Stargazing—Week of Jan. 17th through Jan. 23rd, 2022

Jan 17, 2022 | Stargazing


This promises to be an emotionally fueled week because of so many lunar aspects.

The Full Moon is on Monday January 17th at 28 degrees Cancer. This is a potent Full Moon because it’s at a critical degree, it’s in a cardinal sign, and the Sun is aligned with “let go and let God” Pluto, yet the moon is in nurturing Cancer, which is not known for letting go. On top of that, the spiritual destiny nodes of the Moon move into their new signs on Tuesday, January 18th. (From Gemini-Sagittarius into Scorpio-Taurus)

The esoteric view of Cancer is to go beyond being the caretaker, mother to everyone, to the person who teaches others how to nourish themselves by drawing their own energy from the One Source of what Hermetic Philosophy call All That Is. It is time to balance your worldly responsibilities with self-nurturing.

Tuesday brings a T Square between a highly individualistic Leo Moon squaring an intolerant Uranus in stubborn Taurus, while opposing Mercury in Aquarius. This combination indicates opposition to any kind of utopian, collective consciousness worldview. Sentiments are starting to swing to the other extreme.

Eccentric innovator Uranus is also ending his retrograde cycle to help you move forward on a fresh path. Step out of your comfort zone and move forward with strength and confidence.

A lunar opposition to Saturn on Wednesday marks a passive-aggressive resistance to authority, which is strengthened by Tuesday’s T square.

Thursday and Friday brings a zealous lunar trine with Mars in Sagittarius and a strange and crazy trine in Earth signs making you reach out for illusions v.s. reality.  A Virgo moon on Friday and Saturday asks you to eat healthy and remove clutter. If you go out on a date it will be easy to get swept away by romance and/or your illusions.

There is a clarifying conjunction on Sunday, which will help to restore a sense of rationality and lucidity, if only temporary. It brings in a mixed bag. It’s a good day for charity work or protesting, but don’t for a minute, think it will remain peaceful. The Moon squares Mars in the afternoon, which can ignite small sparks erupting into out-of-control problems very quickly. Any aspect of Mars to the Moon beings on fights and wars. Best to keep your eyes open, and stay safe.

Sunday begins to bring back a rational mind and hard work.