Aquarius 2011

Jan 30, 2011 | Special Messages

Newsletter – AQUARIUS 2011


Knowledge is my pathway and brings freedom and success.


Now withdraw into the rose center of your heart. Meditate on the perfect rose. The rose of twelve petals lies at the temple of your heart. It’s petals are opening to the sun – every petal gleaming and glowing with the light. There is an ineffable light in the heart of the rose.

Become enfolded within these petals, in a soft pearly light. You are within the temple of the rose, the Sun pours down into the heart—opening up the doorway to all empowering, unconditional Love. You are a part of this radiance and one with all of humanity, within the heart of the ROSE.

Allow the light from the Masters show how to live divinely and to rise above the dualities of this world and find peace within. Become a giver of peace and love to others. By dwelling on these higher energies and striving to emulate the qualities expressed, you will open your heart to absorb more deeply the Spirit manifested in all God-united souls. Let the strength that upholds the Universe filled your being filling you with everlasting love. Smell the fragrance emitting from the center of the rose and fill yourself up with the radiance of the Universe.

May God grant me Health, Protection, and Guidance.

The Sun has entered AQUARIUS

Aquarius, you are the Eleventh Sign of the Zodiac. After the establishment and structure of the energies of Capricorn, it is your job to make sure that these structures blend, mix and are flexible with the needs of the people they are meant to serve. In the Northern Hemisphere, yours is the month of the deepest part of winter, which can be most unrelenting. The cold, dry air crackles with electricity. Yet the light of Spring is returning, most perceptibly, along with signs of life, although subtle, which stirs our hopes that Spring will arrive soon. In the Western Zodiac yours is the sign of the Water Bearer, although his jugs were more likely to be filled with air, which is your element. In early Babylonian times your constellation was called the “Giant,” suggesting a great being who knows all and sees all. You are likely to be aware of any political situation since you represent group dynamics. You may now value your role as a detached outsider, especially if you feel there is corruption with group leaders. However, you will be completely devoted to a group that fulfills its stated objectives – when the objectives are those you firmly believe in. Your beliefs generally center around the rights of individuals and the advancement of knowledge. You also tend to assert your own individuality, even if it means working against your own interests. (It is said that those with an Aquarian Moon are most cold and detached.) Your greatest shortcoming is an automatic reaction against any rules, even those that are for your true benefit. Above all, your strong freedom seeking instincts will force you to stand up for yourself as well as for the rights of others. Used wisely, this drive can serve both yourself and those you influence.

(This information goes for AQUARIUS Sun Sign – Moon Sign
as well as the Rising Sign.)

Based on the Rune (GATEWAY) and Animal (MOOSE) chosen as the vibration for the February 2011 brings: more harsh winter weather, a volatile Stock Market, and a new republican candidate focus for the 2012 election. A female!

From: Medicine Cards by Sams & Carson, published by Bear & Co.


Moose — Self Esteem

help me honor
The gifts I can give
And recognize my worthiness
As long as I live

Moose is found in the North of the medicine wheel, as is the Buffalo. North represents the place of wisdom. Self-esteem is the medicine of Moose because it represents the power of recognizing that wisdom has been used in a situation and that recognition or a pat on the back is deserved.

Moose is the largest member of the deer family and has great strength. The call of the male moose is an awesome thing to hear on a musky spring night. His pride in his maleness and his desire to share his seed with a Moose cow are displays of his sense of self-esteem. The bellow of a male Moose can be viewed as a positive force, since it represents his willingness to  tell the world about his feelings.

This tell the world trait contains a joyfulness which only comes with a sense of accomplishment. there is no greater joy than a job well done. This trait is therefore not a seeking of approval, but rather an enjoyment of sharing because of the spontaneous explosion of joy that comes from the deepest part of one’s being.

The wisdom woven throughout this scene is that creation constantly brings forth new ideas and further creation. Moose is telling us that joy should be shouted with pride. The wisdom in doing this shouting is  that JOY is  catching.  In a sense, the bellowing is a way for us all to lighten up and give ourselves or each other a well done, bravo, well done!

Moose medicine people have the wisdom to know when to use the gentleness of the Deer and when to activate the stampede of the Buffalo. They understand the balance of giving orders to get things done and having the willingness to do things for themselves. The wisdom of Moose medicine is akin to the Grandfather Warrior who has long since put away his war paint and is now advising the young bucks to cool their blood.

Moose medicine is often found in elders who have walked the good earth and have seen many things on their Earth Walk. Their joy lies in being the teachers of children, and in being the first ones to give encouragement. This is not to say that Moose medicine people do not use their wisdom to warn as well as to give praise, because they do. Moose medicine people know what to say, when to say it, and to whom!

