Jan 21, 2014 | Special Messages

Newsletter—AQUARIUS 2014


Balancing home and career is challenging but rewarding!


Small_Red_Rose  The Valentine Red Rose

  Now withdraw into the rose center of your heart. Meditate on the perfect red rose. The rose of twelve petals lies at the temple of your heart. It’s petals are opening to the sun – every petal gleaming and glowing with the light. There is an ineffable light in the heart of the rose.

Become enfolded within these petals, in a soft pearly light. You are within the temple of the rose, the Sun pours down into the heart… opening up the doorway to all empowering, unconditional Love. You are a part of this radiance and one with all of humanity, within the heart of the ROSE.


The Sun has entered AQUARIUS

Aquarius, you are the Eleventh Sign of the Zodiac. After the establishment and structure of the energies of Capricorn, it is your job to make sure that these structures blend, mix and are flexible with the needs of the people they are meant to serve. In the Northern Hemisphere, yours is the month of the deepest part of winter, which can be most unrelenting. The cold, dry air crackles with electricity. Yet the light of Spring is returning, most perceptibly, along with signs of life, although subtle, which stirs our hopes that Spring will arrive soon. In the Western Zodiac yours is the sign of the Water Bearer, although his jugs were more likely to be filled with air, which is your element. In early Babylonian times your constellation was called the “Giant,” suggesting a great being who knows all and sees all. You are likely to be aware of any political situation since you represent group dynamics. You may now value your role as a detached outsider, especially if you feel there is corruption with group leaders. However, you will be completely devoted to a group that fulfills its stated objectives – when the objectives are those you firmly believe in. Your beliefs generally center around the rights of individuals and the advancement of knowledge. You also tend to assert your own individuality, even if it means working against your own interests. (It is said that those with an Aquarian Moon are most cold and detached.) Your greatest shortcoming is an automatic reaction against any rules, even those that are for your true benefit. Above all, your strong freedom seeking instincts will force you to stand up for yourself as well as for the rights of others. Used wisely, this drive can serve both yourself and those you influence.


Based on the Rune (Possessions) and Animal (Dragonfly), February 2014 brings a time of reaping what you sow. If you have been working hard, this month brings in some rewards. There may be some situations or issues you have to walk away from, as well as some relationships that will improve this month. Be on guard, as mercury is retrograde for most of the month. Anything new may not last, but enjoy it while you can. Don’t sign any contracts or leases this month, because change is sure to upset the agreement. Some pretty fierce winter weather is possible as well throughout the US and Canada, as well as Europe.


From: Medicine Cards by Sams & Carson, published by Bear & Co.


Dragonfly – breaks illusions,
Brings visions of power,
No need to prove it,
Now is the Hour!

Know it, believe it,
Great Spirit intercedes,
Feeding you, blessing you
Filling all your needs.

Dragonfly medicine is of the dreamtime and the illusionairy facade we accept as physical reality. The iridescence of the Dragonfly wings reminds us of colors not found in our everyday experience. Dragonfly is shifting color, energy, form, and movement which explodes into the mind of the observer, bringing vague memories of a time or place where magic reigned.

Some legends say that Dragonfly was once Dragon, and that Dragon had scales like the Dragonfly wings. Dragon was full of wisdom, and flew through the night bringing light with its fiery breath. The breath of the Dragon brought forth the art of magic and the illusion of changing form. Then Dragon got caught in its own facade. Coyote tricked Dragon into changing form, and the shape of its new body became like a Dragonfly. In accepting the challenge to prove its power and magical prowess, Dragon lost its power.

Dragonfly is the essence of the winds of change, the messages of wisdom and enlightenment, and the communications from the elemental world. This elemental world is made up of the tiny spirits of plants, and the four elements of air, earth, fire and water. In essence, this world is full of nature spirits.

Dragonfly comes into the vibration of February 2014, which brings us a full harvest, but a warning to watch out for contaminated food products. It is time to give thanks for the food on your table and the clothes on your back. On the psychological level, it may be time to break down the illusions you have held that restrict your actions or ideas.

Dragonfly medicine always beckons you to seek out the parts of your habits which you need to change. Have you put on too much weight? Are you smoking heavily? Have you started to look like a scarecrow? Do you oversee someone else life to an interfering degree? Have you tended to the changes you have wanted to make in your own life? If you feel the need for change, or a move, call on Dragonfly to guide you through the mists of illusion to the pathway of transformation.

Follow Dragonfly to the place inside your body where magic is still alive, and drink deeply of its power. This strength belongs to you. It is the power of becoming the illusion. Creating your reality means you see it, believe it, become one with it, and then the reality is there. This innate ability to manifest and transform is within all of us and is ever-changing with the knowledge that you are the one creating it all!


FEBRUARY CRYSTAL — Amethyst, Citrine

A variety of quartz which brings to you spiritual awareness. Strengthens the endocrine and immune systems. Enhances right brain activity, helps memory and activates the pineal and pituitary glands. A powerful blood cleanser and energizer. Helps with mental disorders and creates a veil of protection. Physical representative of the Violet Ray of alchemy and transformation. Cuts through illusion. Enhances your psychic abilities and is excellent to use while meditating. Aids in your channeling abilities. Amethyst is calming, strong, protective and aids with healing. Brings Divine Love, inspiration, and strengthens intuition and telepathy.

