This week brings us a New Moon and the Chinese New Year. (Year of the Pig) It’s time to throw out the old and bring in the New.
February settles the energy down because it is the month between January’s eclipses and the coming Mercury Retrograde in March, as well as Uranus changing signs. Get caught up on all those projects that fell to the back burner as last year came to an end.
The Moon moves into social Aquarius early on Sunday, and is at the same time, in the dark balsamic phase before Monday’s New Moon. Also on Sunday afternoon, Venus enters Capricorn until March 1st. This is a good business combination, where you can open to innovative ideas, new locations, and new friendships, and bring those ideas into manifestation.
The New Moon on Monday, February 4 is at 16 degrees Aquarius. The energy brings a time to explore new groups, friends, and organizations, and to reconnect with those you have not been with for awhile. This is a dark and quiet New Moon that favors time for designing the architecture of your life plan for 2019. At the same time, love and money Venus has entered Capricorn for the rest of February, and that is a great energy for business growth and expansion.
Develop relationships now that will help you bring your higher ideals and goals into reality. Also beginning with the Chinese New Year on February 5th, is aggressive Mars moving closer to unexpected and shake ‘em up Uranus on February 12th. Allow extra space between you and angry or impatient people, but also open your mind to inventive changes and eclectic friendships.
Aquarius can bring surprises and reversals but it also loves groups and favors innovation and changing the status quo. Seek out new friends while participating in different types of networking possibilities.
This year the Chinese New year follows on the heels of the New Moon. In 2019 the Chinese symbol is the Year of the Pig, bringing in wealth and luxury. You can have a stable and growthful year ahead as long as you work for it. Being lethargic and lazy could take away all your good
Thursday is a gentle day for easy conversations. There is a quiet enthusiasm for your ideas, but don’t push. The Moon moves into Aries for the weekend symbolizing a new cycle with perhaps a new direction for you. Aries is ruled by Mars, so get your body moving, be it the gym, a hike, dancing, yoga, or whatever gets your blood circulating.
Saturday is a particularly friendly day, but keep conversations on a light and fun level.
Pay attention to your dreams early Sunday morning as mental Mercury enters psychic Pisces, the sign it will be in through mid-April due to Mercury’s coming retrograde cycle. This extra-long cycle helps you open to a higher vision and enhance intuitive abilities; however, it also bursts illusions and fantasy-thinking to get you to that higher spiritual vision.
The Moon moves into hard-working Taurus Sunday evening through Tuesday, so get ready to go to work. You can make tangible gains through concerted effort. Use your intuition and be creative, but never ignore your practical side. “Keep it on the ground,” as they say.