We're In Countdown – beginning May 20th, 2012

May 11, 2012 | Special Messages

Come Join Us On This Powerful Day

Have you noticed all of the challenges going on in your life? May of 2012 is one of the most powerful months of this year. It brings us the opportunity to make a positive difference to people everywhere. Have you noticed the activity of the Sun spots and eruptions? We, the planet Earth, are experiencing an amazing influx of Light, the Fifth Dimension promise, that benefits ourselves, our families, and all of humanity, as well as our animals, birds, insects, and the balance of the planet.

We are receiving the highest frequency of Light that the Cosmos will allow. Much is being filtered through the new Fourth Level of the Aura. This means that you and I have the ability to increase the Light we are receiving from the Universe in unprecedented ways. One of them is the Double Helix of Light from which the Divine Seals and Spiritual Chakras radiate. This is the new healing Light that awakens our deep centers, our cellular memory, and our DNA. We are evolving as humans to a place of love and service.

When you focus on this new Light stream, your precious ray of Light is inter-mingeled into all the activities of the Light unfolding throughout May, culminating on May 20th and the powerful New Moon eclipse. This means we will be receiving this new Light on May 20th, and carrying the strength through the rest of 2012. When you connect this ray of Light to your Spiritual Chakras, you are unified with your Universal Body, you become transparent, and all of your spiritual gifts open within you.

At this time your efforts to join the Oneness are being amplified a thousand fold by your Amber Angel, and the White Brotherhood of the Cosmos. The Higher Realms are thanking you for your willingness to invoke this Divine Light of God on behalf of your self, your soul, and all of humanity. You are being assured that the Light of God is always victorious and that You are One with that Light.

This is a time when we all chose to be here. We have been preparing for this day and year for eons. You have a vital role to play within the unfolding of the Divine Plan. As you absorb this, take some deep breaths, in and out, asking your heart and mind to join the vibrations of this higher Double Helix of Light. Know that the Divine is transforming the Earth, her inhabitants, her governments, her reality, and that all life is evolving on the planet.

In May of 2012, the Mother Mary opens her Temple of the Immaculate Heart in the realms of the 12th Dimension, and the energy flows down to the 5th Dimension, allowing the God Light to strengthen, purify, and bless this planet and Solar System. Every Soul conceived between May 1st, 2012 and April 30th, 2013 is drawn into this powerful force of Light energy. Once they are merged, she will be guiding each Soul to prepare their Chalice of the Heart that will hold the Violet Flame of the 5th Dimension during the upcoming changes, events, and embodiment. Because of the urgency of the hour, in May of 2012, there are several additional gifts, sent from Spirit, that will be blessings on this planet Earth. They come from the new Solar Frequencies, radiating from the Sun, strengthening of your Spiritual Chakras, your fourth level of the Aura, the Amber flame, and the Solar Violet Fire, which will increase hourly and daily for the remainder of 2012.

On May 20th, we will experience a very powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse at 1 degree Gemini, this is considered a critical degree, with a stronger frequency. On June 4th we will experience a powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 14 degrees Sagittarius. These two celestial events will lift us further into the Light in preparation for the greatest influx of Divine Love that we have ever experienced. That influx of Divine Love will occur during the last phase of the Venus Transit between June 5-28, 2012.

Anticipating these events, Elizabeth Joyce, in the summer of 2009, knelt at the feet of Ammachi, the Holy Mother, and asked Her to open Elizabeth’s heart to write a book that would be helpful to mankind, embracing the World. What came forth is Ascension—Accessing The Fifth Dimension. Within the covers of that book, along with the new healing Ascension Workbook, came all of the information needed to help all of us Ascend into the energies of the 5th Dimension. The Spiritual Chakras were made known, along with the Divine Seals. Elizabeth created a chart explaining this fabulous healing gift. Now Elizabeth want to spread the word and pass this knowledge onto you.

Come join us on May 20th for her class and meditation, aligning all who attend with this power frequency, opening the Spiritual Chakras, and sign up for the IAVH healing training class on June 16-17, 2012. The information for May 20th is below.

Workshop with Elizabeth Joyce

Sunday – MAY 20, 2012
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
James Lorah House
132 N. Broad Street
Doylestown, PA 18914

Abundance Exchange $75.00

Bring a pillow and a blanket. Please wear light clothing.

Call 215-996-0646 to reserve your space, or sign up on the website – thebcma.net