When I was instructed in a dream to create this healing air spray, in the summer of 2018, I really did not comprehend the why’s. I knew the ingredients, sandalwood, frankincense and other natural oils were powerful, and wondered what the combination would create.
Once put together, the air spray was fabulous. I had the spray blessed by Mata Amritanandamayi at her annual tour that year. Pujhita, a wonderful healer from Japan, began to use it in the healing room before and after each session. That’s when its power to clear the air from any dangerous infections or thought waves convinced me.
Then the COVID-19 virus arrived. I intuitively knew this virus was communicated via the air. Instantly the spray was used in every room in my house as well at other people’s homes.
How much effort have you put in to disinfecting groceries, kitchen counters, bathrooms as well as packages delivered? Now you can spray them with the Elizabeth Joyce Healing Spray. Yes, still wear your mask in public, and gloves while shopping or getting gas, but this is a helpful way around clearing your indoor space while helping to contain the virus.
The primary risk to contracting the virus is the 3 C’s. Close contact with others, closed spaces and crowds. Don’t just wear masks but avoid these situations altogether. However, using the Healing Spray will alleviate the closed in space, or staying home concept, and you can be comfortable that using the natural spray, will keep you protected and safe for the day. This spray is very helpful for the elderly, people in nursing homes, or the nursery and baby changing area of your home.
Elizabeth Joyce has developed a New Brite Clearing Formula spray. With Frankincense and Sandalwood, it is very powerful. This is a sanitizing and healing spray. This is good spray to clear any type of space. Any room with heavy activity such as your exercise area, the bathroom, a bedroom while you are healing from a cold or flu, and the kitchen or dining room just after dinner. It is suggested to be used generously to spiritually cleanse and clear an object. For example, if you want to refresh your crystals, spray them on the New Moon, let them sit in a window with sunlight for three hours, hold the crystals close to your heart and “think” into them that which you desire to accomplish for the new month ahead. This allows them the energy to broadcast out to the Universe your thoughts and bring back the positive results. This spray can be used by massage therapists and energy healers after each client to refresh and rejuvenate the room.