Newsletter — LIBRA 2011
Knowledge is my quest!
Every heartbeat is God’s name to me. Every breath of life is ecstasy. Every night is bliss and I awaken in your company. Then dawn plays a symphony revealing to me my personal reality. Every life is a living God to me. Every thing is an expression of God’s personality. Every kiss is God’s romance and every love is embedded in God’s originality.
I hear, breathe, sing and speak of God. Each day your plan reveals it’s universal truth. From the past to the future, connected is how each day shall be. Speaking thy name, I will dwell on you eternally.
Yogi Bhajan
October brings Columbus Day Day, falling leaves, harvest,
and Halloween.
The Sun has entered LIBRA
Airy Libra is the only Stargazing sign that is not represented by a human or an animal symbol. The scales of justice symbolize the need to balance feminine and masculine principles and reminds us to apply the laws that enable diverse people to mingle amicably. This happy equilibrium can flower only if harmony and tranquility are found and well cultivated. To achieve a Librian balance in this autumn cycle, reinforced decisiveness is needed over all other attributes. Try to discover your treasure cove, your place of calmness, of inner serenity and artistic genius, but avoid the shadowy pathways of idle fantasies and superficial dodges from responsibility. Living close to your loved ones, building strong family ties as well as close friendships, will give you peace of mind that an external world cannot guarantee.
Home, family and the domestic scene are your major themes for 2011, along with a possible new home or refurbished one, an active social life, and opportunities to shine on the job. Jupiter is in Taurus and travels through your Eighth House of other people’s money, wills, insurance, and sex. This fortunate planet will prompt you to pay off loans, pay down your credit cards, and perhaps remake yourself as a new life direction emerges along with a new career change. You’ll also enjoy many happy moments with family while entertaining your friends. Include potential networking contacts in this mix because one or more of them will come in handy later on in 2012, to advance your career aims. Whatever you choose to do for your security this year, it is sure to bring you success.
Based on the Rune Wholeness and the Animal Bear, October brings a time when reaching out and connecting with new people can be rewarding, both personally and professionally. Love may be in the air but mystery and intrigue can undermine trust in partnerships. Be careful if you feel you want to open your wallet and heart and plunge into a new relationship or business investment. As always, you may choose to stretch, but don’t go too far! A discerning mind helps to avoid excess. After the 17th you may be asked to assess a situation and describe complicated matters in an honest and straightforward manner. At month’s end try to build ambition in an easygoing manner while maintaining discipline. Accomplishments are achievable with precision and a clearly defined purpose.
From: Medicine Cards by Sams & Carson, published by Bear & Co.
BEAR: Introspection
Invite me into the cave
Where silence surrounds
The answers you give
The strength we receive from Bear medicine is the power of introspection. Bear seeks honey, or the sweetness of Truth, within the hollow of an old tree. In the winter, when the ice Queen reigns and the face of death is upon the Earth, Bear enters the womb-cave to hibernate, to digest the year’s experiences. To accomplish the goals and dreams that we carry, the art of introspection is necessary.
To become like Bear and enter the safety of the womb-cave, we must attune ourselves to the energies of the Eternal Mother, and receive nourishment from the placenta of the Great Void. The Great Void is the place where all solutions and answers live in harmony with the questions that fill our reality. If we choose to believe that there are many questions to life, we must also believe that the answers to these questions reside within us. Each and every being has the capacity to quiet the mind, enter the silence, and know.
Many tribes have called the space of inner knowing the Dream Lodge., where death of the illusion of physical reality overlays the expansiveness of eternity. It is the Dream Lodge that our ancestors sit as Council and advise us regarding alternative pathways that lead to our goals. This is the power of Bear.
The female receptive energy that for centuries has allowed visionaries, mystics, and shamans to prophesy is contained in this very special Bear energy. In India, the cave symbolizes the cave of Brahma. Brahma’s cave is considered to be the pineal gland that sits in the center of the four lobes of the brain.
If one were to imagine an overview of the head, the top of it would be a circle. The South would be the forehead, the North the back of the skull, the West would be the right brain, and the East the left brain.
