Newsletter — AQUARIUS 2022
Chinese Astrology—Year of the Water Tiger – Feb. 2nd, 2022
I am carefree and a risk-taker; I honor and love my uniqueness.
The Life That Makes All Things New
As you accept with patience and surrender the difficulties you encounter throughout life on a daily basis, so will you find flowing into you through the Crown Chakra, a light or life-force which will remove all anxiety and pain, making each day a new experience. This comes to each one of us gently, slowly, as we open ourselves from within to the gifts of Spirit. Occasionally you will become aware of a glow within your heart, or of a light feeling, and you will become aware of the harmony which is shaping your life right now through the power of the Divine.
If you direct the right thoughts to those around you, and begin to put the action of the Law of Love in front of any circumstances you may find yourself in, you will find that these troubles and upsets will gradually smooth themselves out. Events will begin to work more harmoniously for you and you will begin to feel, “God is very good to me.” You will begin to realize that within you, as you practice your daily meditations, there is a power building, a feeling of Love, which is helping you actively. This will guide you towards the desired balance of Love, Peace and Harmony within your heart.
This glow within your heart which brings to you such sweet happiness and joy may remain for a few minutes, a few hours, or a few days – and then may disappear. Never fear for slowly this power and gratitude will increase in you. As your life continues, you will experience this renewing energy more often, for you are Ascending up a spiral of light and vibration which will eventually bring you, as a Daughter or Son of God, into the kingdom of eternal light and bliss.
Think of Ammachi, and meditate on the orange golden rose, the flower of God. You are looking at this rose from afar, as something outside of you. But it is within your heart, as is Amma, always! The petals of this divine rose are slowly opening as you chant your mantras to Amma, opening to receive the golden warmth of sunshine and power from above. There is a Light within the heart as well music coming to you from the rose. The Light from above and the Light from the rose blend as one…as you swoon into the bliss of Divine Love.
Elizabeth Joyce — 2007
May God grant me Health, Protection and Guidance.
The Sun has entered the sign of AQUARIUS
Aquarius, you are the Eleventh Sign of the Zodiac. After the establishment and structure of the energies of Capricorn, it is your job to make sure that these structures blend, mix and are flexible with the needs of the people they are meant to serve. In the Northern Hemisphere, yours is the month of the deepest part of winter, which can be most unrelenting. The cold, dry air crackles with electricity. Yet the light of Spring is returning, most perceptibly, along with signs of life, although subtle, which stirs our hopes that Spring will arrive soon. In the Western Zodiac yours is the sign of the Water Bearer, although his jugs were more likely to be filled with air, which is your element. In early Babylonian times your constellation was called the “Giant,” suggesting a great being who knows all and sees all. You are likely to be aware of any political situation since you represent group dynamics. You may now value your role as a detached outsider, especially if you feel there is corruption with group leaders. However, you will be completely devoted to a group that fulfills its stated objectives – when the objectives are those you firmly believe in. Your beliefs generally center around the rights of individuals and the advancement of knowledge. You also tend to assert your own individuality, even if it means working against your own interests. (It is said that those with an Aquarian Moon can be very cold and detached.) Your greatest shortcoming is an automatic reaction against any rules, even those that are for your true benefit. Above all, your strong, freedom seeking instincts will force you to stand up for yourself as well as for the rights of others. Used wisely, this drive can serve both yourself and those you influence.
From: Medicine Cards by Sams & Carson, published by Bear & Co.

Embracing The Unknown
Wash me with your courage.
Most of Panther’s tribe had been stalked and killed by the other two-leggeds, who had come across the big water and who feared their own dark natures. Those people were in need of her healing medicine. That night the Black Panther stood at the edge of the swampy bayou, sniffing at the night, trying to catch the scent of any newcomer willing to go beyond their fears and trust her medicine. No, not on this night, but she would patiently wait for one courageous explorer of the healing potential found in the dark of the unknown.
