AUGUST 26 through AUGUST 28, 2011
held at
The Mount Eden Retreat House
Washington, NJ
Elizabeth Joyce, Mallku and Alanna of the Andes,
and songstress Elaine Silver
You are invited to join us on this incredible spiritual journey as we prepare for 2012 and Ascension Mastery. This retreat will consist of deep meditations, high vibrational healing sessions, group exercises to join us together as well as individual attention to help you release your present and past life pain.
Experience your vibration rise to its highest level, the Spiritual Chakras ( thru 12), and Alaana’s whirling dances to promote the Unity Consciousness, which is the last step to prepare for on the Mayan Calendar, as we enter 2012.
Elaine Silver’s melodious voice will melt your heart as it opens wide to embrace and absorb universal consciousness and divine love. Her original music alone will put you in a state of Divine Bliss.
Mallku asks us to become a part of a new species of human beings endowed with unlimited consciousness, and he teaches this is the best time to absorb these new energies consciously.
Elizabeth Joyce, in her book, Ascension-Accessing The Fifth Dimension, explains how we are coming into our Mastery Power and shows us how and why. This world needs more of us to tune in to the deepest needs and expressions of our Soul. The new DNA strands your Soul brings with this alignment are activating natural forces beyond current understanding.
Vibrational Mastery Healing is a Divine Healing Energy that comes from the Fifth Dimension. Something marvelous is happening on the planet, spontaneous healing! The Divine Resolve is working through this new healing energy. Many people without significant health problems have attended the Divine Sittings, because it “lifts them up” and makes them feel much better, calmer and happier in their everyday life. The Divine Seals applied over the 12 chakra points bring a power of Universal Body Alignment that goes beyond any self-healing or natural healing technique thus far.
The wonderment begins upon your arrival at the Mount Eden Retreat Center, whose staff is dedicated to meeting your every need. You will have a spacious room for the seminar and classes, shared rooms or a private one, delicious vegetarian food, the outdoor setting to hike and explore, and a fireside meditation every evening.
For the first time our Solar System is standing in the balance our Galactic Sisters have brought to us, and we can begin to tune in and experience the changes and new ways of expression this energy and love will bring.
This group of International Teachers are of the best, and encourage us to allow the mind to be free, flowing with a natural rhythm, aligning with the Spiritual Heart Center (the 10th Chakra). Discover and attain the mastery within as you open up to higher powers, reawaken your inner talents, and move forward with certainty, strength, and accomplishment.
To survive the fifth dimension waves of the coming galactic alignment and universal changes, this retreat is one not to miss!

Spiritual Teacher-Healer-Psychic-Astrologer
Elizabeth believes that the hope for our future lies in transcending and ascension, rather that getting caught up in denial and fear. We need to set the intention, “I choose to manifest Unity Consciousness on this planet as I walk and accept the new energies of the Universal Body.” This retreat will focus on learning and experiencing the Divine Healing Seals, expanding through the shift, and moving into your Spiritual Ascension Mastery. Each one at this special retreat will have the opportunity to align themselves with the cosmic plan. become a part of the process as you contribute your spiritual energy to this event.
To prepare for this event, it is suggested you read Ascension-Accessing The Fifth Dimension (Revised Edition) by Elizabeth Joyce – found at Amazon.com.
Healers, Dancers, Andean Masters
MALLKU & ALANNA have created a beautiful history. They share 24 hours a day together and practice in their daily life all that they share in the World, making Conferences, Workshops, Individual Sessions and different Dynamics bringing to this New Generation the Ancient Wisdom of the ANDEAN MASTER PATH.
In the Andes they are building a new Ceremonial Center in relation to the Andean Cosmic-vision. During the entire year they receive people worldwide who participate with them in Sacred Journeys in the Inka and pre-Inka temples, where they work with the Solar and Moon Initiations and different Energetic Activations.
One of their messages is: “Let the mind free and the heart open, letting it flow with the natural rhythm of our own nature, discovering our natural dance and swimming in the river of the Existence, permitting our souls to be expanded and aligned with our own physical temples.” The retreat will offer an evening with Mallku at the fire pit. He will offer a glimpse of his ancient wisdom as Alanna dances. (Weather permitting.)
The Sacred Dances connect us with the Ancient Wisdom of the High Priestess in the Ancient Times, where we were in communion with Mother Earth and the Cosmos, and we were called “Star Beings – Cosmic Beings,” in communion with the Power of our Mother Nature. They have created a human Mandala with all the participants doing energetic exercises co-creating a Sacred Space of Love and Power.
Our Planet is made of movements of contraction and expansion, so while dancing you have the opportunity to know more about yourself and being aligned with the Cosmos and your Soul’s mission.
Mallku and Alanna are deeply involved in artistic productions with music events and healing programs in the Andes.
Mallku has authored Machu Pijchu Forever, City of Pilgrims, (1999), Inka Power Places-Solar Initiations (2005), and Cusco Forever (2006).
Elaine Silver has a voice you’ll never forget. It has been described as stunningly clear and fine, magnificent, rich and supple. She sings acappella or accompanies herself on guitar and banjo, and has performed in concert for hundreds of thousands at colleges, festivals, churches, clubs and children’s events throughout North America and Europe.
Elaine Silver is a performance artist who writes songs with a deep faith in the power of love, a social conscience, a unique empathy for the innocence of childhood and a great respect for Mother Nature.
As we progress further into the higher realms, we have less and less of the old world to hang onto-the world as we know it. The vibrations are changing quickly, but take heart! God and the Divine are about to lift us up into a new world of splendor. All of us have the ability to become transformed and carry the new frequencies within ourselves. We can become natural healers, manifest our desires, and bring unconditional love to everyone we come in contact with. However, we need to work at it. Only those who choose to open their eyes and see will move along with the coming tides of change and survive.
This retreat will help you to understand the profound changes that occur within a person as they open up to their higher self and Universal Body.
Retreat Price:
Shared Room – 2 beds – $600.00
Shared Room – 3 beds – $575.00
Shared Room – Dorm Like – 7 beds – $545.00
All bedrooms – have shared bathrooms
Camping – $500.00
The Retreat begins at 6:00 PM Friday night, August 26th and ends Sunday evening, August 28th, at 5:00 PM. (Before dinner.) If you choose to remain until Monday for a private session, there is an extra $50 room and meal charge. All private sessions are extra and not included in the group retreat schedule.
Vegetarian meals and lodging included in price.
Aug. 26th Retreat |