Stargazing — Week of Sept. 23rd through Sept. 29th, 2024

Sep 23, 2024 | Stargazing

This week is crucial as the long awaited moment has finally arrived. The first wave of the 5D Ascension timeline. This energy is with us until April, 2025.

There is a strong Neptune influence in the middle of the week as the sign changes of the Sun, Mercury, and Venus. This energy id with us until April, 2025.

Issues from previous months now come back into focus. You might need to review some things that you thought were resolved and make corrections if necessary.

This week many work duties can suddenly become a tower moment as you become overwhelmed. Don’t agree to take on more than you can handle.

Venus is in tension with Pluto and enters Scorpio on Monday, September 23rd. Relationship issues are now increasingly in the spotlight. Take the time to reflect on your current needs and have clarifying conversations. It is an excellent opportunity to deepen existing relationships or open yourself to new encounters.

Confusion and doubt can arrive on Tuesday morning so put off signing papers, contracts or decisions to another day. It is time to take classes, read, and learn new information as Mercury becomes stronger intensifying our need to learn and expand our awareness. Be open to new ideas that come with flashes of profound insight. The mind and consciousness are elevated and open so now we can receive clairvoyance and information that is genius. Inventions and new tech technology can come through for the betterment of the world. Any ideas that come through today can be on the cutting edge and change your life.

Wednesday is a great day for focus, concentration, and getting things done. Mystical experiences can connect you to the spirit world. It is not a good day to make major decisions as the mind is not connected to reality, but it is a great day for expanding imagination and things not worldly. This is a day to escape and concentrate on things beyond this world. It’s a good day to go to the movies or be creative but not make major changes


Take time to meditate in a quiet place on Thursday. It’s an incredibly inspirational and innovative time for creative visualization. Look deeply into your psychology and awareness today. You may make major transformations and changes through changing how you think and how you feel about things, so today is great for self-analysis. This will be setting the energy so you can reach your personal dreams and goals.

Saturday, September 28th is a very karmic relationship concerning the fate of world leaders. There may be a powerful leader who must step down or be taken out of their position. There is a sense of great loss around the world concerning a person in power. Relationships have a certain destiny today, meeting new people could be karmic. There will be sadness and repercussions that come out of this day.

Sunday s a time of transition and change while the future seems uncertain. There is great resolve about situations that have just shifted in the world today. There is uncertainty with a deep sense of loss as things begin to transform from karmic events plaguing the world

After trining Uranus on the 24th and opposing Neptune on the 25th, Mercury moves into Libra on September 26th, simultaneously forming a trine with Pluto. Conversations require remarkable tact and the willingness to open up to new information and experiences. Take your time before making a judgment because news and messages could be quite contradictory and possibly fake news..