By your past-life achievements, you are now in a position to tap into the type of knowledge within the conscious mind, and also the psychic energies of the higher levels. The doors are open to you for you to choose to walk through and discover for yourself what is on the other side. You have the lifetime obligation to act as a teacher/counselor and you have mutual blessings from God and His Angels.
Obtain your Astrology Birth Chart and receive knowledge about your KARMA, including Your Karmic Life Path energies, and past life talents. This information is written out and emailed to you. Also, obtain a written explanation of your present lifetime, your Karmic Plan and potential for your vocation in life. There is no question with this service, and any astrologer can read your chart. It is your fingerprint in life, never changes, and lasts a lifetime. This report, which is emailed out to you, discusses past lives, you potential in this lifetime, your challenges to overcome and life mission.
This reading is done through email.
Elizabeth sits with your astrology chart and begins her automatic writing and she telepathically communicates with your Soul vibration, angels and guides.
It tells you why you’re here in this lifetime. It’s like an Akashic DNA reading. The tools and knowledge you accumulated from past lives are brought to the surface, as well as your character tendencies.What you have chosen to experience, heal, and correct is revealed in your astrological birth chart.