The Caddo people called her clan the Black Panther, and her tribe was known as the Midnight or Black Jaguar to the Maya. The color black is honored by the red race: Darkness is the place for seeking and finding answers, for accepting healings, and for accessing the hidden Light of Truth. Black Panther teaches us through our dreams to delve into places within ourselves that need healing. She shows us how to track the unfamiliar territory found on the journey of self-discovery and to fearlessly face the unknown.
Since Black Panther is appearing to us during February 2022, it asks you not to be worried about the future. Trust that you are not supposed to mentally “figure it out” at this time. You may need to confront some of your fears of the unknown, of being less than you truly are, or an inability to simply BE. Let go of any fears that appear as obstacles or barriers. Embrace the unknown and flow with the m mystery that is unfolding in your life. The next step may be leaping empty-handed into the void with implicit trust. In the stillness of the void, find the will to avoid foolish temptations, going deeper into your own self-discovery and haling process. Here you will discover Black Panther’s unexpected blessings.
FEBRUARY CRYSTAL: Amethyst, Citirine
Amethyst: A variety of quartz which brings to you spiritual awareness. Strengthens the endocrine and immune systems. Enhances right brain activity, helps memory and activates the pineal and pituitary glands. A powerful blood cleanser and energizer. Helps with mental disorders and creates a veil of protection. Physical representative of the Violet Ray of alchemy and transformation. Cuts through illusion. Enhances your psychic abilities and is excellent to use while meditating. Aids in your channeling abilities. Amethyst is calming, strong, protective and aids with healing. Brings Divine Love, inspiration, and strengthens intuition and telepathy.
Citirine: Another variety of quartz. Good for the kidneys, colon, liver, gallbladder, digestive tract, heart. Helps with tissue regeneration so is excellent to use after any type of surgery. Detoxifies the system. Enhances the body’s healing energies and diminishes any self-destructive tendencies. Helps with depression. Creates a powerful alignment to your Blessed Higher Self and Intuitive Guides. Brings lightheartedness, cheerfulness, joy and faith. Warning – this stone may attract abundance to you!
RUNE of the Month—Laguz
Water – Sea – Fertility
That Which Conducts
The water of life flows
carving secret pathways
through the world
The urge toward unconsciousness, toward the past and immersion in the flow of feeling, toward the Mother, the womb’s security – all of this is inherent within the Laguz rune. Unseen powers are active here. The creative and fertile powers of nature. The attributes of Laguz are water, fluidity, the ebb and flow of tides and emotions, careers and relationships. It fulfills our need to immerse ourselves in the experience of living without having to evaluate or understand. It speaks to the desire for comfort and the satisfaction of emotional needs, the lunar side of our nature. For while the sun strives for differentiation, the moon draws us toward unity and merging.
This Rune of the Flow signifies a time for cleansing, for revaluing, reorganizing, realigning. A Rune of knowing and psychic power, it may call you to study spiritual matters in readiness for deep self-transformation. For a man, success now lies in contacting his intuitive knowing; for a woman, in attuning to her own rhythms. A Rune of the self relating rightly to the Higher-Self, it signifies what the alchemists called the conjunction, or sacred marriage. In fairy tales, it is the end where the hero and heroine live happily ever after.
Don’t be afraid to make the leap or take the chance.
This has always been the section for Healing Requests. Through the power of group prayers, healing take place spontaneously. You can be of help to many others, as well as your loved ones, with one minute of silence at 7:30 pm EST every Sunday evening anywhere in the world. With a prayer for the recovery of health, universal energy is sent out to any and all who send in their prayer request. What is needed is the name and birth date of the ill person, along with a diagnosis, if possible. What are you asking to be lifted? When you place your request in the Healing Circle of Light—located in our Prayer Room, – know that as soon as you make your Prayer request and Healing request – you will begin to see positive results!
(We have had thousands of responses. Keep the Prayers going for all concerned!)
Discover the secrets of your Astrological Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Rising Sign
and read them all together, for monthly guidance and direction.
The February 1st New Moon in Aquarius brings the Chinese New Year of the Black Water Tiger. This brings in compassion and sensitivity to your strong ambitions.
