Stargazing—Week of Oct. 26th through Nov. 1st, 2020

Oct 26, 2020 | Monthly Astrology|Stargazing

Halloween week opens with a celestial effort to brings us balance and peace in these troubled times. On Tuesday evening, Venus enters Libra moving forwards and Mercury enters Libra moving retrograde. Venus’s “home sign” advantage in Libra highlights personal and business partnerships along with art, beauty, and social justice. Time to improve you communications in relationships. This is also a good week for balancing your financial budget.

Halloween brings a stronger ray of light to the usually dark and spooky evening because there is a Blue Moon Full Moon on October 31st, along with the wild card planet Uranus, which is aligned with this Full Moon, so expect the unexpected and allow your eccentric side to come out. Since this is the time we all celebrate and honor the dead, it’s the best time of year to finish up your projects and bring closure to your love relationships as well as any financial matters.

The Taurus Full Moon is known as the Hunter’s Moon and the added light after darkness falls allows the animals to start their hunting and gathering for winter. The following day, November 1st is All Saint’s Day and asks you to get in touch with your highest values

Scorpio demands you look beyond fears and below the surface. With the USA elections coming up early next week, the esoteric side of these signs is associated with the Heart Center, an energy where you must live in your center in spite of external world chaos.

There is an interesting combination of gentle Venus in diplomatic Libra and aggressive Mars retrograde in “speak before you think” Aries. Watch the media to see how this plays out. Let’s see if we can keep the peace.

Since this special Full Moon is including the planet Uranus, you can count on something unexpected will be added to the mix.

Sunday, November 1st also brings the end of Daylight Savings. We “fall back” one hour on Saturday night/Sunday morning, so enjoy the extra hour of sleeps this brings you.



Mercury ends his retrograde on Election Day November 3, and that could produce some challenges to the voting process. Mars continues to be retrograde until November 13 which could produce some angry words. There is also a lunar eclipse in Gemini on November 30th, the first in this sign since 2012.  The final Jupiter-Pluto conjunction comes mid-November so it will be interesting to see where the Covid virus is in its process.