The elders are honored in tribala law for their gifts of wisdom, for their teaching abilities, and for the calmness they impart in Council. If you are wise beyond your years and have the gift of Moose medicine, use this gift to encourage others to grow. There are may facets to the wisdom of Moose medicine.

February 2011 brings Moose into the vibration for the opening of a new decade, to remind us about strength and endurance in the coming months. If you have reason to feel you’ve accomplished something on your life journey then be sure to jump for joy. This may be a habit you have broken, a completion of some sort, an insight on a goal, or a new sense of self that you have fought hard to earn. This is a time for feeling harmonious pride, and of recognizing those who have aided you in this process.


AMETHYST: A variety of quartz which brings to you spiritual awareness. Strengthens the endocrine and immune systems. Enhances right brain activity, helps memory and activates the pineal and pituitary glands. A powerful blood cleanser and energizer. Helps with mental disorders and creates a veil of protection. Physical representative of the Violet Ray of alchemy and transformation. Cuts through illusion. Enhances your psychic abilities and is excellent to use while meditating. Aids in your channeling abilities. Amethyst is calming, strong, protective and aids with healing. Brings Divine Love, inspiration, and strengthens intuition and telepathy.
CITRIENE: Another variety of quartz.  Good for the kidneys, colon, liver, gallbladder, digestive tract, heart. Helps with tissue regeneration so is excellent to use after any type of surgery. Detoxifies the system. Enhances the body’s healing energies and diminishes any self-destructive tendencies.  Helps with depression. Creates a powerful alignment to your Blessed Higher Self and Intuitive Guides.  Brings lightheartedness, cheerfulness, joy and faith. Warning – this stone may attract abundance to you!

RUNE of the Month—Thurisaz


Place of Non-Action

With a gateway for its symbol, this Rune indicates that there is work to do both inside and outside of yourself. The Spirit of Transformation guards the gate of the personal world, looking out as well as in, symbolizing the abiding urge to transcend the limits of the little self. The Gateway is at once a portal and a frontier between Heaven and the mundane. Having this Rune during the energies of Virgo,  completes a cycle that brings new beginnings and is a recognition of your readiness to contact the luminous, the Divine, to illuminate your experience so that its meaning shines through its form.

Thurisaz is the Rune of non-action. This Gateway is not to be approached and passed through without contemplation. During the time of Aquarian energies, you are being confronted with a true reflection of what is hidden within yourself, what must be exposed and examined before successful action can be undertaken. This Rune’s strength lies in its ability to wait.  This is not a time to take decisions. Deep transformational forces are at work with this Rune.

Visualize a gateway on a hilltop. Your entire life lies behind you and below. Before you pass through this Gateway, pause and review the past; the learning, the joys, the tests and tribulations, all you have experienced and all it took to bring you to this place, this moment. Bless it, release it, and let it go! For in doing so, you will reclaim what is truly yours, the powers within the Universe.

This has always been the section for Healing Requests. Through the power of group prayers, healing take place spontaneously. You can be of help to many others, as well as your loved ones, with one minute of silence at 7:30 pm EST every Sunday evening anywhere in the world. With a prayer for the recovery of health, universal energy is sent out to any and all who send in their prayer request. What is needed is the name and birth date of the ill person, along with a diagnosis, if possible. What are you asking to be lifted? When you place your request in the Healing Circle of Light—located in our Prayer Room, – know that as soon as you make your Prayer request and Healing request – you will begin to see positive results!

(We have had thousands of responses. Keep the Prayers going for all concerned!)


Discover the secrets of your Astrological Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Rising Sign and read them all together, for monthly guidance and direction.


The New Moon in AQUARIUS on FEBRUARY 2nd brings in the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Rabbit. The Rabbit is considered to be a lucky omen. Communication takes on a lighter note as mercury leaves heavy Capricorn and moves into airy Aquarius.
The Full Moon in Leo on FEBRUARY 18th brings a time to have a brave heart and overcome your opponent. This is the best day of the year to take pride in your accomplishments, eliminate bad habits, and rid yourself of whatever or whoever you no longer need.

AQUARIUS — Element:  Air  Quality: Fixed  Polarity:  Masculine Planetary Ruler:  11th House   Focus:  Unconventional

The Sun has entered AQUARIUS

Jupiter makes a quick trip through Aries in your solar Third House between January 22nd and June 3rd. Stay tuned for all of the good news, which can pop up at any time and at the least expected moment. Jupiter here favors upbeat relationships with neighbors, siblings, your oldest son, and relatives outside of your immediate family, and of whom cold bring you luck. Don’t hold back on your networking charm and share your interests, hopes, and wishes with others. Be sure to plan ahead as much as possible and keep your calendar up to date. Both will help you manage your time because you’ll be on the go, dashing here and there, and nearly everyone you know will want some of your time and attention.

