Stargazing — Week of Aug. 12th through Aug. 18th, 2024

Aug 12, 2024 | Stargazing

Stargazing — Week of Aug. 12th through Aug. 18th, 2024

The approaching square of Pisces Saturn to Jupiter can lead to critical questions about overly optimistic plans. The quality of time shifts significantly in the middle of the month. A strong field of tension is now building up, and we should not underestimate its power. During this time, there may be disruptions and upheavals on both a large and small scale. In addition to an open mind and a sense of responsibility, it takes a good measure of determination and healthy authority to turn emerging impulses into successful courses of action. The danger of the times lies in narcissistic overconfidence, which can do much damage now.

You’ll be able to get a lot of work done on Monday as long as you go it alone, because team projects could turn into a battle of egos.

Tuesday and Wednesday are dominated by a quick session of squares and oppositions of the Moon, which are disturbed by and explosive conjunction between Mars and Jupiter. Small spats could easily turn into a metaphorical nuclear war.

This charged period begins with the conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in Gemini on Wednesday, August 14th. You may make quick decisions, perhaps too quick. Some people may not agree with them at all. The mood could become nervous; words could be sharp and loud. Somehow there is a smirky glee as if there is a thrill in wasteful destruction, and then watching it all burn into nothingness. It’s important to focus on equal justice instead of perceived payback and getting even. If you can, burn off any excess energy at the gym instead of taking it out on others or the world around you.

Mercury retrograde moves back into Leo on Thursday, the 15th. While the energy seems to bring in a bit of peace and harmony, it would be easy to fall into a false sense of well-being. It may now be necessary to revisit a few decisions and agreements made in recent months, which could annoy some people.

On Friday, August 16th, Mars in Gemini reaches the square with Saturn in Pisces. People will now draw boundaries and test them. On the same day, the sextile between Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Aquarius becomes exact. Uranus joins the constellation with some orb, forming a trine to Pluto and a sextile to Neptune. Be sure you are clear headed and fighting the good fight before picking up tour pitchfork and torch.

After a stressful week, good times return for the weekend.

Such a harmonious aspect figure of the three spiritual planets is rare. It indicates a fundamental agreement in the collective mind and shapes the quality of time for the entire month of August and beyond. Saturday is an excellent time to do something fun and different and then socializing with friends in the evening. In the longer term, the social processes that are now beginning could point the way out of the current crisis mode.

Sunday is filled with romance and amorous possibilities. Be daring. Strike up a conversation with any charming potential suitor who may cross your path.