STARGAZING — Week of June 29th to July 5th, 2015

Jun 27, 2015 | Monthly Astrology|Stargazing

Full MoonThis week focuses on A Full Moon rising and a national birthday party. On Wednesday, July 1st, Venus and Jupiter meet up in Leo, which benefits children, love, finances, teaching, schools, and travel. This is the first of three duets this pair will play this year. Despite the tendency of Leo to do everything in excess, it is a time to relax, share, enjoy ourselves, and travel. Share the love with everyone around you. Be sure to get out into environments where you can meet new friends and open your mind to innovative ideas. Don’t forget to pick up that one lottery ticket, hey, you never know!

The Moon is in adventurous Sagittarius through Tuesday, the end the month. Although you may feel like taking a nap on Monday afternoon under this outgoing energy, you will recuperate by Tuesday evening. Allow room in your schedule on the 30th for play, fun lunches with happy people, or spending time in the great outdoors.

July arrives on Wednesday and is a pretty steady month without a great deal to talk about. Mars is in Cancer which is excellent for family activities or home renovation. Enjoy the month because August and September will bring important shifts to change your life.

If it’s true that the Sun is the giver of life, but the Moon makes it interesting, then July will be twice as exciting because it has two Full Moons. July opens with a Capricorn Fill Moon and although Neptune is billed as a co-star, this time it’s the good twin, whereas last month it played the villain. At this Full Moon, Neptune in Pisces is in balance and harmony with the Sun in Cancer, and the moon, which brings out all of its positive qualities, including medical breakthroughs, artistic creativity, heightened sensitivity and compassion for others.

Flag & Fireworks   Saturday, July 4th arrives under an Aquarius Moon, which is significant because in the Nation’s Solar Return Chart, the moon is in Aquarius, at the same degree it was when in became a nation back in 1776. An Aquarian Moon, with its emphasis on rebellion and personal freedom, is a symbol of those famous words in our Declaration of Independence, that “all men are created free and equal.” Indeed time and circumstance has brought us just that, with the current Supreme Court decision, after years of struggle, pain, and public demonstrations regarding the freedom to marry.

Wedding Rings

 This is good news, as was the abolishment of slavery and granting women and blacks the right to vote. It is a triple reminder, on July 4th, our nations birthday, that the United States of America was founded on the principles of liberty and justice for all.