2011 is an ideal time for you to broaden your horizons as well as your knowledge. Consider returning to school or begin a degree or certification program if your career will benefit from the effort. You can also take a specialized class to gain a specific skill. Share your knowledge by presenting a seminar at you company or conference center, or help teach adults to read. In 2011 you’re likely to develop an interest in other cultures and have the motivation to learn the language or traditions of another country, or research your roots and travel to your ancestral home.  You may also be called for jury duty in a high-proflie case, or have more interaction with your in-laws.

You may be encouraged to share, when appropriate, humanitarian views with others, with the goal of broadening their perspectives, and possible become involved in hands-on volunteer efforts in another country.

Now is the time to organize your financial records and to free yourself and your space from unusable items, clothing you haven’t worn in the last two years, and all the stuff that tends o pile up in your storage spaces.

Lastly, your subconscious will be active at times, revealing long-forgotten events from which you can gain new insights into your personality, relationships, and worldly goals. Your intuition will become stronger, and you may suddenly realize that the people you knew well are not really the people you thought them to be. Time to clear out the old and make way for the new, so go with it when the urge strikes to transform your surroundings, and even yourself. Everyone can benefit from a healthier lifestyle, and now is the time to take charge and rely on the inner strength provided by these energies to get into shape, change your diet, and let go of bad habits.

 Aries (3/21 – 4/20)
February a friendship could seem confusing. It’s possible that someone you consider a friend actually isn’t. Don’t be quick to accept if you’re asked to lead a group activity. It could be way more involved than you’d like or can handle.
 Taurus (4/21-5/21)
Your fitness plans for the next few months fall into place. Romance becomes a further reason to smile. It’s like an old passion rekindled thanks to the intervention of a trustworthy friend! February people at a distance frustrate you because it will be impossible to get the information you need. Travel can also be challenging now. Postpone any domestic projects to avoid mishaps.
 Gemini (5/21-6/20)
Romance may as difficult now. You need some answers. You are sensitive and know that you are with someone who causes uncertainties. February brings continuing financial challenges. You may have extra expenses regarding your children.  This begins to ease at month’s end.
 Cancer (6/21-7/22)
February brings possible work rewards, promotions and recognition. Decisions must be made and the key is who do you align yourself with and who do you believe can honor their promises. Be the first in line if you have the opportunity to attend a seminar.
 Leo (7/23-8/22)
Your leadership qualities become very important now. February you’ll have to contend with some challenges at the workplace. Most involves communication, or the lack of it, and others who think theirs is the final word. There is little you can do to change stubborn minds, so work around it.
 Virgo (8/23-9/22)
An increase in your self-confidence means that you express yourself too dramatically! February financial issues may pop up around your children and leisure issues. Investments continue to require caution. Curb your generosity and protect your resources.
 Libra (9/23-10/22)
Severe weather could be an issue in February. Stress can create domestic discord. In Relaxation is the keyword for you in this month. At home you will spend enjoyable time with friends and family. You feel a need for a late winter or early spring vacation! There are very few tasks needed, and you must be careful of all significant exertions at the moment so you can load your batteries again!
Scorpio (10/ 23-11/22)
February is an easygoing month. The exception can be neighbors or family members. Avoid anyone who seems difficult. Deep thinking and a self-help book may prove enlightening It’s a good month to entertain friends at home.
Sagittarius (11/23-12/21)
Rest pays dividends. Work on strengthening your finances. February brings the focus to the home front. Get in the habit of backing up computer files and unplugging anything that is not in use. Put repairs such as rewiring anything on your priority list.
 Capricorn (12/22-1/19)
February brings comfort with a few issues left over from January’s challenges. They will be easier to handle because of your increased objectivity. Say no more than you must because you’re unlikely to make decision-makers see it your way. You’re among the popular on the social scene.
 Aquarius (1/20-2/18)
Romance waits this month. Have courage. February brings issues with those close to you. It begins around the 9th and comes to a head on the 18th. Don’t give in, especially where there are values concerned, and stick to your principles. This gives you strength of character. Be good to yourself.
 Pisces (2/19-3/20)
You are very sensitive for the feelings of others but do you pay attention to your own emotions? Remember now that it’s especially important to protect your finances. February brings in ease, and you’ll want to treat yourself well. Jupiter may send along some extra cash, so treat yourself to extra warm PJ’s. Rest, eat well, and avoid a cold or flu. Focus on a new direction and go for it! Dream big and aim high.

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