This Is The Dawning of What? It's All Up To You!

Jan 21, 2015 | Special Messages

Aquarius  As we begin 2015, we are reminded that we are now in the middle of the second decade of the 21st Century. This era is now being called the mutable years, which will be very changeable and adaptable years. The Nodes have moved from the water sign of Scorpio into the air sign of Libra. The New Moon was in Aquarius yesterday, and Mercury is now retrograde in Aquarius, for the first time in 2015. Both the New Moon and Mercury are in early degrees, indicating that we are beginning a new, volatile cycle of sudden surprises and unexpected, fast change.

You can use this cycle in positive and beneficial ways, rather than taking to the hills. Stand your ground, clean up that which must be cleared away by January 30th, and prepare yourself for what may be coming ahead through February 11th, when Mercury turns direct again, Be assured that in these next three weeks, you will be revisiting matters concerned with whatever House Aquarius rules in your chart. Allow for flexibility and change concerning these matters. (For a full comprehension of what’s going on in your life, schedule your 2015 reading with Elizabeth Joyce. She will cast your astrological chart and explain it all to you, usually in detail.)

The cosmic tides seem to be flowing in two directions, and we are finding ourselves caught or stuck, smack dab in the middle. We are all at the beginning of a new cycle and just at the beginning of building the energy from the seeds that have been planted during the first half of January, 2015. The Sun’s alignment to unorthodox Uranus, Aquarius’ ruling planet, confirms our forward thinking approach to life. We must adapt, change, and keep up with the changing technology of the times as well. Just be sure not to allow old memories of loss and regret to invade this positive flow. Remember, 2015 is the year of recovery.

The sign of Aquarius rules the ankles, and circulatory system. Because it is ruled by Uranus, and quite unconventional, it is associated with groups, (the 11th House), love received, associations, and creating a win-win atmosphere. It also embraces technology and anything done through the air-waves, such as computers, chat-rooms, on-line classes, cell phones, tablets, and social media.

medical-insigna-glowLastly, Aquarius represents the future, technology and medical breakthroughs, along with revolutionary ideas. It will be interesting to see what direction Congress takes over the next few months. You can expect sudden hassles, re-construction of what is in place, and some kind of stand for balance and harmony. There will be so much happening over in Europe and Asia that it promises to become alarming, even on our shores.

Most everyone will be living differently by the time April rolls around. To read about the Cosmic Crash just two months ahead of us, check out the Wisdom Magazine website.