Another variety of quartz. Good for the kidneys, colon, liver, gallbladder, digestive tract, heart. Helps with tissue regeneration so is excellent to use after any type of surgery. Detoxifies the system. Enhances the body’s healing energies and diminishes any self-destructive tendencies. Helps with depression. Creates a powerful alignment to your Blessed Higher Self and Intuitive Guides. Brings lightheartedness, cheerfulness, joy and faith. Warning – this stone may attract abundance to you!



Fehu is a Rune of fulfillment; ambitions satisfied, rewards received, love fulfilled. It also promises nourishment, from the most worldly to the sacred and the Divine. For if the principle “As is above so is below” is true, then we are here to also nourish God. This Rune calls for a deep probing of the meaning of profit and gain in your life. Look with care to know whether it is wealth and possessions you require for your well being, or rather self-rule and the growth of a will.

Another concern for Fehu is with conserving what has already been gained. It urges vigilance and continual mindfulness, especially in time of good fortune, for it is then that we are likely to collapse ourselves into our success on the one hand, or behave recklessly on the other. Enjoy your good fortune and remember to share it; the mark of a well-nourished self is the ability to nourish others.

Observe what is happening in your life. If there is negativity, look at this with an open perspective and ask “What lesson do I need to learn from this in my life?”

When there is an occasion for joy, do not be seduced into mindless joyousness. Remember that some doubtful situations can always arise and come in the form of many guises. Now that you have reached the top, stay sharp and awakened. All that is presented to you and this fulfillment is a part of the coming and passing away. In dealing with good fortune, know where it originates, from the Grace of the Divine, and recognize where your true nourishment lies.

Don’t be afraid to make the leap or take the chance.


This has always been the section for Healing Requests. Through the power of group prayers, healing take place spontaneously. You can be of help to many others, as well as your loved ones, with one minute of silence at 7:30 pm EST every Sunday evening anywhere in the world. With a prayer for the recovery of health, universal energy is sent out to any and all who send in their prayer request. What is needed is the name and birth date of the ill person, along with a diagnosis, if possible. What are you asking to be lifted? When you place your request in the Healing Circle of Light—located in our Prayer Room; know that as soon as you make your Prayer request and Healing request, you will begin to see positive results!

(We have had thousands of responses. Keep the Prayers going for all concerned!)


Discover the secrets of your Astrological Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Rising Sign and read them all together, for monthly guidance and direction.


The JANUARY 30th New Moon in Aquarius brings brings a time to get busy and get going, but in what direction? The Chinese New Year begins, the year of the Wood Horse. This will be a good, stable year that has come along just in time.
The February 14th Full Moon in Leo, brings on the drama queen. With Mercury retrograde, be careful of arguments and upsets with loved ones. Expect excitement and whatever you do for Valentine’s day lead with your heart.

MERCURY IS RETROGRADE between February 6th and February 28, 2014


Aries (3/21 – 4/20)
February brings Mercury retrograde on the 6th, and projects may seem stalled. Finish them up before moving forward, and it may take the whole month to do it.

Taurus (4/21-5/21)
February brings balance, and the nicest, warmest kind of romance. You have been in the shadows with love, but now it’s time to take a stand!

Gemini (5/21-6/20)
February brings lively chatter, puzzles, and interesting new acquaintances. You may reach out to a long distance past friendship. Hey, who knows?

Cancer (6/21-7/22)
February brings the time to bring closure to an emotional situation in a peaceful way. You will be able to either let go or set down some firm, non-negotiable rules.

Leo (7/23-8/22)
Don’t worry, your friends won’t forget you. You won’t be bored in February but, with Mercury retrograde, you may be a bit off your game. Joint resources may need your attention, especially if something has been overlooked.
Virgo (8/23-9/22)
February brings a problematic work life, with necessary communication and conversations that you can no longer put off. Rest assured, that once you’ve cleared it out, it will be over by month’s end. As for love, it’s wonderful and strong, and yep – this may be it!
Libra (9/23-10/22)
With Mercury retrograde in February, you may have to deal with a nagging health matter, or someone at work could find yet another way to irritate you. Libra’s are not fond of confrontations, but something needs to be done so buck up and clear the air!

Scorpio (10/ 23-11/22)
February brings a reprieve and some success at work. You are looked upon as someone who can always take charge of disorganized situations. However, you also have to have some fun, and may have to re-think this job commitment.

Sagittarius (11/23-12/21)
February brings romance and new relationships. Someone you’ve been seeing casually, and probably secretly too, will bring a bit of turbulence to your world. Time to settle money matters as well

Capricorn (12/22-1/19)
! February brings some upsetting moments with your daily plans once Mercury retrogrades on the 6th. Make sure you have all of your paperwork and necessary items when you leave the house, that your cell phone is charged, and gas tank full.

Aquarius (1/20-2/18)
February brings another Mercury retrograde on the 6th. Expect to break tradition, change the game plan at the last minute, while always keeping your mind open to infinite possibilities. You’ve been learning to live with a lot less lately, so clean out closets and drawers and give some stuff away to happy recipients.

Pisces (2/19-3/20)
February brings Mercury retrograde in your sign. You might feel a bit disoriented and confused. It’s important to verify all of your facts right now. Your intuition will be extra potent. Trust it!

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