Jan 21, 2013 | Special Messages

Newsletter — Aquarius 2013


My reward is career and financial success.



God is the foundation of health, prosperity,
wisdom, and eternal joy.
We make our life fulfilled and complete
when we have daily contact with God.
Take the time!
Give your attention to the Almighty Power
that is giving you life, strength, and wisdom.
Pray that unceasing truth flow into your mind,
unceasing strength flow into your body,
unceasing joy fill your Soul.
Take a deep breath—feel the Shakti energy filling you
through the Crown Chakra
and flowing through your entire being.
Become One with the Spiritual energies
of your Blessed Higher Self.
Know your strength, know your path,
and walk it as a son or daughter of God.

—Elizabeth Joyce 12.21.10

May God grant me Health, Protection and Guidance.

The Sun has entered AQUARIUS

Aquarius, you are the Eleventh Sign of the Zodiac. After the establishment and structure of the energies of Capricorn, it is your job to make sure that these structures blend, mix and are flexible with the needs of the people they are meant to serve. In the Northern Hemisphere, yours is the month of the deepest part of winter, which can be most unrelenting. The cold, dry air crackels with electricity. Yet the light of Spring is returning, most perceptibly, along with signs of life, although subtle, which stirs our hopes that Spring will arrive soon. In the Western Zodiac yours is the sign of the Water Bearer, although his jugs were more likely to be filled with air, which is your element. In early Babylonian times your constellation was called the “Giant,” suggesting a great being who knows all and sees all. You are likely to be aware of any political situation since you represent group dynamics. You may now value your role as a detached outsider, especially if you feel there is corruption with group leaders. However, you will be completely devoted to a group that fulfills its stated objectives – when the objectives are those you firmly believe in. Your beliefs generally center around the rights of individuals and the advancement of knowledge. You also tend to assert your own individuality, even if it means working against your own interests. (It is said that those with an Aquarian Moon are most cold and detached.) Your greatest shortcoming is an automatic reaction against any rules, even those that are for your true benefit. Above all, your strong freedom seeking instincts will force you to stand up fo yourself as well as for the rights of others. Used wisely, this drive can serve both yourself and those you influence.

From: Medicine Cards by Sams & Carson, published by Bear & Co.


Fly high,
Touch Great Spirit
Share your medicine,
Touch me,
Honor me,
So that I may know you too

Eagle medicine is the power of Great Spirit, and our connection to the Divine. It is the ability to live in the realm of spirit, and yet remain connected and balanced within the realm of the Earth. Eagle soars, and is quick to observe expansiveness within the overall pattern of life. From the heights of the clouds, Eagle is close to the heavens where the Great Spirit dwells.

The feathers of Eagle are considered to be the most sacred of healing tools. They have been used for centuries by shamans to cleanse the auras of patients coming to them for healing. Within the belief system of the Native American Indian tribes, Eagle represents a state of grace achieved through hard work, spiritual understanding, and a completion of the tests of initiation which result in one taking one’s personal power. It is only through the trials of one experiencing the lows in life as well as the highs, and through the trials of trusting one’s connection to the Great Spirit , that the right to use the essence of Eagle is earned.

February 2013, brings the vibration of this symbol and is reminding you to take heart and gather your courage, for the Universe is persenting you with an opportunity to soar above the mundane levels of your life. The power of recognizing this opportunity may come in the form of a spiritual test. In being astute, you may recognize the places within your soul, personality, emotions, or psyche that need bolstering or refinement. By looking at the overall tapersty, Eagle teaches you to broaden your sense of Self beyond the horizon of what is presently visible.

In learning to fiercely attack your inner fears of the unknown, the wings of your Soul will be supported by the everpresent breezes which are the breath of Great Spirit.

Feed your body, but more importantly feed your Soul. Within the realm of Mother Earth and Father Sky, the dance that leads to flight involves the conquering of fear and the willingness to join in the adventure that you are co-creating with the Divine.

The Eagle has majestically danced its way into the energies of  February 2013, and you are being put on notice to reconnect with the element of Air. Air is of the mental plane, and in this instance it is of the higher mind, your Blessed Higher Self. Wisdom comes in many strange and curious ways and is always related to the creative force of the Great Spirit.

If you have been living in the past or walking and clinging to former realities, Eagle brings illumination. Eagle asks you to look higher and touch Grandfather Sun with your heart, to love your shadows as well as your light. See the beauty and learning in both, and you will take flight like the Eagle. Eagle medicine is the gift we give ourselves to remind us of the freedom of the skies. Eagle asks you to give permission to legalize freedom and to follow the joy of your heart desires.


Amethyst: helps memory and activates the pineal and pituitary glands. A powerful blood cleanser and energizer. Helps with mental disorders and creates a veil of protection. Physical representative of the Violet Ray of alchemy and transformation. Cuts through illusion. Enhances your psychic abilities and is excellent to use while meditating. Aids in your channeling abilities. Amethyst is calming, strong, protective and aids with healing. Brings Divine Love, inspiration, and strengthens intuition and telepathy.

Citrine: Another variety of quartz.  Good for the kidneys, colon, liver, gallbladder, digestive tract, heart. Helps with tissue regeneration so is excellent to use after any type of surgery. Detoxifies the system. Enhances the body’s healing energies and diminishes any self-destructive tendencies.  Helps with depression. Creates a powerful alignment to your Blessed Higher Self and Intuitive Guides.  Brings lightheartedness, cheerfulness, joy and faith. Warning – this stone may attract abundance to you!