Bear is in the West, the intuitive side, the right brain. To hibernate, Bear travels to the cave, which is the center of the four lobes where the pineal gland resides. In the cave, Bear seeks answers while dreaming or hibernating. Bear is then reborn in the Spring, like the opening of a spring flower.
For centuries, all seekers of the Dreamtime and of visions have walked the path of silence, calming the inner chatter, reaching the place of rites of passage—the channel or pineal gland. From the cave of Bear, you find the pathway to the Dream Lodge and the other levels of imagination and consciousness. In choosing Bear, the power of knowing has invited you to enter the silence and become acquainted with the Dream Lodge, so that your goals may become concrete realities. This is the strength of Bear, and the October energies of 2011.
Know yourself. Journey with Bear to the quietness of your cave and hibernate in silence. Dream your dreams and own them. Then in strength you will be ready to discover the honey waiting in the Tree of Life.
OPAL: Brings tears to those who wear it, unless born in the month of October; then it brings good fortune and luck. Stimulates the pineal and pituitary glands. Aids eyesight. Emotional balance. Enhances intuition. Contains the full spectrum of colors and resonates with all Chakras. Helps bring conscious connection with the Blessed Higher Self.
ADVENTURINE: Variety of quartz. Calms nerves, reduces fluid retention, helps weight loss and strengthens kidneys. Purifies the body. Enhances calmness of mind, aids creative self-expression. Brings physical, mental, emotional and spiritual balance. Helps banish fears and phobias. Excellent for meditation, inspiration, peace, calmness, love. Cleanses the throat Chakra and Solar Plexus.
WHOLENESS—Life Forces—The Sun’s Energy
Sowelu is the symbol of Wholeness, that which our nature requires. It embodies the impulse toward self-realization and indicates the path you must follow, not from ulterior motives but from the essence of your individuality.
Seeking after wholeness is the heart of the Warrior’s quest. Yet, what you are striving to become in actuality is what you already are in essence. It is your personal myth. That which your soul carries to make conscious and bring into form in a creative way. The Sun symbolizes the path and illuminates the goal, which is the human heart.
A Rune of great power, making life force available to you, Sowelu marks a time for recharging and regeneration, right down to the cellular level. You may actually experience power surges, for the energy involved can be drastic. Although this rune has no reverse position, there is a reason for caution. You may see fit to withdraw, to retreat in the face of a pressing situation, especially if events or people are demanding that you “spend” your energy now. Know that such a retreat is a retreat in strength, and that it can mark a voyage inward for centering, for balance. Timely retreat is among the skills of the Spiritual Warrior.
At the same time, for some, this Rune counsels to open yourself up. Let the Light come into some part of your life that has been held secret and shut away. To accomplish this may call for profound recognitions, for admitting to yourself something that you have long denied. There is a prayer that Ammachi teaches called the Gayatri Prayer, that embodies the spirit of this Rune. Salute the Sun in this fashion.
You, who are the source of all power,
Whose rays illuminate the whole world,
Illuminate my heart,
So that I too can do your work.
While reciting the Gayatri prayer, visualize the Sun’s rays streaming forth into the world, entering your own heart, and then streaming out of your heart center in turn. This is an extremely powerful and life-enhancing prayer.
Again, there is caution not to give yourself airs. Yet, even in a time of bountiful energy, you are required to face and vanquish your refusal to let right action flow through you. Nourish this capacity, for it is your true function. Aim yourself truly and maintain your aim without manipulation.
Practice the art of not forcing. Aim yourself truly and then maintain your aim without manipulative effort. Meditate on Christ’s words, I can of mine own self do nothing. For in our own power, we do nothing, even in loving, it is the Love that loves through us. This way of thinking and being integrates new energies and permits you to flow into wholeness, which is the ultimate realization of your personal myth, and the goal of the Superior Warrior
Don’t be afraid to make the leap or take the chance.
This has always been the section for Healing Requests. Through the power of group prayers, healing take place spontaneously. You can be of help to many others, as well as your loved ones, with one minute of silence at 7:30 pm EST every Sunday evening anywhere in the world. With a prayer for the recovery of health, universal energy is sent out to any and all who send in their prayer request. What is needed is the name and birth date of the ill person, along with a diagnosis, if possible. What are you asking to be lifted? When you place your request in the Healing Circle of Light—located in our Prayer Room; know that as soon as you make your Prayer request and Healing request, you will begin to see positive results!