The February 16th Full Moon in Leo brings a warmhearted feeling with relationships. Also, a time to dive deep and make sure your sentimental needs are being met. Don’t be a “stick in the mud,” open your heart.
Mercury is retrograde January 14th through February 3rd, 2022
The Personal Signs:
ARIES (3/21-4/20)
Time to take a look at your career and promotion opportunities that are coming. Make sure that you sign contracts or shop for any big appliances before Mercury goes retrograde on the 14th. It’s a good time to review your budget and set some 2022 financial goals. Avoid petty arguments that can lead to confusion at month’s end. February is love month so keep your eyes open for people you can help that may be less fortunate than you. Mercury goes direct on Feb. 3rd, allowing you to get stable with your spending and finances. Don’t get yourself in a position where you worry too much about over-working. Accept that you need more sleep and be vigilant about your health care.
TAURUS (4/21-5/21)
Take a deep breath Taurus. Uranus in Taurus goes direct this month, allowing you to proceed with long-distance matters that were put on hold last summer. Pace yourself when taking action because Mercury retrogrades on the 14th. Encounters with colleagues increase because of the constantly changing employment conditions. Reorganizing staff positions could be because of the increasing workflow. Love partners are in a bonding mood when Venus goes direct on the 29th, Good news about employee raises comes at month’s end. In February your boss is all business about seeking federal aid to get the momentum back on track. Check in on family members and their health concerns, and make sure you’re getting enough rest.
GEMINI (5/21-6/20)
Matters of intimacy are on your mind as 2022 opens, as the energies stroke the fires of passion. You welcome the New Year with a blast of enthusiastic energy. You and the family are planning how to spend some extra cash. If you’re eyeing a new car, wait until Mercury finishes its retrograde cycle this month. Venus is retrograde as well until the 29th, so not a good time to shop. February brings announcements in the workplace after a tough year of adjusting to economic recovery and a more balanced job market. Good vibes fill you with hope foe the upcoming year ahead, A new salary offer comes at months end. Yep! February is love month.
CANCER (6/21-7/22)
January open up for travel as you and the family plan on relocation; Texas or Florida anyone? Be sure to set aside some time to review your budget and finalize your financial goals for 2022. Purchase any big-ticket items before Mercury retrogrades on the 14th. Some friends may want to reconnect after a long absence the last weekend of the month. February has you seeking out love connections and reaching out to others in distant places. On Valentine’s weekend plan a trip to a spa or romantic place to refresh your psyche and restore your enthusiasm for tackling your projects when you return. The business bank account shows an unexpected increase at month’s end.
LEO (7/23-8/22)
The New Year has you reviewing your financial picture for 2022. Work projects that you began to plan last summer and now showing up for completion. You and your spouse have some serious conversations about setting the budget for this coming year. A good credit rating makes you eligible for the best loan rates. You may have more than you realize to fund a remodeling project. An economic turn-around brings you a much-needed raise at month’s end. February opens with a New Moon on the 1st putting a light on romance, your significant other, and a special dinner. Networking through your work contacts brings in potential business. You could receive a surprise windfall as the month comes to a close.
VIRGO (8/23-9/22)
An after-Holiday weekend away with your love partner stokes the fires of intimacy creating magical New Year moments. The focus is on your family and children. Plan some fun indoor activities with your children. Creating a healthy cash flow is good, as long as you don’t splurge on a whim. After mid-month you make plans to travel to visit people at a distance. February brings optimism to the workplace after making some painful adjustments to the pandemic restraints. Don’t allow yourself to be pulled into office skirmishes and watch your temper mid-month. An authority figure is eyeing you for a promotion. Your top notch communication skills are about to become recognized.
LIBRA (9/23-10/22)
The kindness and rapport you share with family as the New Year opens generates a feel=good tone that will remain throughout 2022. The New Moon stimulates lively discussions in a comfortable, relaxing atmosphere. Acknowledge valuable professional alliances when you return to work, Double-check budget figures and review terms of agreement in contracts before Mercury retrogrades on the 14th. The Full Moon in Cancer on the 17th does not favor holding spontaneous meetings due to a hostile undercurrent. Best to clarify the concerns first. February brings rewarding work as well as supportive teamwork. A prominent clothing charity dive nets very positive results. Valentine’s Day is extra sweet this year. Extra money in your bank account helps you repay bills faster than planned. The abundant Capricorn planets this month create challenges for you to complete assignments and participate in smooth business discussions.