RUNE of the Month


SIGNALS—messenger Rune—The God Loki

Ansuz is the first of the twelve Runes that make up the Cycle of Self-Transformation. These Runes focus directly upon the mechanism of self-change. The keynote in February of 2013 is receiving: messages, signals, gifts. Even a timely warning may be seen as a gift. When the Messenger Rune brings us sacred knowledge, one is truly blessed.

The message may be that of a new life unfolding. New lives begin with new connections, surprising linkages that direct us to new pathways. Take pains to be especially aware and conscious during meetings, visits, chance encounters, particularly with persons wiser than yourself. A sense of new family solidarity invests Ansuz.

Through association with the Norse god Loki, Mercury overshadows this Rune. In mythology a strange, adrogynous figure, keeper of the keys of knowledge, Mercury carried messages between the gods and between gods and humanity. In him is symbolized the urge to integrate unconscious motive with conscious recognition. This Rune is the focus for February 2013, telling us that the connection with the Divine is at hand.

Signals – the Ansuz Rune – brings a sign to explore the depths, the foundations of life, and to experience the inexhaustible wellspring of the Divine in your nature. You are reminded that you must draw first from the well to nourish and give to yourself. Then there will be more than enough to nourish others.

You may well be concerned over what appears to be failed communication, lack of clarity or awareness either in your past history or in a present situation. Equally, you may feel concern because of difficulties that inhibit you from accepting what is being offered. Then again a sense of futility, of wasted motion, of a fruitless journey may dismay you. Remember, however, that this is one of the Cycle Runes. What happenes in your life this February is timely in your life process. If the well is clogged, this is the month to clear out the waste. Make your decisions and go forward without fear. Trust the Universe to put you in the right direction. Everything will settle by year’s end.


This has always been the section for Healing Requests. Through the power of group prayers, healing take place spontaneously. You can be of help to many others, as well as your loved ones, with one minute of silence at 7:30 pm EST every Sunday evening anywhere in the world. With a prayer for the recovery of health, universal energy is sent out to any and all who send in their prayer request. What is needed is the name and birth date of the ill person, along with a diagnosis, if possible. What are you asking to be lifted? When you place your request in the Healing Circle of Light—located in our Prayer Room, – know that as soon as you make your Prayer request and Healing request – you will begin to see positive results!

(We have had thousands of responses. Keep the Prayers going for all concerned!)

Discover the secrets of your Astrological Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Rising Sign
and read them all together, for monthly guidance and direction.



The February 10th New Moon in Aquarius brings fireworks as the Chinese welcome the Year of the Water Snake. Unconscious lunar forces are at a dark and murky low. A good time for groundbreaking and a start-up business.

The February 25th Full Moon in Virgo brings retrograde communications. Don’t be surprised if electronic communications and gadgets seem full of gremlins that make your life difficult.

Mercury retrogrades Feb. 26th through Mar. 17th

AQUARIUS: Polarity: Masculine Sign: Fixed Element: Air Planetary Rule: 11th House/Uranus Body: Circulatory System, Ankles

FOCUS: I AM A Wellspring of Creativity



Aries  (3/21 – 4/20)

February brings you the encouragement to slow your pace. Relax, rest, and get plenty of sleep. Be ready to step up the pace after the 23rd. People look at your talents with expectations of high productivity.


Taurus   (4/21-5/21)

February puts you in contact with a variety of people. Make fun your mission. See a sporting event with your children, devote quality time at Valentine’s Day, and spend weekends with your hobbies. Mercury retrogrades on the 23rd making decisions a bit tough.


Gemini  (5/21-6/20)

February brings a desire for a change of scene. Plan a winter pleasure trip as well as some business travel. Sample cuisine of different cultures as a variety of restaurants. Your career moves into a two-month high-level period after the 12th.


Cancer (6/21-7/22)

February brings a time to focus and learn something new. Gather information, do some research and put all the new facts together to gain knowledge. This will be a career asset in the coming months.


Leo (7/23-8/22)

February brings more socializing. You can widen your circle of acquaintances. Set a budget, as you are likely to overspend on fun!


Virgo (8/23-9/22)

February energizes you for personal endeavors, especially those you can do in tandem with others. Don’t allow yourself to get drawn into conflicts with friends or colleagues. Be open to compromise


Libra (9/23-10/22)

February brings a busy and frustrating time at work. Relax during downtime and weekends. Treat your partner for a special evening out near Valentine’s Day. You singles could meet a new romantic interest.


Scorpio (10/ 23-11/22)

February brings relaxing evenings at home. You delight spending time with your family and partner. Host a get-together for Valentine’s Day.


Sagittarius (11/23-12/21)

February is ideal for domestic projects. You’ll get new ideas and the energy necessary. Get the family involved but be careful of tools and ladders. Clear out the clutter!


Capricorn (12/22-1/19)

February brings in a thrill for adventure. Make spring travel plans choosing a relaxing destination, or one that features plenty of sightseeing. Other cultures catch your interest now. Take a quick class for fun or learn a new skill.


Aquarius (1/20-2/18)

February begins with your review of this past year. What to you want to achieve by this time next year? Put this plan into motion, then step into each day with maximum confidence.


Pisces (2/19-3/20)

February brings a brief respite through the 10th. Spend time with your favorite leisure activities and plan a romantic dinner with your partner around Valentine’s Day. Stop short of inviting a friend or lover to share your space. You will wind up regretting it.

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