Stargazing — July 22nd through July 28th, 2024

Jul 22, 2024 | Stargazing



Full Moon in Capricorn — 30 degrees Capricorn

||virgo horoscope

This is an interesting, but hard to interpret, full moon. It is in the last degree of old school Capricorn, but aligned with transforming Pluto currently retrograde at the first degree of Aquarius. This is termed an out-of-sign conjunction where you are caught in transition between the past and future.

Add to that, Pluto will move backwards to this degree of Capricorn from September though November as it finishes its run through the sign of laws, prejudice, delays, and responsibility. Perhaps this full moon provides a hint of what is coming both personally and globally come the autumnal equinox.

Also, Mars is with Uranus in Taurus at this time and will be moving up to meet Jupiter in Gemini on July 22nd. Expect the unexpected and you can be sure there will be some crazy events happening over the next few weeks.

This is a time for radical shifts in leadership and government A complete transformation could occur.  Also, be aware of any insurance policies you have, like homeowners and auto insurance; make sure they are up date at this time.

A sacred Sabian Symbol for this full moon is: “A secret meeting of men responsible for executive decisions in world affairs.” Certainly there have been a lot of back room conversations in world politics. On a personal level, perhaps it is time to pull back from the world to make some behind-the-scenes choices about your future world?

Regardless, there will be lots of talk now because the full moon and Pluto are making a harmonious trine relationship to assertive Mars in communications sign Gemini. This energy deals with truth. So much truth is being uncovered at this time. Note that not all ideas you hear now will come into manifestation, and you can’t believe anything you hear until this energy passes. Open up to new ideas or projects, but take time to verify what you read or hear.

This harmonious connection to Mars helps you open to new ideas and new ways of thinking. This energy deals with government laws and the justice system, which seems to be in an uproar new.  Just remember it is connected to intensely feeling Pluto and the emotional ups and downs of the moon. Expect to emotionally run hot and cold on ideas from day to day.

There is going to be transformational changes coming from everything that has been evolving and happening. Please remember that this is all for the highest good, which can seem a bit difficult as you are moving through the energies at the end of July.

Finally, be aware that communications planet Mercury has entered the shadow period to prepare you for the August 4-28 retrograde cycle. A hint is that you need to cleanse and be better organized while making time for heart-opening fun and creativity.

Many things are going to have to change because the masses of people are upset; change in government, change in laws, in the judicial system. With the Full Moon in Capricorn and Cancer energy, the focus is also on protection. Pluto doesn’t fool around. It brings us massive, permanent change and transformation.  There is a lot heating up in politics and governments worldwide, Keep an eye on evolving matters. July is a pivotal month. This Full Moon will bring the truth to the Light and awareness.

This upcoming week could be a bit tense. Lie low on Monday to be fully rested to take advantage of Thursday’s positive vibes.

Group dynamics have the potential to crush the individual on Tuesday. Beware of sharing personal details of your life with a colleague or friend who will only use it as ammunition to gossip about you behind your back.

You may feel a bit overwhelmed with work and obligations on Wednesday, but your energy will return by late afternoon.

Thursday is by far the best day of the week. The Sun in Leo sextiles Mars in Gemini. It’s a five star day filled with love, compassion, and good times. Even the wallflowers and shy people will be up to mingling and breaking loose. Relax and spend the day with those you love and recharge your batteries.

Clashing egos dominate Saturday’s vibes, but if you keep your cool and rely on your instincts, all will work out to your advantage.

Sunday is an excellent day to catch up on your chores.