Stargazing — Week of Sept. 2nd through Sept. 8th, 2024

Sep 1, 2024 | Uncategorized


Week of Sept. 2nd, thru Sept. 8th, 2024

September is about the retrograde motion of the outer planets, particularly Pluto, which re-enters Capricorn and once again brings the issue of stability to the agenda.

This month, the retrograde motion of the outer planets subliminally influences the quality of time. Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto have been moving backward through the zodiac for some time now. On September 1st, Uranus will also begin its retrograde motion, which will last until the end of January, 2025. Issues from previous months now come back into focus. As Uranus stations, the planet intensifies everything it indicates – which is sudden, shocking, unexpected events.

Uranus also represents a great awakening, which most people will try to ignore but can’t! Again, so much that has been hidden is finally surfacing. The global deception is so deep it will take waves of uncovering to bring about all the corruption and secrets.

Remember, it has always been there, only now we are able to see it. Everything seems so dark now, but shedding light on the corruption gives us the opportunity to heal now that we know what we are dealing with. You might need to review some things that you thought were resolved and make corrections if necessary.

Monday, September 2nd, Pluto will enter Capricorn for the last time before it finally begins its twenty year journey through Aquarius on November 19th. In this last phase in Capricorn, it will confront us once again with challenging issues. We are in the midst of a turning point in history, and must once again carefully consider what we want to take from the old world into the new, still unknown world.

In the coming weeks, some transformative issues may encounter resistance. The price of political and economic stability could become an issue, and we can also expect conflicts over world views. Strong counter-forces could try one last time to turn back the clock.

Both the US and Canada are celebrating Labor Day on Monday, September 2nd. This Virgo New Moon rules nutrition and optimum health. Holiday barbecues are an excellent excuse to introduce healthier eating strategies.

On September 2nd, the New Moon brings a bit of relief from all the serious events in August.

However, because the New Moon is opposed to Saturn – whose energy is heavy and depressive – even the break has a serious tone. This represents the downturn in the economy and is part of the depressive energy circulating worldwide.

The Virgo New Moon is when you reap the benefit of your hard work during harvest. It is when you simplify your life by cleansing and de-cluttering. Get organized for the change of seasons.

Everyone born in the early 1960’s has this new moon landing on their natal Uranus and Pluto; think sex, drugs, rock & roll, Viet Nam, and social revolutions. Is something from your past rising to the surface?

This new moon is strong, and the accompanying planets are in adaptable signs Virgo, Gemini and Pisces. The Air and earth elements are the strongest. This supports benefits in working hard to bring your ideas into practical manifestation.

Neptune with the Moon can indicate deep deceptions being revealed, but Virgo energies can pertain to disease. This can indicate health issues for the planet. There may be a virus scare or just a bad flu season. Take extra care of your health during this time. Begin building up your immune system now.

On a positive note, the New Moon is a time to begin new projects. It’s a good time to begin anything creative and expressive. Self-expression is essential to happiness. We need to stay connected and close to our loved ones now.

Several planets are at the final degrees of the zodiac signs they are in, and that means bringing something to completion. Because the Virgo new moon is opposed by boundary setting Saturn in visionary Pisces, you will need to re-assess some of your goals and plans to manifest your higher vision in a practical way. Your idealized higher vision may need to be adjusted to work in the current world.

Finally, the karmic past lives South Node is aligned with relationship planet Venus in one of her favorite signs, Libra. For some, this can be relationships from the past, or people who remind you of people from the past, rising to the surface of your life. This is also a “release point” where someone must be released from your life.

This is a crazy time with major upheavals. In the last 4 months of 2024, everything comes down and happens all at once; the threat of war, crises, earthquakes, severe weather, and – on top of that – a race for the U.S. Presidential elections. It could not be more jam-packed with pivotal happenings impacting humanity.

The summer season is over but we may not be ready to get back to the grind on Tuesday. Resentment and laziness are hanging over us like lead balloons, making us feel exhausted. If you don’t feel like working this week, don’t push yourself to get things done. If there are no deadlines to meet, it’s better to take it slow.

Tuesday, September 3rd, there is still a New Moon in Virgo. Mars in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces and moves into Cancer on September 4th. It’s easy to get distracted into day dreams and lose any desire or determination to work, think clearly, or tackle reality.

The quality of time is serious. For some people, the energy level could be quite low, and their defenses weakened. Make sure you eat a balanced diet and maintain good psychological boundaries.

This low energy continues through Wednesday.

Thursday is your best date night. Make sure you go out to a place where the music isn’t too loud so you can enjoy your conversations.

Friday evening is an excellent time to chit-chat and catch up with your friends who may have been away for the summer.

On Saturday, September 7th, Mercury in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. It could be easy to jump to the wrong conclusions, leading to upsetting power struggles. If you’re experiencing a confusing situation, be sure to take some time out to investigate and verify facts before confronting someone.

The Sun in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces (exact on the 8th). Sunday starts off lazy, but a sense of joy and industriousness arrives by mid-morning.

Your curiosity is aroused, and with enough self-discipline, you can tackle challenging tasks. New solutions may present themselves unexpectedly

Be adaptable and accomplish something tangible in the next two weeks.