(We have had thousands of responses. Keep the Prayers going for all concerned!)
Discover the secrets of your Astrological Sun Sign, Moon Sign and Rising Sign
and read them all together, for monthly guidance and direction.
The October 11th Full Moon brings two opportunities back to back. It’s time to bring your projects and relationships to a natural conclusion. One cycle has ended and it’s time for a new one to begin. Expect the unexpected.
The October 26th New Moon in Scorpio brings a bit of relaxing and partying and then getting down to business. It’s time to release the past. This New Moon is one of the two best for transformation this year. Begin by making it your intention to release any negativity you are holding.
LIBRA: Polarity: Masculine – Sign: Cardinal – Element: Air- Planetary Rule: 7th House / Venus – Kidneys-lower back – appendix – FOCUS: Balance.
Aries (3/21 – 4/20)
Realize that what works for you doesn’t automatically work for everyone else. The October 11th Full Moon presents an opportunity for personal growth, which keeps with the theme of recent months. Accept the challenge to learn about yourself and your interaction with others. Learn to blend your desires in with those close.
Taurus (4/21-5/21)
October brings you the incentive to complete or begin a domestic project. Guard against over-optimism and don’t take on more than you can handle. Otherwise tempers will flair and strain family relationships at month’s end. Listen to your partner’s or best friend’s wise words!
Gemini (5/21-6/20)
October brings the need for physical caution. First you’ll be impatient with other people, especially when they don’t quickly grasp your thoughts and ideas. Second, watch your driving behind the wheel. Slow down Gemini! You don’t need a traffic ticket.
Cancer (6/21-7/22)
October brings an easier going month. However, there could be some financial challenges. There you will be able to control for the most part. Avoid situations where you are prone to impulse purchases and social outings that could strain your budget. Search for free or low cost family events.
Leo (7/23-8/22)
October brings increased potential for mechanical problems involving a vehicle or appliance. Schedule routine maintenance for your car. If an appliance has a problem, weigh carefully whether a repair or replacement is the right choice.
Virgo (8/23-9/22)
October eases things up a bit. Expect a few lingering expenses to pop up early on. More important is to set aside some time to wind down and meditate to put your mind at ease. Otherwise these energies could have you tossing and turning.
Libra (9/23-10/22)
In October life gets back to normal, with a few hot-spots. Do be careful to safeguard your financial information and other valuables when in public. Also, curb your generosity with friends and organizations, as you have a tendency to go overboard. Do what you can afford, and remember to take care of you first.
Scorpio (10/ 23-11/22)
October perks along well, but be careful not to overdo. You are prone to a cold or flu, to be extra good to yourself. Get plenty of sleep and fuel your body with extra foods. If something has to give, let it be your social life, because you’ll need all of your energy for a busy month at work.
Sagittarius (11/23-12/21)
September’s challenges are carried over into the first two weeks of October. You life will calm down after the Full Moon on October 11th. After the 26th do something nice for yourself; kick back a little, catch up on some sleep, and use meditation to look within and find the answers you need.
Capricorn (12/22-1/19)
The October 11th Full Moon in Aries will trigger this month’s hotspots. You’ll be pulled in two directions, making it a challenge to give both the best of your time and energy. There’s no simple solution for this challenge; all you can do is carefully budget your time and keep your family informed. The good news is these difficulties will begin to wane about a week after the Full Moon. Later in the month your focus will be on friends and socializing. Choose the weekend of the 22nd if you want to host a get-together or organize an evening with a group of pals.
Aquarius (1/20-2/18)
October continues with the finishing up of Septembers challenges to mid-month. Learning something from the past six weeks is the primary goal. Discover the faith within yourself and the inspiration that can come from inner knowledge. If you plan to travel in October, delays are possible up through the 15th.
Pisces (2/19-3/20)
October brings an easygoing life, more that in the recent past. You’ll have some remaining financial responsibilities up to the 12th at the New Moon. Then you can put these issues to rest, but only if you’ve learned from them.
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