SCORPIO (10/23-11/22)
People make your world go round this month. Scorpio. They are showering you with compliments and invitations. You have contact with people you haven’t seen since last summer, including proposals for collaboration work. By mid-month you could see an increase in your paycheck and a vote of confidence from management that economic conditions are strengthening. Avoid erratic financial negotiations this month as Mercury retrogrades. Some transactions may be missing causing possible legal issues. Clarity comes after Mercury turns direct on Feb, 3rd. February opens on the Chinese New Year of the Water Tiger. The month of love favors some family bonding. Some family member may be ill and need groceries or some other kind of support. Be careful of your spending as the Full Moon brings some tense and challenging situations.
SAGITTARIUS (11/23-12/21)
Money and contract matters are on your mind as the New Year opens, Sag. With Mars in your sign until the 24th. You get the New Year off to an energetic start. You begin and end the month with excellent money vibes along with abundant ideas on how to spend it, share it with deserving people and groups. As Mercury turns retrograde on the 14th it’s best to keep a low profile. Uranus, which has been traveling through your 6th House of work, health, and pets, creating chaos since August at every turn, turns direct on the 18th. Finally, some peace comes. February brings activity in your 2nd House of money and values. Explore the emerging job market and go after your dream job. With little notice, an anticipated visitor cancels plans at the last minute. Negotiate or you could be out travel and lodging fees.
CAPRICORN (12/22-1/19)
You’ll have wonderful times with personal connections as you bask in the good feelings that reunions with cherished people generate. Travel may be necessary when Mercury is retrograde. Activity with siblings and neighbors in enjoyable but time consuming. Money could be the trigger of a family argument as you quickly clarify the reason for an intended purchase. Your stubborn streak is the source of tension mid-month. Try to use logic to settle things down. Uncomfortable travel dampens your partner’s mood at month’s end. Either revise your schedule or plan carefully for future outings. February is love month, bringing interactions for mutual enjoyment, entertainment, and sports. Listen to the advice from a relative at a distance who makes a valuable suggestion mid-month. Accept a leadership role that lands in your lap at month’s end.
AQUARIUS (1/20-2/18)
January promises to be a big money month for you. 2022 begins with taking a closer look at your financial picture; what you are earning, spending, and what you owe. Mercury retrogrades on the 14th, affecting matters related to your personal responsibilities. Be careful where you take that step. Accountants, lawyers, and the IRS communicate with you this month. Work on last year’s taxes, financial planning, and your net worth. Uranus turns direct on the 18th and disruptions from last summer are ready for a decision. At the Full Moon you get a rush assignment, forcing you to cancel travel plans. Best to lay low and wait for Mercury to go direct on Feb. 3rd. February, the month of love, brings light to relationship matters and all things fresh and unusual. After agreeing on some key financial matters with business partners, you breathe a sigh of relief that comes with knowing financial security. Keep matters low-key at mid-month when the powers that be don’t show up for the party and the media equipment konks out. Listen to all complaints with relaxed non-judgment.
PISCES (2/19-3/20)
An after-the-party get-together with friends extends the celebration season and gives you a preview of confidential plans that are set up for your future. Time to show leaders and team members the depth of your abilities as you pursue your ambitious goals. Jupiter is in Pisces in your first house, increasing your income, improving your cash flow, with the extras to provide updated media equipment. Avoid any binding agreements or signing of documents while Mercury is in its retrograde phase. February is love month and offers unlimited potential and optimistic vibes. Your communication skills get a workout mid-month when you are asked to lead a critical presentation. Write up an outline of subjects you have to offer others, and how to best implement their ideas. For next month’s board meeting. Enjoy the warmth and joy that February can bring
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