confident. Everything from work to relationships, to romance will give you a smile and warm your heart. After the Sun and Mercury move into Pisces o the 18th, your intuition gets stronger. Trust your gut and don’t be scared to make a change. Ask for that raise, upgrade by taking a class, or accept that new job.
CANCER (6/21-7/22)
Jupiter ends his retrograde and Venus moves into Aries on February 4th, Expect to be quite charming at work. If you want to impress the higher ups, resolve any conflicts with your colleagues, or ask for a raise, you can do it with grace and style. When Mars turns direct in Cancer on the 23rd it’s time for you to stand up for yourself. Don’t hold back, go for whatever it is you really want.
LEO (7/23-8/22)
When Venus moves into Aries on February 4th, romance will probably surprise you, challenge your pre-existing beliefs, or ask you to look at the world through a different lens. Mars retrograde ends on the 23rd. If you’ve been holding off starting a new adventure, you can move forward now, Your charm and leadership qualities are on full display, Leo.
VIRGO (8/23-9/22)
February is heart month as well as Love *Valentine’s Day) month. Mercury and the Sun enter Pisces on the 18th making this month ideal to focus on relationships, family, and your nearest and dearest. Everything kicks up a notch when Mars ends it’s retrograde on the 23rd. The Pisces New Moon on the 27th is a great time to meet your soul mate. Best to let your guard down and open up to a little lovin’.
LIBRA (9/23-10/22)
On February 4th Venus moves into Aries. This is the ideal time in 2025 to begin a new romantic relationship or to strengthen an existing one. Don’t sit around waiting for someone. Take the lead. With the Leo Full Moon on the 12th, there could be some drama in your social group; possibly involving you! Be prepared for tensions to escalate with your roommate or partner around the 15th. Don’t ignore it because it could get a lot worse. Respond with assertiveness and passive/aggression. After the 23ed when Mars goes direct, you can start sending out those resumes.
SCORPIO (10/23-11/22)
On February 4th Venus moves into Aries. Don’t worry about the romance and thrills in your relationship. Just focus on the small stuff and being there for each other. After the Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th is a perfect time to let your imagination and creativity run wild! Write that book, or paint that painting. Mars turns direct o the 23rd and your self-confidence comeback strong, leading you on the road to abundance and success.
SAGITTARIUS (11/23-12/21)
Jupiter in Gemini ends its retrograde on February 4th and Venus moves into Aries on the same day. This is a great time for flirting, dating, and romance. The Sun and Mercury move into Pisces on the 18th so you could be feeling a bit nostalgic. While its healthy to reflect on the past, make sure you’re not neglecting your present day relationships. If you’ve had a family, roommate, or work colleague issue, it can be all smoothed out on the 28th.
CAPRICORN (12/22-1/19)
After Venus moves into Aries on the 4th, it’s an excellent time to redecorate your living space, host cozy, intimate dinner parties, or invite someone special over for the first time. After the Sun enters Pisces on the 18th be careful not to double-book yourself. If close relationships have become a strain, the best time to patch things up is after Mars turns direct on the 23rd. You might experience a stroke of luck along with a boost of confidence at months end; especially with romance, finances, or both!
AQUARIUS (1/20-2/18)
It’s important now to think about what you value in life. After the Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th, get in touch with your spiritual values. You’ll probably find yourself having deep conversations with others about spiritual values. You will find that work issues go more smoothly after Mars comes out of retrograde on the 23rd. Travel is likely to be more fun at month’s end.
PISCES (2/19-3/20)
Venus leaves Pisces and enters Aries on February 4th, but don’t worry; your season isn’t over just yet. February is love month (Valentine’s Day) and heart month. Mercury and the Sun enter Pisces on the 18th making this month an ideal time to focus on you, your dreams and desires. It’s time to recharge as your birthday approaches. With Mars turning direct on the 23rd, the time for creating major changes in your life is NOW.
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