Stargazing — Week of Aug. 7th through Aug. 13th, 2023

Aug 7, 2023 | Stargazing

Stargazing — Week of Aug. 7th through Aug. 13, 2023


This week it’s best not to externalize your desire to control. Avoid seeking validation about your projects from others. Better to tap into your own feelings of self-worth and let your inner compass be your guide.

The early part of the week is filled with lots of contradictory energy.  It’s best to focus on working on projects independently on Monday, August 7th. The Sun and Jupiter square, and the Moon simultaneously reaches the Lunar Node, thus also squaring Pluto. If you want to realize something important, do not hesitate to execute it now. You can make excellent progress.

Tuesday ingenuity, creativity, and innovation are off the charts. Avoid seeking approval from higher-ups as they may ignore your efforts, just to feel their own importance and control. Keep your ideas to yourself until you can perfect them.

On Wednesday August 9th, hold off on relationship conversations in the morning. Relationship planet Venus makes a challenge to rebellious Uranus early in the morning in USA time zones. By late afternoon into early evening, communications planet Mercury makes a harmonious trine to generous Jupiter. This is much better for conversations as the day goes on.

Venus is square to Uranus during these days (exact on Wednesday, the 9th), Mercury trines Jupiter (on the 10th), and the Leo Sun conjoins Venus on August 13th. These are exciting, energetic days that you can use creatively. The mind is popping, making this a perfect time for working with your visionary ideas and interesting conversations.

Enjoy the magic of this time but be aware that its fruits will probably not be harvested until later, as Venus is still retrograde until early September.  With Venus retrograde squaring Uranus, accidents and upsetting, unwanted results could occur with undergoing nonessential beauty treatments or any plastic surgery. Best to postpone these appointments until mid-September.

On Thursday it may be difficult to find any people who have your back. Luckily, you may not need their support as your self-confidence gets a boost. The annual Perseids Meteor Shower should be good this year, and is best seen after midnight and before 7 am. It peaks on August 11th and 12th.

The energies turn completely positive in time for the weekend.

The Moon is in nurturing Cancer from Friday August 11th through Sunday, making it a nice home and family weekend.

Saturday is the perfect day to handle chores, while Sunday is a five star day for socializing, having fun, dating, and catching up with loved ones.

On Sunday the 13th, Venus changes from being an evening star to a morning star. Some ancient cultures considered Venus to have more of a warrior interpretation when she was a morning star. They even held off going to battle until the shift occurred. Where do you need to go to battle to put energy into relationships and finances?

As the Sun conjuncts Venus in Leo, pamper yourself and celebrate your inner Light. Sunday is one of the best date nights of the month.